American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 484 TVA is scared: The timeline of the motherland is the sacred timeline!


Rorschach laughed, and his smile was so disdainful, "Will a person who plays God be surprised? Will a person who arbitrarily decides other people's lives be surprised?"

"Well, I admit that this is indeed a bit embarrassing. I have never been like this before."

A time guardian with a long face spoke.

Of course, it was actually Conqueror Kang who spoke to Rorschach through this puppet.

"I know everything about everyone, everything! Because I can see everyone's future."

"I know what everyone will do and say next, so I won't be surprised."

"But I just found out that your future is blurry, and I can't see it clearly at all."

"Honestly, this kind of thing has never happened before."

Conqueror Kang told the truth.

In fact, since the Time Variance Administration has been on the right track, Conqueror Kang no longer needs to worry about everything like before.

His energy has been liberated.

Because basically all things can be handled and solved by TVA in an orderly manner.

So before Rorschach invaded the Time Administration, Conqueror Kang really didn't notice Rorschach.

After all, it's just the 617 universe.

It's not the universes in the 616 universe that Kang is more concerned about.

It wasn't until Rorschach invaded TVA in a shocking way that Conqueror Kang began to be alarmed by Rorschach.

So Conqueror Kang took a look at Rorschach's future.

The result.

He was shocked.

Rorschach's future was a fog, covered up tightly, and Conqueror Kang couldn't see anything at all.

"I don't care about these things. I came here just to tell you one thing."

Rorschach's face became serious, "Don't interfere in my affairs anymore, otherwise, I will not only dismantle your Time Management Bureau, but also twist off your dog head!"


Just after saying this, a flashing portal appeared next to Rorschach.

A very short black man walked out of the light gate.

It was Conqueror Kang.

"I believe you will do it."

Conqueror Kang did not get angry, but nodded in agreement, "In fact, it is as easy for you to kill me as to crush an ant."

Conqueror Kang's words were not exaggerated.

For others, the biggest reason why Kang is invincible is that Kang knows everyone's future.

Knowing what everyone will do next.

Conqueror Kang knows every move of the opponent, so he can deal with it with ease.

But what about Rorschach?

Conqueror Kang does not know what the opponent will do next, so he naturally has no advantage.

With the powerful fighting power shown by Rorschach, Conqueror Kang is really like an ant.

"However, compared to killing me, I think you have a better choice."

Then, Conqueror Kang changed the subject and waved to Rorschach, "Come on, let's talk somewhere else."

Rorschach did not hesitate and stepped into the light gate of Conqueror Kang.

He really needed to have a good talk with Conqueror Kang and solve this matter thoroughly.


With the appearance of the light gate, Rorschach's figure completely disappeared in TVA.

He appeared in a palace that looked very empty but very desolate.

That palace was the secret base of Conqueror Kang.

"Welcome to the Cathedral at the End of Time, congratulations!"

A cartoon character projection immediately welcomed Rorschach.

Next to the cartoon character projection, Conqueror Kang stood with a smile.

He also made a welcoming gesture to Rorschach.

"Yes, welcome, you are the first person to come here in countless years."

"Strictly speaking, you are my first guest, please come in!"

Conqueror Kang looked quite enthusiastic.

Of course, this doesn't mean anything.

In Rorschach's impression, Conqueror Kang was equally enthusiastic when facing Loki who wanted to kill him.

Rorschach didn't say much nonsense, and came to the other's "office" with Conqueror Kang.

He sat down face to face with him.

Conqueror Kang even made a cup of coffee for Rorschach himself.

But Rorschach didn't drink it.

"Homelander, let me see."

Conqueror Kang didn't care. He rubbed his hands and looked on the "bookshelf" behind him.

Soon, he returned to the desk with a few thick "books".

Turn a few pages.

"In the entire multiverse, there are still seventeen Homelanders. Seventeen? This kind of thing is really rare."

Judging from Homelander's current strength, there should be many variants of Homelander in the multiverse, just like Loki.

You know, there are already hundreds of Lokis reset by the Time Administration.

This does not include those Lokis who have not violated the rules of time and are alive and well.

You know, those Lokis are the norm and the majority.

Time variant Loki is just a minority among the minority.

But why are there only seventeen Homelanders?


Rorschach's heart moved slightly.

He didn't expect that there were seventeen other versions of himself in the multiverse.

Rorschach knew why there were only seventeen.

Because Rorschach's original fate was to die.

Rorschach in the 617 universe survived because he was traveled through by Rorschach.

Then Rorschach traveled through time several times and created several time branches, that is, parallel universes.

In other words, he created several time variants of Rorschach.

Then would those time variants also create some time variants?

Seventeen is not a strange thing.

"You are indeed a strange guy."

Conqueror Kang closed the "book" in his hand, and a look of relief appeared on his face, "But fortunately, there are only seventeen."

If the entire multiverse is full of people like this who he can't see through at all, it would be a disaster.

"Okay, it's not too late to talk nonsense later, let's talk about how to solve this matter."

Rorschach looked at Conqueror Kang with a serious face and said.

"I was just about to say that."

Conqueror Kang spread his hands, "In fact, I have a good idea. From now on, the timeline of your countrymen will be the sacred timeline of the 617 universe. How about that?"

It's just a universe, which is nothing to Conqueror Kang.

"Remember what you said!"

Rorschach nodded.

He could still accept this way of handling things. In other words, TVA would never bother him again.

Conqueror Kang was still a very capable person.

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