American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 489: Collaboration with Kang, a universe full of Spider-Man


After making the decision, Rorschach immediately nodded to Hank.

Hank understood, no nonsense.

He immediately ordered his subordinates to go to the laboratory and bring over TVA's shuttle equipment.

Rorschach didn't expect it.

The equipment that I just looked down on now comes in handy.

This slap in the face, I have to say, was really loud.


Hank's subordinates brought the shuttle equipment over.

Of course, Hank didn't waste any time and immediately carried out some operations.


A flash of light opened the door.

Rorschach didn't talk nonsense. Just step into it and you will appear in TVA.

"It's him!"

"He's here again!"

"He's here again!"

It didn't matter that Luo Xia came out, there were screams of surprise all around.

The TVA agents who were coming and going all looked at Rorschach as if they were looking up at the devil.

Fear and panic were written on his face.

Not long ago, Rorschach's nightmare of sweeping through TVA by himself is still vivid in his mind.

"Everyone, keep working!"

But then a voice sounded.

But it was Judge LaVona, the TVA housekeeper, who showed up in person with several personal guards.

After she saw that everyone around her was being suppressed by Rorschach, she had no choice but to speak to stabilize the situation.

Only then did he come to Rorschach.

After looking Rorschach up and down, the justice's face was full of surprise and confusion.

The Time Guardian actually wants to meet in person, the guy who turned TVA upside down!

Could it be that the Time Guardian doesn’t remember anything this guy did in the past?

How could they not care at all!

Who is this native of the motherland?

But even though Lavona was puzzled, since the Time Guardian told her, she had no choice but to do it.

"Follow me, fellow countryman, the guardians of time are waiting for you."

After quickly putting her thoughts away, Lavona had no nonsense.

After greeting Rorschach, he brought Rorschach to the Time Guardian.

Looking around, the Time Guardians are now three again.

The guardian who was killed by Rorschach reappeared fine.

"People of the motherland, I never thought we would meet again so soon."

The time guardian in the middle spoke, with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Conqueror Kang is still in a very good mood.

"How should I put it? Things are unpredictable." Luo Xia spread his hands.

"Yes, who knows what will happen in the future? I can't see through your future and it's not worth being happy about, but this makes my work the only fun."

"It's like watching a movie, watching how the story develops and what happens to you. I'm not that bored anymore."

Kang the Conqueror sounded like he was chatting with old friends.

But Rorschach had no intention of continuing the chat with Kang the Conqueror.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. You should know why I'm here."

Rorschach made his request to Conqueror Kang, "If you help me this time, I owe you a favor."

"Very fair."

Kang the Conqueror did not refuse. This matter was really nothing to him.

In addition, even if Rorschach is told about this, it will basically have no impact on the sacred timeline of the multiverse.

So Conqueror Kang didn't talk nonsense and directly told Rorschach the answer he knew.

"Thanks Kang!"

"I still need to go back to save people, so I won't tell you more."

Rorschach said hello to the Time Guardian and left the Time Management Bureau.

"How about Rorschach?"

"How is the result?"

Back in Craco, Charles, Eric, and Hank all looked at Rorschach eagerly.

Hope is written on every face.

"I already know which universe it is."

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Luo Xia nodded slightly.

The tight muscles on Eric's faces suddenly relaxed.

Then Rorschach took out the Infinity Gauntlet again and opened a shuttle door.

"Everyone, please wait for my good news."

After saying hello to several mutant backbones, Rorschach stepped into the space door.

Click, click, click!

It didn't take long.

The space door closed automatically and disappeared completely.

Luo Xia's figure completely disappeared in front of everyone.

next moment.

Rorschach appears in another parallel universe.

The first thing that needs to be done is to grasp some basic conditions of this world.

With a thought in his mind, Rorschach immediately spread out his super hearing, covering the entire world.

A moment.

All kinds of sounds poured into Rorschach's ear drums.

"Breaking news, sad news, our hero Spider-Man has left us."

"His death is related to a mysterious earthquake that occurred in Brooklyn today."

"It has been confirmed by multiple sources that Peter Parker is a 26-year-old intern and part-time photographer who has played the role of Spider-Man for nearly ten years."


A look of surprise appeared on Luo Xia's face, and a piece of news immediately caught his attention.

Spider-Man, dead?

At the age of 26?

The Spider-Man of this universe did not expect to die so early.

But Rorschach only sighed, that's all.

Whether Spider-Man dies or not has little to do with him.

Rorschach's main mission this time is to find the person who opened the quantum gap.

From there, enter the quantum realm and rescue Raven and the others.

So Rorschach regained his spirit and continued to "eavesdrop" on the sounds of this world.

Not long after.

Rorschach had a basic understanding of this world.

This is a universe without Avengers and X-Men, but with Spider-Man.

That's right.

Just like Toby's Spider-Man trilogy and Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man, this is a Spider-Man universe.

"What the hell? Another Spider-Man?"

"Not only that, Spider-Man is Peter?"

"What about Gwen? What is the Gwen in this world?"


"I... I'm dead?"

"I still have golden hair! How perfect, I was such a perfect Spider-Man back then."


"Everything is colorful, completely different from my world."

"The only thing that is the same is that there is also Spider-Man in this world, and his uniform is better looking than mine!"

In addition, Rorschach also heard some other interesting voices.

According to those voices, there is not only one Spider-Man in this world, but many Spider-Mans!

And those other Spider-Men, like Rorschach, are from other universes.

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