American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 490: My Countryman: I am a visitor from another dimension who traveled across the universe

Rorschach immediately fell into deep thought.

There are so many Spider-Mans traveling from other universes. Why is this plot so familiar?

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse!

Can’t be wrong!

Rorschach's eyes suddenly lit up, and many related details matched each other.

In this universe.

Kingpin's wife and daughter were frightened by the sight of him fighting Batman and drove away in a hurry.

As a result, they accidentally got into a car accident and both died unexpectedly.

In order to see his wife and daughter again, Kingpin secretly built a particle collider underground in Brooklyn.

In order to open the multiverse channel, trying to "invite" wives and daughters from other universes.

Could it be because of that particle collider?

Although there is no evidence of this so far, the energy erupted from the collision of the particle collider was so terrifying that it caused Spider-Man from several universes to travel through it.

Isn't this exactly what Hank said, one universe triggering a quantum frenzy that then affects other unrelated universes?

The Kingpin collided particles in this universe, and the result was that it affected a whole universe at once!

From this point of view, there is no doubt that the Kingpin collision tore the universe apart and destroyed the stability of space and time.

And according to Hank.

The reason why Miss America had an accident was because she opened a space door in unstable time and space!

This is consistent with the impact of particle colliders so far.

Looking even further, the principle of particle collision is quantum mechanics.

The experiment of particle collision involves the quantum realm.


Right again!

After sorting this out, Rorschach became even more excited.

He felt that they were already inseparable.

It was probably Jin Bin's particle collider that accidentally opened a gap in the quantum realm, causing the energy in the quantum realm to burst out, swallowing up Riven and the others.

Then what Rorschach has to do next is very simple, find Kingpin and let him open the gap again.

Then Rorschach entered the quantum realm from the same entrance and was able to find Raven and the others.

Ok, deal!

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

But before that, let’s verify our guesses.

Let’s see if this universe is the universe of “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”.


Rorschach used his super vision and clairvoyance to look in the direction of the Spider-Man he captured.

Gwen Spider-Man, Shadow Spider-Man, middle-aged decadent Spider-Man, black Spider-Man Miles, two-dimensional girl Spider-Man Penny...

These Spider-Mans with different styles and distinctive personalities all caught Rorschach's eyes.


Can't be wrong.

It is indeed the world of "Parallel Universe".

In that case...

Rorschach didn't waste any time and immediately activated his super hearing.

Start sifting through related sounds about the Kingpin, particle collision experiments, and so on.


Rorschach's eyes lit up.

"found it!"


Rorschach swayed and the person suddenly disappeared, leaving only a sonic boom in place.


next moment.

The sound of sonic boom appeared outside a "company" located in the woods.

That's right, the company.

The company's name is emblazoned on the wall: The Alchemy Company.

But Rorschach's super hearing has picked up all the sounds in this company.

He knew clearly that this was Jin Bin's secret experimental base.

It is also the control center of the particle collider.

At this moment, everyone in the entire building is conducting urgent and rigorous analysis of the last failed experiment.

Rorschach didn't quite understand those terms, but he thought they were very powerful.

He didn't waste any words and immediately locked onto Jin Bin's voice.

Then using super vision and clairvoyance, Jin Bin's figure immediately appeared in Rorschach's sight.

But at this moment, Kingpin was sitting in his office.

In front of him, a scientific researcher wearing glasses and a white coat was reporting the situation to Kingpin.

However, the woman's back was turned to Rorschach at the moment, so Rorschach did not see her face.

Otherwise, Rorschach would know that the scientific researcher was no ordinary person, but the famous Doctor Octopus.

That's right.

In this universe, Doctor Octopus is a woman and a loyal subordinate to Kingpin.

"Because the last experiment was interrupted by Spider-Man, strictly speaking, it was not an effective experiment."

"The analysis department is analyzing the recorded data, but because the idiot Green Goblin threw Spider-Man into the energy flow, causing serious pollution of the data, this will be a long work."

"I don't want to hear this."

Kingpin interrupted Doctor Octopus, "You just need to tell me whether the collider works or not."

"That's it."

Doctor Octopus pushed up his glasses, "If other Spider-Man appears in our world, it means that the collider is useful. If not..."

Doctor Octopus spread his hands, and his meaning was already obvious.

"Give me some practical advice!"

Kingpin frowned slightly.

The energy required for a collision is too huge. After the last experiment interrupted by Spider-Man, Kingpin can only conduct one collision at most.

In other words, next time it has to be a practical exercise, not an experiment.

So the analysis of the last experiment is crucial.

There's no way he could pin all of this on something as ridiculous as finding other Spider-Man.

"Okay, I will keep an eye on those data personally, if there is any progress..."


Doctor Octopus was only halfway through what he said when there was a loud noise behind him.

But the window behind it was suddenly smashed by a strong force.

Then an extremely young figure suddenly jumped in.

Kingpin and Doctor Octopus were each surprised.

You must know that Kingpin is the underground emperor of New York. No one has ever directly entered Kingpin's base camp like this.

But the two of them were just surprised, that's all.

There was no panic or nervousness at all.

After all, both of them are super villains.

"This is really a first time."

Doctor Octopus was still in the mood to complain, "Not even Spider-Man has done such a thing."

Spider-Man, that's Kingpin's old enemy.

During his long "debut career", he spent most of his time fighting against Kingpin.

But even the other party has never broken into Jin Bin's base camp.

"it works!"

Rorschach ignored the reactions of Kingpin and Doctor Octopus and said bluntly, "The collider is working. I am a person from other universes."

This sentence immediately surprised both Kingpin and Doctor Octopus.

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