American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 491 I am stunned. Who on earth are the people from my motherland?


Doctor Octopus raised his eyebrows and began to look up and down carefully at Rorschach.

However, it is indeed impossible to tell with the naked eye whether they are people from other universes.

"Forget it, whether you are or not, just analyze it and you will know." Doctor Octopus quickly made a decision.

"I'm not here for you to analyze."

Rorschach laughed, and then said to Kingpin in a tone that could not be criticized, "From now on, I will take over this experimental base."

This tone was simply astonishing.

Jin was unmoved and showed no reaction on his face.

A big boss like him would naturally not express his emotions and anger easily.


The door was suddenly pushed open at this time.

But a man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked like an iron tower, rushed in.

This person is none other than a super villain: Tombstone.

Although he is not too famous, he is still a proper super human.

Possessing invulnerability, extraordinary strength, body insulation, and many other abilities.

There was a lot of noise when Rorschach broke into Jin Bin's office before. Tombstone who was guarding outside was naturally alerted and rushed over immediately.

Tombstone glanced at the broken window and the sudden appearance of a new person in the office, but he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

He turned his hands and as fast as lightning, two guns appeared in his hands.

But Rorschach didn't even look at the tombstone, and just waved his hand casually.

It's like if a fly flies in front of you, you just drive the fly away.

The tombstone that had just rushed in was shaken violently, and the person was thrown backwards like a cannonball.


The door was smashed into pieces.

Tombstone, a super soldier, was smashed to the ground like garbage.

Then, he stopped moving.

Kingpin and Doctor Octopus both looked surprised.

With Tombstone's ability, he can actually be killed?

This person who claims to be from another universe is actually so powerful?


Doctor Octopus took off his white coat without any nonsense.

It revealed the tights underneath that only superheroes or supervillains would wear.

Swish, swish, swish!

The four octopus claws that were shrunk in the device behind him also stretched out immediately.

This version of Doctor Octopus's claws are not mechanical claws.

Instead, it uses a "flexible" claw made of a material that can be inflated and retracted.

It shrinks behind the tights when not in use, and automatically inflates and pops up when in use, which is quite convenient.


After the octopus claws were released, Doctor Octopus immediately controlled the four octopus claws and grabbed Rorschach fiercely.

Rorschach still just waved slightly, nothing more.


Doctor Octopus immediately followed in Tombstone's footsteps.

The person suddenly flew out and hit the wall hard.

A big hole was made in the wall.


He lay motionless on the ground.

Jin Bin, who had been sitting comfortably at first, finally couldn't sit still any longer, and he suddenly stood up.

Its huge size makes it feel like a small mountain.

I have to say that Kingpin's size is indeed a bit exaggerated.

However, Jin Bin is not a fat man. So many "bulks" on his body are muscles.

This is a great guy who can hold down Spider-Man and beat him up violently.

"No wonder you dare to come to my place and act wild. It turns out that you are not an ordinary person."

Jin Bin looked at Rorschach in front of him solemnly and spoke in a deep voice.

Luo Xia didn't say much to the other party, but extended his hand to Jin Bin.

The huge power of thought immediately acted on Jin Bin.

Kingpin immediately felt a pair of invisible hands strangling his neck.

He lifted his entire body into the air.

Jin Bin tried his best to struggle, but it was of no use.



Several exclamations sounded, and the other two shadows rushed over at extremely fast speeds.

Surprisingly, there are two more super villains: the Prowler and the Scorpion Man.

It has to be said that Jin Wei in this universe is a bit too awesome, and he has a lot of super villains under his control.

And looking at the fighting prowess of those super villains, to be honest, there is no problem at all in being tough on the Avengers.

The Prowler and the Scorpion Man saw that Kingpin was actually caught in the air, Tombstone and Doctor Octopus also fell down, and their faces showed a look of shock.

Who is this guy in front of me? Could he have knocked down so many people in such a short period of time?

The two immediately rushed towards Rorschach.

But there is no doubt that these two people did not have time to get close to Rorschach, and were killed by Rorschach with a wave of his hand.

It's so easy and effortless.

With so many super warriors under Kingpin's command, and Kingpin himself, he was as weak as an ant in front of Rorschach.

"Who...are you?"

Kingpin finally couldn't keep calm anymore. His face was full of shock, and he stared at Rorschach and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I need your collision laboratory."

Rorschach said directly.

"This is impossible!"

"Give up on this idea!"

Jin Bing refused without hesitation.

He was an underground boss after all, so how could Jin Bing give in so easily?

Not to mention, the collision experiment was Jin Bing's only hope to reunite with his wife and daughter, so he would not let it go easily.


"You can't do that!"

Rorschach smiled coldly and waved at Jin Bing, and Jin Bing flew in front of him.

Rorschach grabbed him and soared into the air.

He broke the window and flew out.

He flew all the way to the huge laboratory of the particle collider.

He actually...can fly!

Jin Bing was stunned by Rorschach again.

He can fly without any help, isn't that a bit exaggerated?

Who is this guy from another universe?

"Why did you bring me here?"

However, Jin Bing's face became more and more ugly when he was surprised.

Why did this guy bring him to the accelerator site?


Rorschach didn't say much, but two extremely blazing heat rays burst out from his eyes and shot at the wall on one side.

Immediately, two deep, burning grooves were shot on the wall.

"Stop, stop!"

There was no time to shock Rorschach why he could shoot lasers with his eyes, and Kingpin immediately yelled nervously.

Rorschach put away the heat rays and said to Kingpin expressionlessly: "Cooperate with me, otherwise, I will destroy the collider!"

Kingpin was speechless for a moment.

Because Rorschach's threat was not an exaggeration, but a real one.

The other party really has this ability!

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