American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 492 Super boss? You have to kneel before your countrymen too

At this moment, the particle collider is indeed Kingpin's weakness.

Kingpin’s only weakness!

So after Jin Bing's face was distorted for a while, he finally chose to surrender: "Say your conditions."

"The last time you had a particle collision, it not only tore apart space and time, but also opened the entrance to the quantum realm. This caused me a lot of trouble."

"What I want you to do now is have another collision."

Kingpin: "..."

? ? ?

Is this what you want?

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Even if Rorschach doesn't ask for this kind of thing, it's still what Kingpin has to do, okay?

Although it is not too clear what kind of Jin is at the entrance to the quantum realm, it is fine as long as it does not prevent him from continuing to collide.

"There's nothing wrong with that!"

Kingpin immediately nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Rorschach nodded and took Kingpin back to the other party's office.

When Doctor Octopus woke up, he immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, staring at Rorschach with fear and vigilance.

As for the other super villains?

But they couldn't stand up again because they were all killed by Rorschach.

The reason why Doctor Octopus was spared was not because Rorschach was soft-hearted.

It's because this guy is not only a super villain, but also a super scientist.

Kingpin's particle collider is clearly led and responsible for by Doctor Octopus.



Kingpin waved his hand and explained to the other party, "There was a small misunderstanding. Now the misunderstanding has been resolved."


He killed several of Kingpin's super subordinates as soon as he came up. Is this a misunderstanding?

It seems that this person who claims to be from another universe is really not simple.

So quickly, Kingpin compromised.

However, Doctor Octopus felt relieved when he thought about this person's terrifying strength, which made those who were at the ceiling of the world's combat power look like ants.

It seems that it is not too strange for such a person to grasp Jin Bin.

"I understand, so we are partners now, right? This one?"

Doctor Octopus quickly adjusted his mentality and even greeted Rorschach with a smile.

"A native of the motherland." Rorschach reported his name.

People from the motherland?

Doctor Octopus raised his eyebrows, and Kingpin on his side also fell into deep thought.

The two of them have been together for most of their lives, but they have never heard of such a number one person.

When Rorschach claimed that he came from other universes, both of them still had doubts.

But at this moment, they believed it a little bit.

With Jin Bin's rank, if there really is such a great god in this universe, how could he not know about it at all?

"So, you really come from another universe?"

There was a kind of fanaticism in Doctor Octopus's eyes, the kind of scientist-like fanaticism, as he looked at Rorschach, "But it doesn't make sense. The Green Goblin put Spider-Man into the collider as a biological sample. If it is against If the collision works, it should be Spider-Man who shuttles over..."

But the person in front of him is clearly not Spider-Man.

"When did I say that I was pulled here by a particle collider?" Rorschach smiled at this time.

? ? ?

Both Kingpin and Doctor Octopus didn't quite understand what Rorschach meant.

Could it be that this person traveled through the universe on his own?

But since this is the case, how can he dare to assert that the particle collider is useful?

"After I came to your universe, I met other Spider-Man, so I know that the particle collider is useful."

Rorschach explained again, and Kingpin and Doctor Octopus just reacted.

"Then what is your purpose, my motherland? Why do you want me to collide with each other again?"

Jin Bin looked at Rorschach at this time and asked a crucial question.

"Because of your collision experiment, it caused me a lot of losses!"

Rorschach sneered.

He briefly explained the matter of opening the entrance to the quantum realm.

Originally, Rorschach planned to ask Doctor Octopus to go to the laboratory to verify whether the entrance to the quantum realm was really opened as he said.

However, Doctor Octopus, as the general person in charge of the collision experiment, has already known about this situation.

"Yes, this collision experiment did affect the quantum realm, and indeed, as you said, it opened an entrance to the quantum realm."

"However, our purpose is only to open the channel to the multiverse, so we did not pay attention to matters in the quantum realm. We deeply apologize for the 'collateral damage' caused to you."

Doctor Octopus made an insincere apology to Rorschach.

But what exactly Rorschach's purpose is is crystal clear.


Rorschach plans to open the quantum portal again and bring back those who were devoured.


Hearing that Rorschach had this purpose, Jin Bin couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it is certain that Rorschach's purpose has no conflict with him, and can even be said to be highly consistent.

He doesn't have to worry about a terrifying figure like Rorschach coming to ruin his plans.

"When will the next collision begin?"

Rorschach was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Kingpins. He just looked straight at Doctor Octopus and asked.

"One week later."

Doctor Octopus knew that it was meaningless to hide it, so he told the truth.

"Beep beep!"

"Beep beep!"

At this moment, the piercing alarm sounded suddenly.

King Bing's face darkened.

Another incident?

What's going on?

One Homelander is not enough, another one?


The door was pushed open, and a big man in a suit and leather shoes quickly reported to King Bing: "Boss, Spider-Man has invaded our base, Dr. Octavius, they stole your computer host."

There is no doubt that the Spider-Man here must be the Spider-Man who came from other universes.

The few people who had received intelligence from Rorschach a long time ago were already clear about this matter, but they were not surprised.

"Then you, what are you still doing?"

King Bing just glanced at the big man expressionlessly.

The big man immediately felt as if he was stared at by a beast.

He shrank his neck, responded immediately, and hurriedly retreated.

"Spider-Man, what a trouble."

The octopus claws on Doctor Octopus' body also stretched out, and after a few stretches in the passage, he chased out at an incredible speed.

Spider-Man invaded Kingpin's base?

Rorschach used his perspective and super vision to take a glance.

Sure enough, he saw that it was the same as in the plot.

The middle-aged decadent Spider-Man and the black Spider-Man were fleeing in a panic under the pursuit of a group of people.

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