American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 493: As long as we have our motherland, no matter how many Spider-Men there are, what does i

It is very interesting that the black Spider-Man actually has the ability to be invisible.

Although this guy has just "debuted" and his "business ability" is not very proficient.

But with this skill of invisibility, he can still barely deal with the pursuit of so many of Kingpin's men.

Of course.

His ability is invisible under Rorschach's perspective.

But Spider-Man is completely a scum in front of Rorschach.

Although Rorschach knew that Spider-Man was plotting to destroy Kingpin's particle collision experiment, he did not intend to intervene.

He only needed to enter the quantum field when Kingpin started colliding again and the entrance to the quantum field was opened.

Whether Spider-Man destroyed the collision or not afterwards had nothing to do with Rorschach.

"Remember, one week!"

Retracting his thoughts, Rorschach said this to Kingpin, and then he shook his body and disappeared in an instant.

After Rorschach left, Kingpin's face became gloomy.

As the king of the underground in New York, he had never been threatened and manipulated like this!

However, Kingpin also understood that with such terrible strength of Homelander, he was simply not able to deal with it.

Although he was very upset to be ravaged by the other party.

But at present, it seems that he has no other choice but to "cooperate" with the other party.

Fortunately, the other party's purpose does not conflict with his, and will not pose a threat to the particle collision experiment.

It will not affect Kingpin's "saving his wife" plan.

And this is the most important thing for Kingpin.

Kingpin quickly stood up, tidied his suit, and returned to "work".

Even if Rorschach didn't say much, the second collision must start in a week!

No one can stop this.


Doctor Octopus's operation to capture Spider-Man has undoubtedly failed.

And in this operation, three Spider-Men have appeared.

This made Kingpin's face even uglier.

Let alone three, even one would bring him endless troubles.

He and the other party didn't know how many times he fought before finally killing Spider-Man.

Now, there are three!

If it were normal, Kingpin wouldn't be too worried, after all, his strength is not to be underestimated.

But the terrible thing is that not long ago, Homelander killed most of his trusted confidants.

In addition to Doctor Octopus, who was useful to Homelander, there was only one Green Goblin left who didn't appear at that time.

Although it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with three Spider-Men with the addition of some other people, it would add many variables to his experiment.

But what Kingpin didn't know was that there were not three Spider-Men in their universe at present, but six!

Needless to say, the next step is naturally not to be said.

While vigorously promoting his collision experiment, Kingpin used a lot of resources to find Spider-Men.

But Spider-Men are not to be underestimated.

In addition, they are all "visitors from other dimensions" and have not left many traces in this world.

It is still very difficult for Kingpin to find them within just seven days.

Until the collision experiment was fully prepared and the collision was about to take place, Kingpin had no clue at all.

But even so, it was not enough to make Kingpin hesitate, and the particle collision experiment went on as usual.

And Rorschach, without any doubt, appeared on the scene again.

Appeared in the operation center of the particle collider.

"Kingpin, is everything normal?"

Rorschach glanced at the technicians who were working in an orderly manner, and looked at Kingpin to confirm.

"Everything is normal, and the collision can be carried out in twenty minutes."

Doctor Octopus answered confidently on the side.

Rorschach nodded: "Very good."


But at this time, Doctor Octopus changed the subject, "We may encounter some minor troubles, and Spider-Man will definitely come to stop the collision experiment."

Rorschach's mouth corners raised a meaningful arc.

Is Kingpin planning to use himself as a gun?

To help him get rid of Spider-Man?

But then again, Spider-Man is indeed a trouble for Rorschach.

At least before the particle collider opens the quantum entrance, Rorschach cannot let Spider-Man disturb him.

Moreover, most of Kingpin's men were killed by Rorschach, so it was indeed a bit difficult for him to stop Spider-Man.

"Leave Spider-Man to me, and you can just prepare the experiment."

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

Kingpin and Doctor Octopus saw Rorschach's attitude and felt relieved.

With such a rebellious guy like Homelander, what are Spider-Man?

But what Kingpin and Doctor Octopus didn't know was that Rorschach didn't really intend to kill Spider-Man.

He just asked them not to hinder him temporarily, that's all.

Kingpin's collision will affect the stability of space and time. Spider-Man is doing the right thing, and Rorschach has no reason to stop him.

"Collision enters a one-minute countdown!"

"Fifty-nine, fifty-eight..."


The preparations were almost done, and a mechanical synthesized sound resounded throughout the control center.

Rorschach, Kingpin, and Doctor Octopus stood in front of the huge glass wall, watching the huge "pipeline" outside slowly start.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

And at this time, as expected.

Several guys in uniforms came swinging on spider silk, and one by one they clung to the wall.


Kingpin's face suddenly became ugly, as gloomy as if water was about to drip out.

What he least wanted to see was Spider-Man coming out to make trouble, but now, Spider-Man is still here.

And it's not three as mentioned in the intelligence, but six!

Although there are some obvious inconsistencies in the style of some pictures.

But yes, Kingpin saw clearly that everyone was swinging on spider silk, there was no doubt about it.

All six were Spider-Man!

This is fucking.

With Kingpin's current configuration, it's hard to beat three Spider-Men, let alone six.

"Homelander, if you don't want the collision experiment to be ruined by these troublesome people, then get rid of them all."

Kingpin turned his head and looked at Rorschach and said.

Rorschach just smiled lightly and didn't say much.

With a sway of his body, he smashed the window and flew out.

"OK everyone, I'll insert this thing into..."

The wall.

The six Spider-Men were gathered together to discuss the next action, and suddenly they heard a sound of breaking through the air.

And their spider senses also sensed a very dangerous feeling.


The six Spider-Men tensed up and immediately stopped what they were doing, subconsciously turning their heads to look around.

They saw a young man with an oriental face, just floating beside them...

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