American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 494 Spider-Men are stunned: What kind of pervert is Homelander!

What's going on?

This guy can actually fly!

And he can fly without any equipment!

Are you kidding me!

The six Spider-Men were all surprised.

Each of them had fought many super villains, and there were naturally some who could fly.

But those who could fly were not based on "real skills", but all relied on external objects.

It was the first time they had met someone like Rorschach who could "fly in the flesh".

"Cool, so cool!"

"How did you do it, man!"

"I have to say, this is a bit exaggerated."

"This guy looks very powerful."

"There is no such guy in our universe."


In addition to being surprised, a group of Spider-Men began to chatter and talk to each other.

It was like a group of flies buzzing in front of Rorschach.

The lethality of the six chatterboxes was not to be underestimated.

"You are here to stop the collision experiment. I'm sorry, I can't let you do this for the time being."

Rorschach said to the six Spider-Men indifferently.

"Then I'm sorry!"

After saying this, Shadow Spider-Man rushed towards Rorschach.

He swung the spider silk and rushed in front of Rorschach, and kicked him cleanly.

He had mastered the three key words of fast, fierce and accurate, and Ye Wen said it was good.

But it was a pity.

He was completely a piece of trash in front of Rorschach, so weak that he couldn't be any weaker.

Rorschach just waved his hand lightly.


Shadow Spider-Man seemed to be caught and thrown out by an invisible big hand.

He flew back and hit the wall hard.

The wall was cracked.


All the Spider-Men were shocked.

Although they had expected that this flying guy would be very strong, it was a bit too exaggerated to be so strong, right?

Waving his hand, Shadow Spider-Man was knocked away?

What a joke!

"What a big trouble!"

"It seems that we have to deal with him first!"

The Spider-Men didn't have any more nonsense, and rushed towards Rorschach.

But Rorschach still just waved his hand lightly.

The five Spider-Men, like the Shadow Spider-Man, flew back and smashed against the wall.

Then Rorschach stretched out his hand again.

A huge mental force imprisoned the six Spider-Men on the wall.

They couldn't move at all.

"What's going on? What's going on!"

"I said this guy is too exaggerated!"

"He's not a human!"

The Spider-Men's hearts were filled with huge waves.

Everyone's face under the mask was full of shock.

No, it should be said to be shock.

If they hadn't experienced it personally, they would never believe that there would be such a terrible person in the world.

They were six Spider-Men, but they were as weak as ants in front of this person.

"Listen, I need Kingpin's collision temporarily, but it's only temporary. I'll be gone soon."

"You can wait until I leave before doing what you want to do."

Until this time, Rorschach started to explain to the Spider-Men.

If it was before the action, the Spider-Men would definitely not believe Rorschach easily.

But now, everyone believed Rorschach's words.

This man is so powerful that it's as easy to crush them as to crush ants. Why did he go to such great lengths to lie to them?

"It seems that this is the only way."

"Fortunately, he didn't come to stop us. I was really desperate just now."

"Man, how long do you need to leave? I also need to send them away."

The Spider-Men started to chatter in front of Rorschach again.

Rorschach smiled and didn't explain much to the Spider-Men.

He just took back his telekinesis, that's all.

The Spider-Men suddenly felt their bodies relax and regained their freedom.

Of course, no one would deal with Rorschach in such a tactless way.

Instead, they looked at Rorschach with great interest.

"Hey, I'm Spider-Man, um, we are Spider-Man, what about you?"

The black Spider-Man was the first to ask Rorschach.


Rorschach gave his name.


Several Spider-Men began to ponder, who is this person?

They have never heard of him before.

But it doesn't matter, from now on, this name will be deeply engraved in their minds.

"You are not Kingpin's man?"

Gwen Spider-Man spoke second, and she made a natural judgment.


Rorschach spread his hands.


"How can this be!"

Kingpin in the control center saw that Rorschach did not kill the Spider-Men at all, and even started chatting with them, and his face became so gloomy.

How could he not understand what Rorschach meant?

This person never intended to help him from beginning to end.

Its only purpose is to use me to enter the quantum realm, nothing more!

This feeling of being used blatantly and without any disguise is really very bad.

Jin Bing is still very angry.

But what made Kingpin even more angry was that he was completely powerless to change all of this!

Collision He must collide.

Even if he knew that the people of his motherland were going to take advantage of his collision, he couldn't stop.

"I knew that guy was unreliable. Spider-Man can only be left to you two."

Kingpin then said to Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin with a gloomy expression.

"Although it's a bit troublesome, I think there should be no problem."

Doctor Octopus put on his windproof glasses and glanced at the humanoid Green Goblin on one side, "Right, Osborn?"

"Of course!" Osborne laughed ferociously.

"After the motherland enters the quantum realm, you should kill the Spider-Man immediately!"

Kingpin was very satisfied with the attitude of his two capable men, so he ruthlessly issued this order to them.

no way.

The strength of the people of the motherland is really terrifying.

If he rashly angered the people of the motherland at this time, Kingpin was really worried that Doctor Octopus would also be killed by the people of the motherland.

That would really be more of a loss than a gain.

So we can only wait.

Doctor Octopus also understood this truth. She calmed the eager Osborn and began to patiently stare at the relevant data on the panel.


Doctor Octopus's eyes lit up: "The quantum portal is opened again!"

Jin Bin on the side also lit up.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the plague god of the motherland should leave?

Has the entrance finally opened?

Rorschach's super hearing has been paying attention to Kingpin's people, and at the same time, his mental power is also staring at the various data on the experimental panel.

He also knew immediately that the entrance to the quantum realm was open.

Even without looking at the panel or "eavesdropping" on Doctor Octopus, he could clearly see that a quantum frenzy broke out again.

The entrance to the quantum realm has indeed been opened again.

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