American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 502 The mysterious person that interests the people of the motherland



Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Hank's hands were typing rapidly on the computer.

On a virtual screen in front of him, various data and curves were flashing.

Although everyone can't understand it, it looks very powerful.

In front of Hank was the butler Raven.

The "collar" around Raven's neck is connected to several special "wires", which are constantly flashing light.

"Hank, are you okay? I've been sitting here for an hour."

Raven's voice sounded, and she became a little impatient with the waiting, so she couldn't help urging Hank on the side.

"This is technology from the future!"

"There are some technologies that are not available in the current era. Although they are just simple modules, it will take some time."

"Ruiwen, if you are tired, I can interrupt temporarily and we can continue after you have rested enough."

Hank pushed up his glasses and said to Raven seriously.

This is actually the reason why Rorschach did not wipe off the "collars" on the necks of Raven and others when using gems to open the space door.

Nothing else.

That thing has certain research value.

Suppressing the

But being able to seal abilities other than mutant abilities is something even Krako can't do.

What it contains is worth digesting and absorbing.

"No need, go ahead."

Raven spread her hands.

She was just complaining casually, not that pretentious.

What's more, as a mutant, even though her ability is only transformation, Raven's physique is far stronger than ordinary people.

Sitting for so many hours is nothing but boring.

"In half an hour at most Raven, I can open it."

Hank was not polite to Raven. He greeted her and continued to operate.

It was said to be half an hour, but only ten minutes had passed.


With a soft sound, the "collar" around Raven's neck finally opened.

The other party took off the thing and threw it on the table.

"Don't let me see it again!"

Ruiwen despised being authentic.

That thing was a shame to her.

"Don't worry, you won't see it again."

Hank just laughed.

Then he glanced at Miss America on the side and waved to her: "America, okay, it's time."

"Senior Hank, you are really amazing!"

Miss America exclaimed from the bottom of her heart.

Although she has not been joining Kraco for too long, it is definitely not short.

He also knows some of the great gods in Krakow very well.

Needless to say, there are several core X-Men, including Hank, the chief scientist, who left a very deep impression on Miss America.

She had heard that Hank was the biggest contributor to Krako's ability to become the most advanced country in the world.

Krako's advanced technology that surpasses the current era is almost all driven by Hank.

This is one of Krako's great heroes.

"I'm just doing my job."

While Hank humbly responded to Miss America, he continued to perform the corresponding operations.

Hank has successfully found a way to crack the "collar" at Raven's place, so the next crack is very simple.

It only took him less than five minutes to remove the "collar" from Miss America's neck.


Just a few other X-Men.

"This damn thing has been taken off."

Wolverine blew out a smoke ring leisurely, shook his head and complained.

He almost couldn't help but cut off the thing with his claws!

"Okay, everyone, let's go back and rest. It's been a hard day these days!"

Rorschach clapped his hands and said to the X-Men who had just escaped from trouble.

Several X-Men were not polite, and after saying hello to Rorschach, they left one after another.

"Your Majesty Rorschach!"

Miss America, on the other hand, couldn't wait to come to Rorschach, stared at Rorschach seriously and asked, "You said before that this incident was not caused by me?"

Miss America has always been worried about this matter.

Miss America would really feel uneasy if she didn't get a definite answer from Rorschach.

"Aren't you... comforting me?"

Miss America asked weakly.

"of course not."

Rorschach laughed.

So he explained everything to Miss America about the instability of space and time caused by Kingpin's particle collision experiment.

Just now, Miss America breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that His Majesty Rorschach is really not comforting himself.

This accident was indeed not caused by himself.

She just has bad luck!

It can be said that the girl is completely relieved.

If this is the case, then my X-Men assessment should be fine, right?

I should be able to become a member of the X-Men as I wish, right?

When she thought of this, Miss America couldn't help but become excited.

"Your Majesty Rorschach, I'll go down first."

After saying hello to Rorschach, Miss America also turned around and walked down with great interest.

Like a cheerful elf.

In the afternoon.

The X-Men gathered together again, and Eric, Charles and other backbones also rushed over.

Everyone shared the relevant causes and consequences of the "Quantum Domain Incident", as well as some of the experiences and encounters of Miss America and others in the quantum domain, etc.

Learn the lessons that should be learned and summarize the experience that should be summarized. There is nothing to say about this.

Almost an hour later, this meeting on unexpected events in the quantum domain was over.


However, Eric stopped Miss America privately and told her a good news, "By the way, I want to tell you that you have passed the assessment, which means that you are now an X-Men."


"That's great!"

Miss America was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Her wish was finally fulfilled.


Charles also came to Rorschach and handed him an invitation.

Rorschach took it and saw that it was the wedding invitation of Reed Richards from the Fantastic Four.

Charles had mentioned this to Rorschach a long time ago.

Rorschach was not interested in this kind of thing at first, but now, Rorschach has changed his mind.

Because he recalled which version of Reed in his universe was it.

If he remembered correctly, a very interesting person would appear at the time of Reed's wedding.

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