American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 503 Silver Surfer's Grand Appearance

"Half a month later?"

"I'll go to support you."

Rorschach made a decision, and he nodded to Charles.

"Well, this is a little beyond my expectations."

Charles was a little surprised.

Based on his understanding of Rorschach, Rorschach should not attend his wedding at all.

As for Charles?

And Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and other members of the Illuminati?


Reed didn't invite them at all.

The Illuminati is a secret organization that only meets and handles major events in secret.

Besides that, there is almost no intersection in everyone's life.

In the eyes of the public, Reed and other members of the Illuminati don't even know each other.

So why did Reed invite Rorschach?

Nothing else.

Reed had previously cooperated with Krako in some scientific research fields.

After all, Reed is known as the smartest person in the world and a super scientist.

Even Krako has sponsored some of Reed's research projects.

It was reasonable for the other party to invite Rorschach.

But it was just a courtesy, and Reed himself never expected Rorschach to actually attend.

"Just think of it as...experiencing life."

Rorschach smiled.

Because everything was speculation, Rorschach had not decided yet, so he did not tell Charles in detail.

He just passed it by vaguely.

Charles certainly knew that Rorschach would not accept this invitation just to experience life, but he did not ask more.

Rorschach had his own reasons for making such a decision!

"I think Reed will be caught off guard too."

Charles imagined in his mind that Reed would be very excited when he saw Rorschach appear at the wedding.


Half a month later.

A luxury building in New York.


With the sound of shutters, the flashing light of the spotlight illuminated everyone's eyes.

Looking around, the entrance of the building was already crowded with people, and there were even many police officers on the scene to maintain order.

The reason was simple.

This is the wedding scene of Mr. Fantastic Reed and Invisible Woman Sue from the Fantastic Four.

Although everyone is used to superheroes nowadays.

But anyway, the wedding of two superheroes is definitely a hot news.


With such a brake sound, a cool luxury supercar appeared at the scene.

The car door opened, and a playboy jumped down, immediately leading the scene to a climax.

The person who came was none other than Johnny the Human Torch, the cynical one from the Fantastic Four.

He is also very popular among the entire superhero group.

After all, Johnny the Human Torch's ability is very cool!

Flames burning all over his body, like a meteor streaking through the sky, the visual effect is simply full.



The reporters who were stopped outside, one by one, stretched out the microphone in their hands.

He kept shouting at Johnny the Human Torch, trying to get a first-hand interview.

"I just want to say one thing about this wedding. Please respect our privacy."

Johnny the Human Torch became serious for the first time.

But before he could be serious for a second, Johnny the Human Torch laughed, "Just kidding, we will sell the exclusive photos to the person with the highest bid, so go bid online!"

Johnny the Human Torch's style is indeed a bit like Tony Stark's style.



Needless to say, Johnny the Human Torch's words immediately ignited the atmosphere at the scene.


But at this moment.

A sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Everyone immediately felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a very familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

The scene was slightly stunned, and then it exploded.


"It's the Homelander!"

"The Homelander is here too!"

As if a bomb was thrown out, the scene exploded.

There was an uproar.

Who could have thought that Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman's wedding would attract a figure of Homelander's caliber?

Tai San Wai!

Big news.

In an instant, the focus of the scene was on Rorschach.

Who would care about Johnny the Human Torch?


"I didn't expect you to really come."

"I thought Reed was just bragging."

Johnny the Human Torch was also stunned for a moment, then he put away his cynical attitude and straightened his face.

He came to Rorschach to say hello.

He was always cool and cool in front of other people, but now standing in front of Rorschach, it was like a naughty student in the class standing in front of the class teacher, and he unconsciously restrained himself.

"Johnny, are you sure you have nothing to do with Captain America?"

Rorschach teased him.

There's nothing he can do.

This guy looks too much like Captain America, just like twins.

"Homelander, I didn't expect you to be so gossipy."

Johnny Human Torch smiled, ignored everything else, and began to greet Rorschach with great enthusiasm, and brought Rorschach to the wedding venue.

"People of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

"You read that right, the people from the motherland are actually here!"

A lot of people had gathered at the venue, and everyone was still talking and laughing as if nothing had happened.

But when Rorschach appeared, needless to say, he suddenly became the only focus and core of the scene.

Everyone came swarming over to say hello to Rorschach.

"I really don't know if it's right to invite people from the motherland to come over. This is really overshadowing the host."

Johnny the Human Torch couldn't help but want to cover his face when he saw the fiery situation at the scene.

Although a visitor of the level of a native of the motherland has a long face, it is just a bit too long.

The limelight suddenly overshadowed the protagonist of the wedding.

"Come on!"

Johnny Human Torch's girlfriend couldn't help but spat at Johnny Human Torch, "You got a bargain and acted like a good boy. Even Stark's wedding wasn't attended by the people of the motherland. He is still the nephew of the people of the motherland."

"I know, I'm just pretending." Johnny Human Torch said with a coquettish smile.

It was lively for a while, and then it finally calmed down.

Luo Xia and other guests were all seated, and the atmosphere was great.

After waiting for almost another twenty minutes, the protagonists of the wedding, Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, appeared in front of everyone's attention.

They walked to the priest holding hands with each other.


But at this moment, Luo Xia couldn't help but feel something in her heart.

His super perception has detected something.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked towards the sky. A guy riding a silver surfboard and covered in silver immediately appeared in Rorschach's field of vision.

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