American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 504 Swallowing Stars? What is that in front of me?

Silver Surfer!

That's right, the one who suddenly appeared this time was the Silver Surfer.

Who is the Silver Surfer?

The messenger of the Devourer of Planets, who specializes in helping the Devourer of Planets find planets that can be devoured in the vast universe.

And this time, the Silver Surfer found the Earth!

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

And soon, Reed, who was standing in front of the pastor and accepting the pastor's blessing.

A mobile phone on his body immediately rang with a rapid reminder sound.

Reed hurriedly took it out and saw a big exclamation mark on it: "Cosmic energy detected, approaching New York!"

Reed's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

"I can't believe you actually brought this thing to our wedding!"

The Invisible Woman couldn't help complaining on the side.

"Sorry Su, I had no choice."

Reed explained to Su with a bitter face, and then begged the pastor, "Can you be faster?"

"There are many kinds of love in the world..."

The pastor skipped his originally prepared long speech and planned to come to the last link.

"Can we jump to the end?" But Reed still thought it was not fast enough.

Pastor: "..."

I have presided over so many weddings, but I have never seen such a strange request.


But at this moment, a strange wind suddenly blew.

All the power systems of several surrounding streets were paralyzed.

Not only the power system, but all electronic systems were also paralyzed.

The operating system of a media helicopter that was filming and broadcasting in the sky suddenly failed, causing the entire aircraft to lose control.

It fell towards the wedding scene with a rumble.

There were screams at the scene.

The people who were originally attending the wedding in a lively manner suddenly fell into panic.

But at this critical moment.

Rorschach in the crowd suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand to the helicopter in the sky.

The huge telekinesis was used.


The out-of-control helicopter suddenly stopped.

Not only that.

Under Rorschach's extremely powerful telekinesis, the rapidly rotating propeller also stopped.

The whole plane quickly "lightly" landed on the ground.


Seeing Rorschach easily stop the helicopter, Reed and the Invisible Woman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They secretly felt lucky.

Fortunately, the Homelander came!

Otherwise, it's hard to say what would happen at the scene.

Although the Fantastic Four are powerful, no one can stop an out-of-control helicopter.


It was also at this moment.

A silver figure suddenly passed through the air.

It was the Silver Surfer.

Obviously, the accident at the scene was caused by the Silver Surfer.


Reed immediately called Johnny the Human Torch, intending to let Johnny track down the silver guy.


But before he finished speaking, Rorschach's figure disappeared all of a sudden.

Johnny couldn't help but spread his hands to Mr. Fantastic Reed: "It seems that I am not needed. This is just right. This is a valuable suit."

If Homelander takes action, is there any need for his Thunderbolt?

Rorschach's speed is much faster than Silver Surfer. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer glanced at Rorschach and waved at him fiercely.


An extremely powerful energy attack suddenly shot towards Rorschach.

Rorschach just waved his hand lightly, that's all.

He easily blocked Silver Surfer's energy attack.

Seeing this, Silver Surfer showed a little surprise on his face.

Then he started to attack Rorschach with energy one after another.

But all of them were blocked by Rorschach.

"I know you can understand what I say, and I also know why you came to our planet, so I think we need to talk."

Rorschach flew straight to Silver Surfer and said to him.

"Everything will dissipate, and everything will cease to exist."

Silver Surfer didn't say much to Rorschach, but just said this prophetic word.

"That's not necessarily true."

Rorschach smiled, "Planet Devourer is not invincible. In fact, Planet Devourer has been defeated many times by others."

"Do you know Planet Devourer?"

Silver Surfer, who was flying at high speed, suddenly froze in the air.

Just staring at Rorschach, even the sculpture-like face showed a hint of surprise.

"How do you know this name?"

Silver Surfer stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

That's right.

He was indeed sent by Planet Devourer to help Planet Devourer find a planet that meets the requirements of the other party and can be swallowed by the other party.

And the earth.

It perfectly meets the requirements of Planet Devourer.

Not only that.

Planet Devourer has also known this news and is rushing to the earth from the universe.

It will arrive on the earth in about eight days and swallow the entire planet.

Because if the Devourer of Worlds doesn't appear, it's fine. But once it appears, it will destroy everything, leaving no grass behind.

The Silver Surfer could not have imagined that there were still people on this planet who knew Galactus.

"Yes, not only do I know about Galactus, I also know that he is coming soon."

Rorschach spread his hands towards the Silver Surfer.

Now the plot of the Silver Surfer's appearance perfectly matches the plot of the Fantastic Four in his impression.

According to that plot, in a few days, Planet Eater will appear on the earth and devour the earth.

That's right.

This is a star-killing crisis.

But Rorschach was not panicked at all.

Uncle Tun, he knows everything.

Although he is clearly a being at the level of the five gods, and can be said to be a powerful being, he is often defeated by others.

The strength has long been lost.

It doesn't matter if he is defeated by characters like Odin, Thor, or Thanos, but Galactus has even been defeated by many second- and third-tier heroes.

It's really a bit embarrassing to the gods.

Especially this version of Galactus, Rorschach clearly remembers it, being killed by the Silver Surfer with one self-destruction.

Even weaker and turned into a scumbag.

That's why Rorschach can be as steady as an old dog.

Such a planet devourer, with Rorschach's current strength and the addition of so many infinite stones, he completely ignored it.

"In that case, why don't you leave."

Silver Surfer looked at Rorschach seriously and asked.

"Because there is no need."

Rorschach confidently said to the Silver Surfer, "The Galactus is nothing to me."

Silver Surfer was immediately stimulated by Rorschach.

Galactus is nothing?

Isn't this person's pretense a bit too much?

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