American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 505 Just leave the Star Devourer to me

"If you want to be destroyed along with this planet, that's up to you."

The Silver Surfer didn't intend to say anything to Rorschach. He turned around and flew away again into the distance.

But Rorschach just waved his hand.


A huge wall of telekinesis appeared in front of Silver Surfer.

The Silver Surfer suddenly hit the wall of telekinesis, and was immediately blocked by Rorschach.

"Want to leave?"

"I'm sorry, when you came to this planet, it wasn't you who had the final say!"

Rorschach grinned at the Silver Surfer.


Silver Surfer let out a sharp shout and waved his hands towards Rorschach.

A fierce energy attack hit Rorschach again.


But at this moment, a sonic boom sounded, and the Rorschach flew in front of the Silver Surfer as fast as lightning.

Of course, this is on the premise of dodging the Silver Surfer's powerful energy attack.

Just like that, he punched Silver Surfer hard.

With an extremely dull sound of impact, Silver Surfer's body shook and he fell over.

Like a meteor falling from the sky.

And Silver Surfer’s surfboard?

However, Rorschach grabbed him as soon as he reached out and did not fly out with the Silver Surfer.

"Got the surfboard!"

Rorschach couldn't help but look happy, and put away the surfboard with a flip of his hand.

This thing is exactly the goal of Rorschach's trip!

According to the settings, Silver Surfer's surfboard can absorb cosmic energy.

The Silver Surfer is so powerful because of this surfboard.

And what about Rorschach?

It can also absorb cosmic energy.

But its absorption speed has reached its limit.

This surfboard is an opportunity to break the limits of Rorschach!


Luo Xia, who was in a great mood, swayed and quickly flew towards the ground.

However, they saw that a large pit had already appeared on the ground, and the Silver Surfer was climbing up from the pit with great effort.

He looked at Rorschach who landed in front of him and couldn't help but change his opinion: "I somewhat believe what you said now."

The Silver Surfer, who was transformed by Galactus, is the kind of super boss who stands at the top of the pyramid in the entire galaxy.

Especially when riding a surfboard, the Silver Surfer can use cosmic energy endlessly, which is equivalent to opening a huge trick.

But he never imagined that someone could take his surfboard away by force!

This shows what?

This shows that the strength of the young man in front of him is completely superior to the cosmic energy that the Silver Surfer can mobilize!

This is a bit too amazing.

"I know you have no choice but to help Galactus. Leave that guy to me and I will destroy him."

"But this..."

Rorschach picked up the surfboard, "I want it!"

"I'm no match for you, so I have no choice now."

Silver Surfer can still see the situation clearly.

"You can stay in Krakow until things are sorted out."

"When this is over, I will send you back to your own world."

"Let's go!"

Seeing that people had gathered around him, Rorschach didn't waste any more time.

He waved to the Silver Surfer, and a wave of telekinesis surrounded him.


next moment.

The person disappeared.

Silver Surfer felt like his eyes were blurred, and the surrounding scenery kept changing like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar, yet picturesque place.



The chief housekeeper, Raven, immediately came to Rorschach with Scott, the thunder god eye.

The two of them took a look at the Silver Surfer with a unique look, and couldn't help but sneer at him.

What is the relationship between this old man brought back by Rorschach and Colossus?

Could it be that he is Colossus' long-lost brother?

"Rorschach, who is he?"

Raven couldn't help but stare at Rorschach and asked.

"It's a long story, let's take the people down first."

Rorschach gave an instruction casually.

Rui Wen nodded and immediately arranged the manpower to escort the Silver Surfer down.

The Silver Surfer, who has lost his surfboard, has very average strength, and it is impossible for him to make waves in the hands of the X-Men. Rorschach is still relatively relieved.

And then.

Rorschach returned to the meeting hall and briefly explained the matter of Silver Surfer to everyone.

"That guy comes from another planet?"

"He was assigned by Galactus?"

"In a few days, Galactus will come to devour the earth?"

After understanding the whole story, all the X-Men were dumbfounded and completely stimulated.

Galactus, which feeds on planets, is a bit too exaggerated, right?

"Rorschach, can we really deal with such a person?"

Eric expressed his worries.

Even if everyone knows that Rorschach is very powerful, he can easily kill any universe overlords, bosses from different dimensions, etc.

But swallowing planets or something, isn't it too exaggerated?

"Don't worry, everyone, I am sure of dealing with Galactus."

Rorschach smiled confidently.

"Reed is here. I think he is also here for the Silver Surfer matter."

While discussing things, Charles suddenly noticed something and immediately told everyone.

Charles' guess was correct.

Mr. Fantastic quickly told everyone the purpose of his visit, which was indeed about the Silver Surfer.

It turned out that during this period, the military's satellite had captured images of the Silver Surfer flying in space.

But the military didn't know what it was, so they found Mr. Fantastic.

Seeking Mr. Fantastic's help.

"So, Homelander, maybe you can tell me what that thing is?"

After Mr. Fantastic explained the whole story, he looked at Rorschach with an inquiring look.

Rorschach then told Mr. Fantastic about the Silver Surfer and Devourer.

Mr. Fantastic was also stunned.

"So~ what should we do?"

Mr. Fantastic couldn't help but show a worried look.

The existence of the Devourer Planet also made him feel a little suffocated.

"Reed, leave this matter to Krako."

Rorschach smiled at Mr. Fantastic and said to him confidently.

Seeing Rorschach so confident, Mr. Fantastic felt relieved.

He was very tactful and didn't ask any more questions. After saying hello to everyone, he left Krako.

As for Rorschach?

After he separated from the X-Men, he immediately took out the surfboard and jumped on it.

But as expected, the surfboard was not something that anyone could use directly by jumping on it.

Anyway, the surfboard had no reaction at all.

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