American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 506: Homelander beats up Star Devourer, one of the five great gods

But Rorschach was not discouraged.

He remembered very clearly that in the original movie plot, Doctor Doom captured this surfboard.

And managed to ride a surfboard.

Became an enhanced version of Doctor Doom.

But in the end he was defeated by the "fused" Fantastic Four.

What Doctor Doom can do, there's no reason why Hank can't do it, right?

"It's Hank again. It seems that Clarko really can't live without Hank."

Rorschach sighed sincerely, and took his surfboard to Hank's laboratory.

Handed the surfboard to Hank.

Hank is asked to "hack" the surfboard and find a way to ride it.

"Leave it to me Rorschach!"

Hank was as reliable as ever, and he agreed without thinking.

Rorschach was relatively relieved after placing the surfboard with Hank, so what happens next...

"Let's go meet Galactus!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

Without any hesitation, he flipped his hand and took out the Infinity Gauntlet.


When the six Infinity Stones on the Infinity Gauntlet all shone with dazzling light, Rorschach's spiritual power covered the entire universe.

Galactus was also found by Rorschach immediately.

Just like Rorschach's impression, Galactus is in the vast space at this moment, heading towards the earth at high speed.

Not only that.

Rorschach, who controls six Infinity Stones at the same time, is really like a god at this moment and can do almost anything.

He also immediately sensed some of Galactus's strength.

Sure enough, Galactus was nothing but a scumbag in front of the six Infinity Stones.

Rorschach can take him out easily.

Think about it too.

How powerful can a guy who can even kill the Silver Surfer's self-destruction be?

If that's the case, what else does Rorschach have to hesitate about?

With a thought in his mind, he used the power of the infinite stones to travel through space.

A purple energy flow immediately surrounded Rorschach and disappeared immediately.

And at that same moment.

There was also a purple energy ball flashing across the vast starry sky.

Luo Xia's figure emerged from the energy group.

In front of Rorschach, there is an endless "particle flow".

Covering the sky and the sun, no, it should be said that it covers the starry sky, which is boundless.

That was clearly the "real body" of Galactus.

"I know you are hungry, but the earth is not something you can swallow!"

Rorschach said directly to the huge swallowing star in front of him.

"You want to stop me?"

The dull and suppressed sound was like thunder, sounding from all directions and reverberating throughout the world.

The momentum simply cannot be described in words and words.

"It's not stopping you."

Rorschach's voice sounded extremely domineering, "If you don't leave right away, I will kill you!"

"Kill me? Hahaha!"

Galactus smiled disdainfully, "You are holding the Infinity Stones in your hand, right? I didn't expect that you actually collected all the Infinity Stones, but do you think you can stop me?"

With the rank of Galactus, he is naturally familiar with things like Infinity Stones, and even knows a lot about Infinity Stones.

It is precisely because of this that Galactus is not afraid of Rorschach at all.

After all, something as heaven-defying as the Infinity Stones cannot be used by just anyone.

If your physical fitness is not good enough, you may not be able to exert the power of the infinite stones at all, and you will be directly attacked and die.

Even according to Galactus' understanding, looking at the entire universe, there is no race that can use the Infinity Stones at will.

Even a powerful race like the Titans do not have such strength.

Even if they use six gems, they will also suffer severe backlash.

Now it is even more impossible for this barren planet to be devoured by Galactus to have such a character.

"No one can stop me!"

Galactus's voice was a little higher.

The surrounding "particle flow" that covered the starry sky also surged crazily.

It was as if the entire universe was turbulent along with it.

Immediately afterwards.

Those particle flows turned into a terrifying storm and struck Rorschach fiercely.

"Ignorant of good and evil!"

Luo Xia let out a cold snort.

The right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet formed a fist and struck hard at the incoming particle stream.


A terrifying energy suddenly burst out, impacting on the particle flow.

The particle flow was immediately defeated and rolled back.

"You can actually... use the power of gems to such an extent!"

Galactus's voice was full of surprise.

this moment.

His contempt for Rorschach completely disappeared.

What replaced him was deep surprise.

Swish, swish, swish!

next moment.

The boundless flow of particles around Rorschach began to surge crazily.

They quickly gathered together and slowly condensed into a human form.

The human form gradually became clearer from its outline, and some details quickly became richer.

A flashy-looking, non-mainstream man appeared in front of Rorschach.

It was Galactus.

"With the civilization level of planet C53, I am very surprised that someone like you can be born."

Tunxing looked Rorschach up and down, "You broke the usual routine."

It's not me who broke the routine, but the system that broke the routine!

Rorschach secretly complained in his heart, and then raised his fist, "So, do you choose to die or change a planet?"

"Is it too early to say this now?"

Tunxing smiled, "If you can only exert the power of the Infinity Stones to this extent, it is far from enough!"


Rorschach raised his eyebrows and raised his fist directly to Tunxing.


The six Infinity Stones lit up at the same time, and a huge force immediately acted on Tunxing.


Tunxing let out a low roar.

The whole person suddenly burst out with a terrifying energy that was even enough to destroy the world.

To resist the power of the Infinity Stones.

Don't say it, Tunxing is really not covered up, and he actually blocked it!

Although it only blocked for a second.


A second later, the ball of energy that Galactus had shot out collapsed in an instant.

The power of the Infinity Stones immediately enveloped Galactus.


Galactus was instantly blasted into slag by the power of the Infinity Stones.

However, the boundless particle flow in the surrounding heaven and earth still did not dissipate.

Because Galactus was not dead.

Rorschach did not really kill Galactus.

Although he clamored to kill him, Galactus' identity was not simple after all. He was one of the five gods anyway.

According to Rorschach's impression, Galactus and Eternity had a lot of origins, and their relationship seemed to be unusual.

Not only that, Galactus, like several other gods, represented a necessary space-time element in the universe.

Such an existence, Rorschach would naturally not kill rashly.

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