American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 508: Rapid increase in strength, return to the DC world

The matter of swallowing stars is finally over.

Several months passed, and the other party did not come to Luo Xia for any trouble.

It seems that Rorschach also adopted a tacit attitude towards the matter of detaining the surfboard of one of his messengers.

This was not beyond Rorschach's expectations.

After all, Silver Surfer is just one of Galactus' messengers.

In addition to the Silver Surfer, Galactus has other messengers.

Facing someone like Rorschach who could easily defeat him, there was no need to worry too much.

The surfboard has become Rorschach's cheating device.

Being constantly stepped on by Rorschach, it is used to absorb the surrounding cosmic energy.

With the help of the surfboard, Rorschach's strength increased rapidly at a speed that was unimaginable before.

Since Galactus, the world of Marvel has also returned to peace.

No more powerful supervillains appeared, and nothing happened that could attract Rorschach's attention.

But at the same time.

There was no opportunity for Rorschach to become stronger.

In other words, this opportunity to become stronger appeared a year later.

"Rorschach, success!"

"I did it!"

After more than two years of hard work, Hank led his scientific research team to study day and night, and finally solved the problem of low kryptonite conversion efficiency.

"Three years!"

"Rorschach, give me three years and I can convert all the ores into kryptonite!"

Hank said to Rorschach excitedly with two dark circles under his eyes.

Hearing this, Luo Xia couldn't help but become excited as well.

Three years!

You must know that based on Oliver Queen's technology, this time is exaggerated to fifty years.

Hank shortened this time by ten times!

"Great Hank, you helped me a lot!"

"I knew you could always be relied upon!"

Rorschach patted Hank's shoulder hard.

"I wish I could help you."

Hank was also very excited, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Although Rorschach never urged him, Hank understood how much Rorschach valued this matter.

Hank has been working hard in his heart and wants to get this thing done for Rorschach, but there has been no progress.

Hank was also very anxious.

But in the end, he still lived up to Rorschach's hopes.

Of course, there is no need to say more next.

Hank immediately used all of Krako's resources and began to transform the kryptonite mountain that Rorschach had transported.

Of course, Rorschach would not wait until all the transformations were completed before absorbing it.

Whenever a certain amount of kryptonite is produced, Rorschach will absorb it.

Basically, every time you absorb it, you will get an increase of 100,000 level source points.

It can be said that Rorschach can feel a surge in strength every few months.

Not to mention how sour and refreshing it is.

Until Rorschach consumed the entire kryptonite mountain and obtained one million level source point enhancements.

Plus it has three times the original cosmic energy absorption efficiency.

It can be said that Rorschach's strength has increased several times compared to before!

Its power can reach 200,000 tons, and its speed can also reach 100,000 meters per second!

This kind of strength has to be said to be very amazing.

Of course.

No one will be easily satisfied with becoming stronger, and the same is true for Rorschach.

Ever since the surfboard was snatched away from the Silver Surfer, Marvel hasn't had any chance to become stronger for a long time.

In the past few years, Rorschach has been waiting for the transformation of Kryptonite Mountain, nothing more.

But now, the Kryptonite Mountain has been completely consumed.

In that case...

"Let's go and see other worlds."

Rorschach made such a decision.

As for which world to go to?

After some brief thought, Rorschach decided to visit the DC world next door.

Counting the time, it has been several years since I left the DC world.

When he first left, Dachao was just a senior in high school, and Batman was also a fledgling young boy.

The same goes for superheroes like Green Arrow and The Flash.

I wonder how those people will change after returning this time?

Rorschach was quite looking forward to this.

And beyond that.

In the DC world, there are still some opportunities that Rorschach has been eyeing for a long time.

For example, the sacred trident of Atlantis.

Once you master that thing, you can command all creatures in the ocean. It's a real artifact.

According to the setting, it is also a weapon of Poseidon.

Naturally, Rorschach would not let such a good thing go.

Of course.

This is not the only thing Rorschach is interested in.

After all, counting the time, now is the time when the DC storyline should get to the point.

So according to Rorschach's consistent experience, the possibility of the system issuing tasks is relatively high.

The chances of earning Origin Points will also be much greater.

Unlike in the Marvel world, it would be nice to be able to release a few missions a year.

After all, the main and branch lines of this world have basically been completed, and there is nothing left to go on.

If Rorschach wants to continue to harvest the origin points, he can only develop a new world by himself.

"Ok, deal!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

That night, he gathered all the mutant backbones together and announced his decision.

"What, Rorschach, you're leaving again?"

"Like last time, to other universes?"

All the mutant backbones were caught off guard by Rorschach's decision.

Rorschach left for six years last time, and now he's only been back for a few years?

Not as long as the last time he left.

However, all the backbones knew Rorschach's character very well.

They knew that since Rorschach had made a decision, he would not change it easily.

So no one tried to persuade Rorschach.

"This time, you won't be away for so many years again, right?"

Raven just glanced at Rorschach, a little resentful, "This is not a qualified king."

"Raven is right."

Charles also laughed, "Maybe this time, you can try to come back often, anyway, you have the Infinity Stones."

"My fault."

Rorschach spread his hands, "The last time was special, this time, I will come back often."

The faces of all the mutant backbones looked much better.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more.

Rorschach briefly explained some matters related to Krako, and then said goodbye to the mutant backbones.

But when leaving, Rorschach called Miss America over.

In front of Miss America, he opened the world channel to DC.

"I am in this universe. If there is anything in Krako, you can come to this universe to find me."

After saying this to Miss America, Rorschach strode into the space gate.

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