
The next moment, Rorschach's eyes blurred.

A strange yet familiar world appeared in front of Rorschach.


That's right.

Rorschach directly opened the space door to Smallville.

He remembered very clearly that he still had a house here.

After so many years, I don’t know what it’s like anymore.

Swish, swish, swish.

The sound of footsteps rubbing the ground continued to sound.

Rorschach walked leisurely towards the town while releasing his super hearing.

Take in the sounds of the whole world.


Some basic conditions of this world were known to Rorschach.

Batman has become a madman known throughout the world, and the Flash is also a household name in Midtown and several surrounding cities.

However, in terms of global popularity, it is not even a little bit worse than Batman.

Wonder Woman Diana is even more low-key, still a legend-like existence.

As for Aquaman?

Well, it still only exists in some small town legends.

Even more legendary than Diana.

What about Superman?

It doesn't exist at all!

Rorschach knew immediately.

It seems that Zod has not yet appeared, and Clark Kent is not well known to the world.

The fact that the other party is still living in Smallville is the best explanation.

"Mom, how about we move away?"

"Move, where?"

"You can go anywhere. You often talk about the metropolis. I think it might be a good choice for us to move to the metropolis."

Under Rorschach's gaze, he saw Clark Kent accompanying his mother Martha, sitting in the yard of the farm having a heart-to-heart talk.

Martha's face looked very depressed, and there was no life in her brows, as if she had encountered something painful.

Clark also looks a little less energetic.

This is increasingly confirmed.

In fact, Rorschach's guess was correct.

Just a year ago, Clark Kent's father, Jonathan Kent, died in an accident.

Even more fucked up.

Jonathan died in front of Clark.

With Clark's ability, let alone saving his father, there would be no problem even if he could rescue everyone in the storm at that time.

But Jonathan stubbornly refused to let Clark show his abilities in front of others.

Clark also obeyed his father's instructions and did not take any action from beginning to end.

Watching his father die in front of his eyes.

Die before Martha's eyes.

So this place is a sad place for Martha, because everything here reminds Martha of Jonathan Kent.

This is why Clark Kent suggested moving.


Rorschach withdrew his gaze right here.

He is not a voyeur, as long as he understands some basic information, there is no need to keep an eye on Clark Kent.


"You're Rorschach!"

While "monitoring" the world, Rorschach has unknowingly arrived in the town of Smallville.

Although he has been gone for a while, he still stayed in this town for a while.

One after another, some people greeted Luo Xia in surprise.

Rorschach responded to this with a smile and a nod.

It was just like revisiting an old place, and Rorschach's leisurely figure appeared on various roads in Smallville.


He came to his "home".

Because it has been in a semi-abandoned state for too long, it cannot be inhabited unless it is tidied up inside and out.

For the super rich Rorschach, he would naturally not do it himself.

Just throw out a wad of money and everything is settled.

In just two days, the house was cleaned and all the furniture was replaced with new ones.

Rorschach moved in again.

Of course.

With Rorschach's wealth, he could definitely move to a better place.

But how can I put it, Rorschach did stay in this house for a long time, and he still had certain feelings for it.

Rorschach is still a little nostalgic, but it is just a place to live, so it is good to live in this place.

Crack and crackle.

In the small courtyard.

Rorschach was grilling skewers leisurely.

The aroma of meat is already wafting out, and the barbecue in your hand is starting to turn a little golden.

Rorschach's saliva was almost drooling.


But at this moment, Luo Xia felt something in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Luo Xia opened his mouth and said leisurely to the "air" in front of him.


And with his words, Rorschach's door was opened.

The figure of Clark Kent walked through the back door and came to Rorschach.

"I heard from others that you were back, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect that you were really back."

Clark greeted Rorschach in a very familiar tone.

"I own real estate here. If I don't come back to live here, wouldn't it be a loss?"

Rorschach smiled and picked up a skewer of barbecue, "Try my craftsmanship?"

"It's what I asked for."

Clark was not polite to Rorschach and took the kebab from Rorschach. "This is the first time I have seen this kind of grilling method, but it looks very good."

After taking a bite, Clark couldn't help but nodded, "It does have a unique flavor."

"This is barbecue from China."

Rorschach also picked up a bunch.

The two of them started chatting while eating barbecue, like a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

The atmosphere is quite harmonious and harmonious.

"By the way, everything is okay in Smallville after I left."

After chatting for a while, Rorschach asked this question casually.

"Everything is OK."

Clark shrugged, and then told Rorschach about Smallville's current situation.

Indeed, as the other party said, there is nothing worth mentioning.

As Rorschach expected, Zod did not appear.

Luo Xia nodded secretly, knowing it well.

The arrival of General Zod is a major event in DC, so it should trigger a mission, right?

hope so.

"Okay Rorschach, it's time for me to go, thank you for the barbecue, it was unforgettable."

After the host and guest had a good time, Clark stood up and said goodbye to Rorschach.

After a pause, he added seriously, "Also, you are welcome to come back."

Rorschach has since settled down in Smallville.

Of course, while seemingly doing nothing, Rorschach often uses his super hearing to monitor the world.

See if you can find any opportunity to become stronger.

However, after almost a week, the opportunity to become stronger was not found, and something unusual happened.

The TV station seems to have been hacked.

Throughout Smallville, all the TVs were showing exactly the same picture.

There are only a few words on the screen: You are not alone.

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