American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 510 Superman: The Homelander is a really good person


This picture?

Luo Xia's heart immediately moved, and he was already vaguely aware of something.

"What's going on? What happened to the TV?"

"What does this mean? Who did it?"

Super perception covers the entire Smallville, the entire metropolis, even the entire United States, and the entire earth.

Rorschach discovered that TV sets around the world were playing the same picture.

No more running!




After the picture on the TV flashed for a few times, a very majestic man wearing armor appeared on the TV screen.

Surprisingly, it was General Zod.

Rorschach's impression of General Zod.

"I am General Zod. I come from a distant planet, but I have traveled across the vast sea of ​​​​stars to find you."

"You have sheltered one of my people, and now I demand that you hand him over."

"For some reason, he chose to hide his existence from you, and he tried his best to blend in with you."

"Although he looks similar to you, he is not of the same race as you."

"If any of you know his location, then the fate of your planet is in your hands."

"Kal-El, do you hear me? Stand up and surrender 24 hours a day, or let the whole world pay the price!"

Under the attention of everyone around the world, General Zod delivered such a threatening "speech."

The name Kal-El also resounded to every corner of the world following Zod's speech.

"It's indeed General Zod!"

Rorschach couldn't help but feel refreshed.

I just don’t know how Zod escaped from the Phantom Zone after Brainiac was killed by him.

But thinking about it again, Rorschach killed Brainiac but had no impact on Zod at all, which can only explain one problem.

General Zod didn't escape with Brainiac in the first place.

Even without his own intervention, Brainiac was destined to fail.

[New task generation:]

[The mission is as follows: foil General Zod’s actions and destroy General Zod’s fleet]

[Task reward: 50,000 origin points]

While Rorschach was thinking about this, the system's voice directly interrupted Rorschach.

Luo Xia's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sure enough, here comes the mission!"

It seems that Rorschach has a relatively good understanding of the system, and his previous guess has been fulfilled.

How could a mission not be released for such a heavyweight event as General Zod's invasion?

And the mission reward is not low, a full 50,000 Origin Points.

Rorschach is still very, very satisfied with this.

Dang Dang Dang!

There was a knock on the door at this time.

"Come in, Clark."


Along with Rorschach's voice, Clark's figure appeared in front of Rorschach.

Although it is already known that Rorschach is not a Kryptonian at all, but no matter what, Rorschach is someone who has fought alongside him and knows everything about him.

When faced with such a major decision, Clark subconsciously ran over to discuss countermeasures with Rorschach.

"You should be watching TV too, right?"

Clark sat down next to Rorschach with a solemn expression, "Zod is here, he is finally here."

When the three guys from the Zod family escaped from the Phantom Zone and tortured Clark like a dog, they left a very deep impression on Clark.

Since then, Zod has been weighing on Clark's heart like a mountain.

He didn't know when Zod would come, but he knew that day would come sooner or later.

And now, that day has really arrived.

"Yes, Zod is here, this is a matter of course."

Luo Xia spread her hands and looked calm.

Compared with Clark, his reaction was much calmer.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Rorschach then glanced at Clark again and asked curiously.

"Zod asked me to choose between him and humans. Of course I won't believe Zod, but I don't know if I should trust humans."

Clark spoke loudly next to Rorschach, "But I can't let the earth pay for the Krypton incident."

When Clark said this, his eyes began to become firm.

It was clear that Clark had made his decision.

"Are you planning to surrender to Zod to save humanity?" Rorschach raised an eyebrow.

Da Chao is indeed Da Chao, a good old man who is so kind and even a little pedantic.

"Yes, I decided to surrender to Zod."

Clark nodded heavily, "But as I said, I don't believe in Zod. Even if I surrender to him, I can't guarantee that he won't attack the earth. Therefore, the people of the motherland..."

"You want me to protect humans on Earth?"

Rorschach directly interrupted Clark and looked at Clark quite speechlessly.

You are not sure whether the people on earth can be trusted, yet you are so considerate of the people on earth?

"Yes, my motherland, this is exactly why I came to you."

Clark nodded seriously.

"This is impossible."

Rorschach immediately shook his head and refused decisively, "Clark, I thought you understood me. Am I a selfless person like you?"

"No, fellow countryman, you are actually a good person." Clark said to Rorschach with a serious face.

Although Clark had some misunderstandings about Rorschach when he first met him, and the two sides had conflicts.

But Rorschach saved the town from the Kryptonians and helped him get rid of Brainiac.

Clark believed that Rorschach was the same as himself deep down.

But unfortunately, Clark really misjudged him.

"I'm not a good person." Rorschach smiled, "I don't care about the life and death of other irrelevant people, but General Zod... I will get rid of him!"

"I know, I can trust you!"

Clark nodded with relief, and then stood up, "In this way, I can rest assured."

Homelander is always like this, obviously gentle as water in the heart, but always surrounded by a cold shell.

It's okay for me, a real Kryptonian, but Homelander has nothing to do with this matter.

Why did he kill General Zod?

Isn't it just to stand up for the earthlings.


Clark understands!

Rorschach: "..."

Superman, did you misunderstand something?

However, Rorschach did not intend to explain anything to Clark. Since the other party misunderstood, then it was a misunderstanding.

It seems that it is not a bad thing for him.


After Superman left, Rorschach once again unfolded his super perception and sensed the global scope.

Soon, he was excited: "General Zod, I found you!"

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