American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 511 General Zod, don't panic, the Homelanders are coming

At this moment.

General Zod already has a spaceship parked on the earth, located in a deep mountain forest.

And a temporary base has been established there.

General Zod, and several of his confidants, including the female warrior Fiora who severely ravaged Superman in the original movie, are all on the list.

If Rorschach is willing, he can go now and kill all these people.

However, after Rorschach thought about it, he did not plan to do so for the time being.

The reason is simple.

Rorschach does not think that now is the right time.

After all, Rorschach is not Superman, who is extremely kind-hearted and protects the world from the bottom of his heart without asking for anything in return.

Rorschach is not that great, he has something to ask for.

This style of doing good things in obscurity has never been Rorschach's style.

If Rorschach really wants to save the world, he must let the world know.

So when is the right time to kill Zod?

Naturally, when the world feels a great threat, Rorschach will make a brilliant appearance again.

As for now, just watch the show.

This is the live broadcast version of "Superman: Man of Steel". You have to prepare some Coke and popcorn to enjoy it.

Rorschach began to use his super perception to observe the direction of things.

The development of the next thing is the same as the plot in the movie.

Superman took the initiative to go to a military base to "surrender" and even asked others to handcuff him.

Surrender to humans.

General Zod's deputy Fiora went to the military base in person and took Superman and Lois Lane away.

However, no one expected that Lois Lane secretly took Jor-El's "controller" on board the spacecraft and successfully let Jor-El control the spacecraft.

With the help of Jor-El, Superman and Lois Lane successfully escaped back to Earth.

"Did they escape?"

"How did they escape!"

After hearing this information, General Zod's voice was as low as a lion.

"Jor-El, we were negligent. That woman brought Jor-El."

Fiora lowered her head, "General, I'm sorry."

Although General Zod was angry, he controlled himself well. He knew that this was not the time to lose his temper.

And the mistake Fiora made was also excusable.

Who would have thought that a human woman would secretly carry Jor-El with her?

"Don't say these useless things. Find Kal-El for me immediately!"

General Zod gave this order to Fiora in a stern voice.

"General, Kal-El has a home and a mother on Earth, and his spaceship is also in that home."

Fiora immediately said to General Zod.

General Zod nodded.

He understood what Fiora meant.

The Earth is so big that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a person, but they can let Kal-El take the initiative to jump out.

In addition, since Superman's spaceship has been found, maybe the Code of Life can be found.

"Start the action!"

General Zod immediately gave the order.



A Zod spaceship arrived on Earth in such a domineering manner.

It arrived at Smallville and Kent Farm.

"Spaceship! Alien spaceship!"

"This must be General Zod's alien spaceship!"

"They are going to invade the Earth!"

Such panicked voices were heard everywhere in Smallville.

"General, an alien spaceship has landed on our Earth."

"Before that, another spaceship exploded and Superman returned to Earth."

"Whatever Zod's purpose was in finding Superman, it is clear that their negotiations broke down."

"General, we must be prepared for the war to spread to Earth!"

This extremely serious voice was also heard in the military base that was fully responsible for this matter.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After careful consideration, the highest commander of the command center also dispatched several fighter jets to fly to Smallville as soon as possible.

Of course.

It will take some time to arrive.

So before that...

"It seems that it's time to take action!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

He drank the liquid in his cup, patted the snack residue in his hand, and stood up.


He disappeared with a shake.


Kent Farm.

"What is that?"

Martha walked out of her house after hearing the noise.

When she looked up, she saw a huge monster slowly landing in the farm.

She was confused for just a second, and her face changed immediately.

It's them!

Clark's fellow tribesman, the man who called himself General Zod.

Those guys wanted to take Clark away from her!

Martha immediately understood what was going on.

But Martha's face immediately showed an extremely firm look.

No matter what, she would never allow this to happen!

Under Martha's gaze, Zod's spaceship slowly landed in front of Martha.


The hatch opened, and several fully armed Kryptonian warriors appeared in front of Martha.

It was Zod and Fiora.

A group of Kryptonian warriors walked up to Martha with awesome and booming steps.

"Where is the ship that brought him here?"

General Zod shouted condescendingly at Martha.

"go to hell!"

However, the only response he received was an angry curse from Martha.

I have to say that Martha is indeed an extraordinary woman. She can have such courage when facing Zod in person, which not everyone can do.

General Zod was naturally too lazy to say anything to an ant like Martha. He just glanced at Fiora beside him.

Fiora understood, walked to Martha step by step, stretched out her hand to grab Martha.

Plan to question Martha.


But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Fiora and the other Kryptonians present, including General Zod, immediately felt that their eyes were blurred.

Then I saw a man with an oriental face appearing next to Martha and in front of Fiora.

As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Fiora's hand.

Fiora's hand was frozen in front of Martha.

No matter how hard she tried, she could never move forward.

"Isn't it too rude to treat an old man like this?"

Rorschach had a touch of sarcasm on his face as he glanced at Fiora in front of him.

"People of the motherland!"

Martha let out an exclamation and stared at Rorschach in surprise.

Naturally, she knew the people from her motherland.

After this man showed up in Smallville a few years ago, he became one of Clark's few close friends.

But for some unknown reason, I later moved out of Smallville, and stayed away for several years, until I moved back a few days ago.

Clark was very happy about this.

Martha had always thought that the people from the motherland were ordinary people, but she never expected that the people from the motherland were actually the same people as Clark.

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