American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 512 Are you worthy of being my enemy?

"Martha, leave it to me."

Meeting Martha's gaze, Rorschach smiled slightly.

Martha had never seen what Rorschach was capable of, and she was actually very worried.

But she also understood that at this time, she was just a burden and could not help in any way.

"Be careful."

Martha said to Rorschach worriedly, and then quickly took a few steps back.

"You're not from Earth?"

Fiora looked at Rorschach in front of her in surprise, "I didn't expect that there are other people on the earth."

Not only Fiora, but also Zod is very curious about Rorschach's identity.

"Catch them alive."

Zod also gave orders to Fiora.

"Congratulations, you saved your life."

Fiora said to Rorschach condescendingly.

Then he waved his other fist and hit Rorschach hard.


One punch landed directly on Luo Xia's chest, making a dull impact.

Then Rorschach saw that Fiora, who had a cold smile on her face, suddenly froze.

Instead, there was a look of extreme shock.

It's not just her.

Even General Zod and the others not far behind Fiora were stunned.

The guy who claimed to be a native of the motherland took a punch from Fiora and was not hurt at all?

Don't say that he was beaten or injured by Fiora.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even frown, his face wasn't red, he wasn't out of breath, and his breathing wasn't disturbed in the slightest.

It was like Fiora's steely punch just scratched an itch.

"Is this the strength of Kryptonians?"

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows, his face full of disbelief.

He chose to take a punch from Fiora not just to show off, but because he was really curious about the strength of Zod and the others.

After all, Zod is also one of the bosses of Krypton.

It's more powerful than any other super player in this period.

Of course, it's a different story if Da Chao is tortured and explodes into the small universe.

As Zod's right-hand man, Fiora's strength is naturally incomparable.

Although Rorschach didn't know when Zod and others escaped from the Phantom Zone and how they escaped.

But it is obvious that it is much more powerful than the three guys who just came out of the Phantom Zone a few years ago.

But even so, judging from the punch just now, he was still a scumbag in front of Luo Xia.

"Just now, it was just a warm-up, now, it's my strength!"

Fiora let out a cold snort, and punched Rorschach again angrily.

And this punch.

Fiora, who had just witnessed Rorschach's power and was still in shock, didn't hold back at all.

All of a sudden he used all his strength.


The air was punched out with an extremely dull sound.

Now that he already knew Fiora's strength, Rorschach naturally had no need to take another punch from the opponent in vain.

He is not a masochist.

Although this Fiora looks pretty good.


Rorschach's shoulders were shaken, and he punched Fiora with the same punch.


next moment.

Rorschach's fist and Fiora's fist collided fiercely.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded.


Fiora let out a painful groan.

Because several phalanges on her right hand, including her right wrist, were all broken in an instant!

The whole person was shaken violently and flew backwards like a cannonball.

On the other hand, Luo Xia stood there calmly and calmly, as steady as an old dog.

Everyone can see that he just punched Fiora casually, that's all.

There is no real actual power at all.

Is this the strength of the people of the motherland?

It's so strong!

Who is this person?

The expressions on Zod's and others' faces suddenly became extremely serious.


The quiet scene was followed by a violent sound of breaking through the air.

But after Fiora was knocked over by Rorschach, she jumped high into the air and jumped hundreds of meters in one go.

Like a meteor, it fell from the sky and struck Rorschach hard again.


A soft sound.

Fiora's body was frozen in front of Rorschach.

Because Rorschach reached out and casually grabbed Fiora's neck.

Fiora is as big as a person, but in Rorschach's hands, she is as small as a chicken.

Looks so powerless, so weak.

He tried his best to break free from Rorschach's hands.

How could I.

Fiora was gently grabbed by Rorschach's hand, but it was like a little sheep being held down by a big bad wolf.

There was no way to break free at all.


An angry shout sounded.

But it was a big man wearing steel armor next to Zod who suddenly jumped into the air.

It was like a hill crushing towards Rorschach.


But Rorschach just turned his head slightly and glanced at the other party.

Two extremely blazing heat rays burst out from his eyes.

It hit that person all at once.


The big man's body shook, and he fell over immediately.


At the same time, Rorschach exerted slight force on his right hand, and the sound of broken bones sounded again.

Fiora's neck was immediately broken by Rorschach, and her head hung down weakly.

Zod's number one confidant was killed by Rorschach so easily.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Whether it was Zod or several other Kryptonian warriors, they all stared at Rorschach with wide eyes.

First, it was because of Fiora's death.

Although Rorschach has shown terrifying strength that is enough to crush Fiora.

But by killing Fiora so easily, Zod and the others were caught off guard.


It's because of Rorschach's heat ray.

This guy called a native can actually shoot heat rays?

what's the situation?

Could it be that... this is also a Kryptonian?

Zod and the others were all very surprised.

"You are also a Kryptonian?"

Zod spoke, staring at Rorschach, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes or no, what does it matter?"

Rorschach shrugged and smiled nonchalantly.

Zod didn't say much more.

That's right.

For him, there are only surrender or not, only subordinates or enemies, and there are no other choices.

It doesn't matter whether the native of the motherland in front of you is a Kryptonian or not.

Just saying that their target this time, Kal-El, was also a Kryptonian, and Zod didn't treat him differently because of his identity.

"So you are determined to be my enemy?"

Zod's eyes were as bright as lightning, and he looked at Rorschach with a stern look and asked.

"Be your enemy?" Luo Xia smiled disdainfully, "Are you worthy?"

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