American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 513: The powerful Homelander kills General Zod in seconds


General Zod's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

A faint murderous aura erupted at the same time.

court death!

The people of the motherland are looking for death!

He held a high position on Krypton, and even if he was later imprisoned for committing a felony, few people would dare to be so disrespectful to Zod.


Just when he was trying to let Rorschach feel the wrath of General Zod, a sonic boom sounded.

Clark Kent, no, it should be said to be Superman, fell from the sky like a meteorite and hit the ground heavily.


Martha on the side immediately rushed to Superman's side in surprise and joy.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Superman looked at Martha with great concern.

"I'm fine. It was your friend from the motherland who saved me." Martha said to Superman.

Superman did see that Martha didn't look like anything was wrong, and his heart was relieved.

"Fellow motherland, thank you for saving my mother!"

Superman thanked Rorschach sincerely.

"It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning."

Rorschach just waved his hand very casually.

It was as if protecting Martha from General Zod and the others was just a trivial matter.

"Kal-El, you finally showed up!"

General Zod's deep and cold voice sounded, his eyes fixed on Superman.

How can he care about the people of his motherland at this time? Of course, the Code is more important than Superman.


Following General Zod's words.

A Kryptonian wearing armor next to him kicked the ground suddenly, and rushed towards Superman like a cannonball.

All at once he pounced on Superman.


A big hole was suddenly knocked out of the Kent farm house.

Several houses on the street behind Kent Farm were also smashed through.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards.

The roaring sounds continued one after another.

Superman and Zod's men started a fierce battle.

At this time, Superman's strength was only about that, and it was difficult to defeat even one of General Zod's men.

Whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh!

Sounds broke through the air one after another, and General Zod and some other Kryptonians also chased after him.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The group of people who originally surrounded Martha seemed to have never appeared.

For everyone, the second Kryptonian who appeared inexplicably, the Homelander, is not important.

Even though the other party killed Fiora.

Kal-El's mother on Earth, Martha, is even less important.

The important thing is Kal-El!

"People of the motherland!"

Martha walked up to Rorschach at this time.

Superman's old mother's face was full of worry, and she looked at Rorschach with pleading eyes.

"I know I might be asking too much, but...can you help Clark?"

"Clark will be fine." Rorschach smiled.

Who is Dachao?

The well-deserved super protagonist of the DC world!

A small Zod is nothing, it is impossible to get a big one.

But Martha misunderstood Rorschach.

He thought Luo Xia had agreed to help Da Chao, so he couldn't help but reveal a smile of great relief on his face.


But Rorschach didn't explain anything to Martha. After all, he originally planned to get rid of Zod.

His body swayed and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.


next moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared on the battlefield a few streets away.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

The roars sounded one after another, but it was General Zod who was ruthlessly ravaging Superman.

"Kal-El, humanity makes you weak, humanity weakens you!"

"You are so weak now!"

General Zod knocked Superman to the ground with one punch.

Then he trampled Superman to the ground and snorted from above.

This is not a competition between General Zod and Superman. Superman at this time is indeed not very good, and he can't even defeat Fiora.



And at this time.

Military fighter jets also flew over and opened fire on all the Kryptonians without any reason.

The Gatling cannon mounted outside the fighter jet poured bullets mercilessly at all the Kryptonians.

Including Superman.

For people in the military, Superman is also an alien, and they have temporarily regarded Superman as an enemy.

Bang bang bang!

A dense barrage of bullets suddenly hit him.

Although it didn't cause much harm to General Zod, the feeling was indeed unpleasant.

General Zod just casually kicked Superman over, and glanced up at the fighter jets in the sky with a gloomy expression.

How dare a group of ants attack him?

Really looking for death.


General Zod jumped, and he suddenly jumped dozens of meters high.

Like a sharp sword, he suddenly jumped onto a fighter jet.


With one punch, the windshield of the fighter jet was easily destroyed.

Bang bang bang!

The armed personnel in the fighter jet immediately gritted their teeth and pulled the trigger on General Zod.

However, it has no effect.

The bullet hit Zod and did not cause any damage to the opponent at all.

Bang bang!

Two more punches, and the man in the fighter was instantly beaten into a pulp by Zod.

After doing all this, General Zod was about to jump onto another fighter again and destroy that one as well.

But at this moment, his movements suddenly froze.

He accidentally glanced and found that there was one more person at the scene.


General Zod's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

He really didn't take Superman seriously.

But Homelander was definitely a strong enemy.


General Zod immediately changed his mind.

He jumped out of the fighter that was spinning out of control.

He jumped in front of Rorschach.

As for the other fighters, General Zod's men would naturally take action.

But General Zod didn't need to bother.

"Homelander, you don't want to be my enemy, believe me."

General Zod's face was grim, "This will be the most wrong decision you have ever made."


Rorschach raised his eyebrows and shook his body suddenly, that's all.

As if nothing had ever happened.



General Zod, who was opposite him, flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the ground hard.

A big hole was smashed in the ground.

Exaggerated cracks spread out like spider webs.

In the big hole, General Zod's face was full of shock and disbelief.

He just stared at Rorschach with his eyes wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

Who on earth is Homelander?

Is he so terrible?

He didn't even react, and the other party punched his heart!

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