American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 514: Slaughtering Zod's troops is like killing chickens!

If he hadn't experienced it himself, General Zod would never believe such a thing.

With his strength, he was hit by the enemy before he could react.

How fast was Homelander?

The key point is that it was just a hit. With General Zod's strength, it was no big deal to get hit.

But who would have thought.

Homelander's power was so abnormal.

One punch blew his heart!

General Zod didn't know how many galaxies he had conquered, and he had never seen such a abnormal person.

"Who are you...?"

He just stared at Rorschach with wide eyes, and uttered such a sentence like a dream.

General Zod's head tilted, and he fell to the ground completely motionless.



Several exclamations suddenly sounded.

It was General Zod's men who rushed over and stared at General Zod in the pit with their eyes wide open.

I couldn't believe my eyes no matter what.

What a joke!

General Zod was actually... dead!

Killed by Homelander with one punch!

How could such a strong man exist in this universe!

Who is Homelander!


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

After Superman rescued the military personnel in the destroyed fighter planes, he also came to Rorschach.

He glanced at General Zod in the big pit, and his face was also full of surprise.

Superman had long known that Rorschach was very strong, far stronger than himself.

But Superman did not expect Rorschach to be so strong.

General Zod, who could ravage him, was killed by Homelander with one punch!

This gap is too big.

"You killed General Zod!"

Several roars sounded in the quiet scene.

General Zod's loyal subordinates rushed towards Rorschach with great anger.

Rorschach still stood there calmly, without dodging or evading, but just gently stretched out his hand to the two.

An extremely huge telekinesis immediately imprisoned the two Kryptonians.

"What's going on?"

"What did you do!"

The two Kryptonians' eyes widened and they cried out in shock.

They tried their best, but they couldn't even get close to their motherland?

Rorschach ignored the two Kryptonians and waved his hand again.

The huge telekinesis turned into two terrifying blades and wiped the necks of the two Kryptonians.


Accompanied by two blood arrows spurting out.

The bodies of the two Kryptonians suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground like mud.


The sound of swallowing saliva sounded.

The last warrior brought by General Zod was looking at Rorschach with shock and fear on his face.

He completely lost his fighting spirit.


General Zod's men were all experienced and fearless executioners.

But even such people were shocked by the abnormal strength shown by Rorschach.

This man killed Kryptonians just like killing chickens.

Wave your hand and the Kryptonian will die!


The quiet scene.

A sonic boom suddenly sounded.

It was Rorschach's body that shook, that's all.

To outsiders, Rorschach didn't even move.

It just seemed that his vision was blurred.

There was no way, Rorschach's speed was too fast.

It was so fast that it was beyond the range of human vision.


But at this moment.

The last Kryptonian warrior also fell to the ground like General Zod and turned into a corpse.

It was only a short moment since Rorschach appeared, and all the Kryptonian warriors, including Zod, were killed.

Not one was left.

Superman looked at the scattered corpses on the ground and was a little stunned.

Is it done?

He is worthy of being a native!

Tap tap tap!

Tap tap tap!

And at this time.

A group of armed soldiers rushed to Superman and Rorschach with weapons in their hands.

All of them had alertness and fear on their faces.

Many of them even had sweat on their foreheads.

Even though they were the most outstanding soldiers in America, the two in front of them were not human at all!

The fight of these people just now was seen by everyone. They could fly and hide, and they were completely monsters.

Although they had so many people and so many guns, they were really ants in front of them.

"Superman, I leave this to you."

Rorschach was too lazy to deal with those ordinary people.

After greeting Superman, he flew away in a flash.

The only target of the other soldiers was Superman.

But those people did not act rashly.

"This person is not our enemy."

A voice sounded, and it was the commander Colonel Khalid who came over.

With Colonel Khalid's words, the soldiers on the scene put away their weapons.

The atmosphere at the scene also began to become a little more relaxed.

"Thank you, Colonel!"

Superman nodded to Colonel Khalid from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome, Superman."

Colonel Khalid also nodded.

Although this person is an alien, he still rescued them when they attacked him.

Colonel Khalid has already recognized him.

"Do you have companions on Earth?"

Colonel Khalid then looked at Superman and asked such a question.

Obviously, Colonel Khalid was asking about Rorschach.

"Are you talking about the Homelander? No, he is not a Kryptonian, he is from your Earth."

Superman smiled at Colonel Khalid.


Colonel Khalid was stunned, and the soldiers around him were also stunned.


Are you sure?

That Earthling was ravaged like a dog by those terrible Kryptonians!

He is much more powerful than those Kryptonians.


Just when he wanted to ask Superman something else, Superman didn't have time to waste here.

He was in a hurry to go back to visit his mother Martha.

The man turned into a stream of light and disappeared in a flash.

Colonel Khalid looked in the direction where Superman left, opened his mouth, and then quickly came back to his senses.


Colonel Khalid remembered this name firmly in his heart.

What he had to do next was to find this alien-like earthling as quickly as possible!

Considering that the earth is currently facing an alien invasion crisis, Homelander is of great significance to everyone.

"Everyone, pack up!"

Colonel Khalid, who had made the decision, gave an order and quickly returned to the base with his troops.

"General, there is an important thing to report to you!"

The first moment he returned, he contacted his direct general.

Reported some of the Kryptonian's combat situation and the intelligence of Homelander.

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