American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 516: Global extinction crisis, we still have to rely on our motherland

"Start the World Engine!"

After receiving a positive reply, AI Zod was relieved and immediately made such a decision.

Talma and others opposite AI Zod were also refreshed after hearing his order.

Once the World Engine is started, the entire Earth will be transformed into Krypton.

In this way.

The strength of these real Kryptonian warriors will be greatly increased!

When the time comes, they will naturally have more confidence in dealing with the Homelander.

Even the Homelander who has adapted to the Earth environment, the Kryptonian environment is completely toxic to him.

Maybe they don't have to do anything, and the Homelander will die in the toxic Kryptonian environment!

This is indeed a good idea!

Of course, Kal-El may also die, but since it does not delay the retrieval of the code, it doesn't matter.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

With the order of AI Zod, a peculiarly shaped "crab spaceship" was launched.

"What happened?"

The military is not a joke, and the movement of the Kryptonian spaceship was immediately monitored.

A general in the command center stared at the big screen in front of him and couldn't help asking.

"The spaceship split into two, one went east and the other went to the southern hemisphere."

"How fast is it?"

"Close to Mach 24, and it's still accelerating. It looks like it's going to land somewhere in the South Indian Ocean."

The faces of all the military personnel became serious and solemn.

Although they didn't know what the other party was going to do, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Another spaceship is coming?"

When the military monitored Zod's movements, Rorschach also sensed it at the first time.


Under his gaze, the world engine landed on a seashore in the South Indian Ocean.

As for the mothership, it appeared above Metropolis.

"Let the ghost engine stand by!"

AI Zod gave this order again.

Another "crab spaceship" was launched.

"It has established a connection with the world engine."

After the Kryptonian scientist completed some operations, he reported to AI Zod.



Following the command from AI Zod, a dazzling light was projected from the ghost engine.

It blasted towards the earth.

At the same moment.

The world engine that was launched into the South Indian Ocean also emitted a dazzling light.

It echoed with the ghost engine in the other hemisphere of the earth, forming a complete system cycle.

It was also at that moment.

A special force field was immediately formed around the ghost engine.

The surrounding vehicles, sculptures, landscape buildings and other things all flew into the sky at once.


A burst of exclamations suddenly sounded.

"What did they launch?"

In the command center, the military general asked the technicians with a serious expression.

"It looks like a gravity weapon."

A researcher wearing glasses adjusted his glasses.

After looking at the image on the big screen for a while, he saw some clues.

"Working with their spacecraft, something that can increase the mass of the earth, using dust to transform the atmosphere, God..."

As he spoke, the researcher realized Zod's true intention and his face changed suddenly.

"They are transforming the environment!" The researcher reported to the general.

"What does that mean?"

"Planetary engineering, they are transforming the environment and atmosphere of the earth..."

"They want to transform the earth into Krypton!"

The general was not stupid either, he interrupted the researcher and said something.

Everyone at the scene also changed their expressions.

No one was stupid, everyone realized that if the other party's action was really successful and the earth was really transformed into Krypton, all mankind would be extinct.

There is no doubt that humans cannot adapt to the environment of Krypton.

"Connect me to the Air Force Command!"

The general looked solemn, without any nonsense, and immediately began to communicate and arrange accordingly.

A formation of fighter planes set off quickly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A formation of fighter planes arrived around the ghost engine at the fastest speed.

Missiles were fired at the ghost engine one after another.

Trying to blow up the ghost engine.

But something painful happened.

There is a special force field around the ghost engine, which makes it impossible for the missile to hit the target.

Once it gets close, it will be deflected by the force field and hit other places.

Not only that.

The special force field will also cause all electronic equipment to malfunction.

This means that there is no way to destroy the ghost engine at present!

Everyone was silent.

It was painful.

"General, what should we do?"

The deputy beside him stared at the general and asked.

The general opened his mouth, but did not say anything, because the general did not know what to do.

Their modern weapons have lost their effectiveness, which is equivalent to a tiger having its teeth pulled out.

Suddenly, there is no way to start.


Just when the scene was in despair and the atmosphere was so depressing that it was scary, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

"General, someone is flying over."

"It's him, the motherland!"

Someone suddenly said to the general in surprise and excitement.

In fact, without the other party reminding him, the general could clearly see from the big screen that a figure was flying over with great dominance.

It was the Homelander in the intelligence.

"And Superman!"

Someone added.

That's right.

Rorschach was accompanied by Superman.

Unlike the original work where Superman went to the South Indian Ocean alone to try to destroy the World Engine, this time Superman found Rorschach as soon as possible and asked Rorschach for help.

And destroying Zod's fleet was originally Rorschach's mission.

Rorschach naturally didn't hesitate and immediately rushed over with Superman.

"Homelander, the environment around that engine has been transformed into a Kryptonian environment. I'm afraid I can't help much."

"Next, I can only rely on you."

Superman carefully felt the surrounding atmosphere and said to Rorschach with a solemn expression.

"Leave it to me!"

Rorschach nodded and said without hesitation.


"You're really looking for death!"

The AI ​​Zod in the mothership also saw Rorschach, and a gloomy look suddenly appeared on his face.

Even though it was just an intelligent program, it also made people feel an irrepressible murderous intent.

"Open fire!"

AI Zod immediately issued this order.

He didn't believe that even if this Homelander was so powerful, could it withstand the attack of the mothership?


However, at this moment.

Rorschach's body shook.


AI Zod immediately found that the entire mothership began to shake violently.

Because Rorschach had forcibly broken through the shell of the mothership, he stood in front of AI Zod so arrogantly.


AI Zod's cold face froze in an instant.

Talma and other Kryptonian warriors were also stunned at the first time.

They stared at Rorschach with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

This is Homelander?

It's too exaggerated!

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