American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 517: Homelander, saved all mankind!

Talma and others couldn't help but be shocked.

You must know that this is their mothership!

It is a very powerful and advanced super battleship in the entire interstellar world.

Needless to say, its defense system is enough to withstand high-intensity attacks from other fleets!

But now.

It was actually broken through by a flesh and blood body in the blink of an eye!

It was as if their mothership's defense system was just extremely fragile and shoddy.

Although Talma and others have long known that the motherland killed General Zod, he was very powerful and perverted.

But I never expected that the people of the motherland would be so perverted.

Break through their mothership's defense system in seconds!

But if that's the case...

That's actually a good thing!

Because this is the motherland's own destruction!

"Father, didn't Kal-El tell you how he felt when he was brought to our spaceship?"

AI Zod then laughed.

Because Kal-El grew up on Earth, his body adapted to the Earth's environment.

So the atmosphere of Krypton is poisonous gas to it!

When Dachao was first brought in, he couldn't even stand firmly and even lay on the ground vomiting blood.

This native is stronger than Kal-El and not that weak.

But the Kryptonian atmosphere inside the spacecraft is enough to greatly weaken it!

This person is looking for death!

"I never told you that I was a Kryptonian, right?"

Rorschach showed a sarcastic smile.

The chrysanthemum smile on AI Zod's face suddenly froze, but soon he sneered again: "There's no point in bluffing."

Man of Steel, flight, eye lasers, super strength, the list goes on.

It is completely the "configuration" of the Kryptonians.

The ironclad facts are before our eyes, is there any use in denying them?

Because when Rorschach used his telekinesis to kill other Zod men, Zod was already dead.

So he has not seen Rorschach's "non-Kryptonian methods".

In AI Zod's "memory", all of Rorschach's methods are exactly the same as those of the Kryptonians.

"kill him!"

AI Zod ruthlessly gave this order to Talma.


A sound breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Talma swayed, rushed towards Rorschach as fast as possible, and appeared in front of Rorschach in the blink of an eye.

An iron fist, carrying the power of thunder, struck Rorschach fiercely.

Rorschach just waved his hand lightly, that's all.


Talma's head suddenly flew into the air.


How is this going!

Whether it was AI Zod or the remaining Kryptonian warriors present, they were all dumbfounded.

He just stared at Rorschach in disbelief with his eyes wide open, unable to believe his own eyes at all.

He waved his hand and Talma died?

What a joke!

Didn't you say that your strength will be weakened when you come to the mothership?

How come the people of the motherland can still be so fierce?

This really weakens a loneliness!


Rorschach was too lazy to talk nonsense to the Kryptonians. He swayed and disappeared.

Only a sonic boom was left.

at the same time.

There were sounds of bones shattering and flesh and blood crumbling.

When Rorschach's body reappeared in front of AI Zod, he saw that all the Kryptonians in the entire mothership had turned into corpses.

He fell to the ground motionless.

There is only one AI Zod left.

As for AI Zod, he was completely stupid at this time.

Is this the true strength of the people of the motherland?

Killing Kryptonians is like killing chickens!

No wonder he has no power to fight back in front of his motherland!

In fact, when the people of the motherland killed him, they did not use all their strength at all.

"You're not a Kryptonian!"

AI Zod whispered.

At this moment, he finally understood this.

But it's a pity.

But it's already too late.


Luo Xia's body swayed again, and he disappeared.

Then, just like Aunt Marvel piercing Thanos' fleet, she pierced General Zod's mothership in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!

The entire mothership exploded immediately.

Fierce flames burst out, piercing people so hard that they couldn't even open their eyes.


"Great, he succeeded!"

Everyone in the military was excited when they saw this scene.

Many people cheered loudly and even hugged each other tightly.

The Kryptonian engine that transformed the Earth was destroyed and the Earth was saved!

"He did it!"

Dachao couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.


The figure flashed.

From the sky full of fire, Luo Xia's figure flew over and landed next to Da Chao.

"There is another ship in the Indian Ocean. I'll go back there."


After saying hello to Dachao, Luo Xia swayed and disappeared.

But just in the next moment, Rorschach's body reappeared.

"General, good news!"

Someone from the military immediately reported enthusiastically, "The spacecraft engine in the Indian Ocean was also destroyed by the motherland!"

When the general heard the news, he was stunned.

He widened his eyes, took a close look at Rorschach next to Superman, and asked for confirmation: "Are you sure?"

Isn't Homelander right in front of him!

"Absolutely true, General!"

"Homelander just destroyed another engine!"

The other party said heavily.

The general was dumbfounded again.

In other words, in the blink of an eye just now, Homelander crossed half the earth and flew to the Indian Ocean.

And then destroyed the engine of that spaceship?

This is fucking, isn't this a bit of a joke?

Is this still a human?

[Mission completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining 50,000 origin points! ]

[The host has surplus origin points, please tell me if you want to use it immediately for strengthening? ]

While all parties were cheering, Rorschach's mind also rang with this system prompt.

This made Rorschach smile.

The reward has arrived!

This time, the mission was finally completed.

The reward of 50,000 points is definitely a lot.


Rorschach naturally gave the system this order without any hesitation.


In an instant.

Rorschach felt a very obvious change in his body.

He was stronger than before!

Rorschach was in a very good mood.

"Homelander, you saved the world."

"You did what I didn't do!"

Superman's voice sounded, and he sighed beside Rorschach, with a smile on his face.

Although he couldn't really help, Superman was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

He was happy that he didn't make a mistake about Homelander, and he was also happy that the world was not destroyed by the Kryptonians.

"I'll go first."

Rorschach heard the military coming, so he patted Superman on the shoulder and flew away.

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