American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 518 The superheroes are getting excited: Homelander is back!

"In this war that was identified as an alien invasion, we learned that humans are not alone in the universe."

"Aliens imagined in countless movies and novels do exist."

"Not only do they exist, but they are also very dangerous and highly aggressive, enough to bring disaster to the entire earth."

"But this invasion is not all bad news, because we know that there are 'Homelander' and 'Superman' guarding our earth."

"General Zod's plot to transform the earth into Krypton was destroyed by Homelander, and Superman spared no effort to save the city."

"We already know that Superman, like Zod, is a Kryptonian from Krypton, but he grew up on Earth since he was a child. According to him, he has regarded Earth as his home."

"Many people have expressed doubts and concerns about Superman, but according to intelligence, Homelander is a real earthling."


General Zod's invasion of the earth has undoubtedly caused an uproar around the world.

Officials, the public, the streets, and the major media are all heated discussions about this matter.

With this global invasion, the names of Superman and Homelander suddenly became popular all over the world, and everyone knew them.

Especially Homelander.

His performance in this battle was too brilliant, and he almost single-handedly eliminated all the invading Kryptonians and destroyed the Kryptonian fleet.

So naturally, his reputation far surpassed Superman.

Unlike Superman, who is a Kryptonian after all, Rorschach is a real earthling, and can be recognized by earthlings more.

So there are still many controversies about Superman, and many people even worry whether Superman will attack the earth one day.

After all, those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

Some people even shouted for Superman to get out of the earth.

But Homelander is different.

He has almost everyone's unanimous support.

He is popular.

That's right.

Rorschach became popular all over the world after this battle.

He became the most popular and famous superstar.

No one can compare with him.


"I feel he is even more powerful than before!"

Batman, who was in a high-end apartment in Metropolis, couldn't help but sigh as he watched the news on TV.

That's right.

When Rorschach showed his might and destroyed the Kryptonian mothership, Bruce Wayne, who came to Metropolis for business, was there.

From the military's fighter formation being useless to Rorschach's appearance and easily destroying it, he saw the whole process.

It is worth mentioning that.

Because of Rorschach's intervention, General Zod was killed early.

There was no fierce battle between Superman and Zod that destroyed the city beyond recognition.

Bruce Wayne didn't have any good friends who died in the battle between Zod and Superman.

However, Bruce Wayne still maintained sufficient vigilance in his heart for "Superman", an alien who suddenly appeared.

In any case, that was also an alien.

Besides that, there was no more idea.

More of his energy was put on Rorschach.

Although many years have passed, Bruce Wayne still remembers clearly the fear of Gotham being dominated by Homelander.

And the irony is.

At the beginning, Bruce Wayne did not agree with Rorschach's iron-blooded tactics and tried his best to let Rorschach leave Gotham.

But what happened after Rorschach really left Gotham?

Gotham has once again become a "crime city" where all kinds of criminals are rampant from a super safe city where no one dared to commit crimes.

Bruce Wayne has questioned himself several times: Did he really do the right thing?

"Homelander! He appears again!"

Diana, who works in an art gallery, also saw the news broadcast in the lobby of the art gallery, and her face was a little complicated.

She didn't know what kind of mood she should use to face Homelander.

It is true that Homelander saved Paradise Island, but it also looted Paradise Island.

Paradise Island's assets for so many years were emptied by Homelander in an instant, and not even a hair was left for Paradise Island.

This behavior undoubtedly made Diana very angry.

After all, Paradise Island has never been invaded by anyone.

But at the same time.

It is an indisputable fact that the other party saved Paradise Island!


"It's Homelander!"

In addition.

The Flash, Green Arrow and others who have dealt with Rorschach, of course, Lex Luthor cannot be left out.

All of them looked at the news on TV and fell into deep thought.

The reactions were different.

But there was one thing in common:

No matter who it was, whether they were grateful to Rorschach or resented Rorschach, they could not remain calm.

Rorschach did not take the waves he had aroused to heart and was too lazy to pay attention.

After eliminating General Zod, Rorschach completely put the matter behind him.

He returned to his "quiet small town life".

I have to say that it still felt very good.

Especially when he visited Superman's house again.

General Zod invaded the earth, and Rorschach not only saved Martha, but also helped Superman defeat the other party's conspiracy.

Supernatural wanted to express its gratitude to Rorschach.

A formal invitation was sent to Rorschach.

Naturally, Rorschach did not refuse.

"Thank you, my motherland, for saving my mother. Thank you for preventing this world from being destroyed because of me."

At the dinner table, Clark Kent thanked Rorschach from the bottom of his heart.

"I accept your thanks, so that's the end of it."

Rorschach smiled and gently dropped the topic.

Clark Kent also smiled, and the two began to talk nonsense to each other.

"I'm leaving Smallville."

After the two parties chatted for a while, Clark Kent told Rorschach such news.

Rorschach wasn't surprised.

After all, a metropolis is a super city.

The small town of Smallville is just the hometown of Super League, nothing more. It has never been the "home field" of Super League.

"We're moving to Metropolis."

Martha added on the side, "Clark and I have already had this plan, but we have never made up our mind. But now, Zod has helped us make this decision."

During the battle between Zod and Superboy, almost the entire Kent Farm was destroyed, and it is unknown how much it will cost to repair it.

As soon as the two of them came together, they might as well take this opportunity to move away.

"Yes, Metropolis is a great place."

Rorschach nodded and glanced at Clark, "But there are no farms in Metropolis."

"I already want something good to do."

Clark had already made plans, "I think I might be able to be a reporter."

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