American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 520 The globally controversial motherland

"Uncle Peter" Tavern.

A group of men from all over the town gathered in this seemingly simple place.

They drank and chatted with each other.

There was no other way.

This place was too remote.

Apart from gathering in the tavern, there was basically no good way to kill time.

"It has been nearly a month since General Zod invaded the Earth. After such a long time, the popularity of Homelander has been rising."

"Who is Homelander? Where did he come from? Why does he have abilities that are highly similar to Superman? Everyone wants to find out the answer."

"Almost eight years ago, Homelander appeared in Gotham. He took very iron-blooded measures to shock all the criminals in Gotham and made Gotham achieve true peace."

"After Homelander's methods were exposed, it caused an uproar. Some people called Homelander a cold-blooded executioner, but some people regarded Homelander as a hero who cut the Gordian knot."

On the wall of the hall, related programs were playing news about Homelander.

Even though it has been such a long time since Zod's invasion, the popularity of Homelander has not decreased at all.

Not only that, as Homelander's mysterious past was exposed one after another, Homelander received unprecedented attention and aroused nationwide discussion.

After all.

Rorschach did a lot of things back then.

He also wandered around in many places.

Gotham, Smallville, Midtown, Star City, and so on.

Other places are okay, and what Rorschach did was not so high-profile.

But in Gotham, what Rorschach did was really earth-shattering.

Naturally, it caused a fanatical discussion.

Some people regarded Rorschach as a first-class madman, and some people regarded Rorschach as a god.

The two sides quarreled for a long time, and some even fought.


"Homelander is a complete madman!"

"No, Homelander is the real hero! Only he dares to use such drastic means, he is a warrior!"

"Warrior? He killed hundreds of people in a few days!"

"Those people deserve to die! Man, that's Gotham, a terminally ill Gotham, there is no other way!"

"That's right, look at Gotham after Homelander left, what else can you say!"


Like countless other places.

The guests in the tavern also had a fierce discussion about what Rorschach did in Gotham.

The scene was so lively.

As for Rorschach?

He naturally did not participate in this matter.

Instead, he leisurely tasted the low-quality whiskey in his hand and watched the show as a bystander.

It was quite interesting.

It is worth mentioning.

Rorschach wore glasses.

Just like Clark Kent put on glasses, others could not recognize him as Superman.

Rorschach put on the glasses, and people couldn't recognize him as a native.

Although it was magical, it really happened.

At first, Rorschach had a little trouble with his global popularity.

In the future, he wouldn't be like a Chinese star, surrounded by people and unable to move, right?

In the first few days, he really didn't dare to go out, and was very low-key.

He just used super perception to "sense" everything he wanted to know in his apartment.

But then, a flash of inspiration flashed in Rorschach's mind.

With such a living example as Dachao, why not try it himself?

Rorschach bought a pair of glasses, put them on his face, and adjusted his hairstyle.

He went out tentatively.

It turned out that the effect was very good.

No one paid attention to him at all.

"Arthur, what do you think of that native?"

Not far from Rorschach, Arthur was drinking and chatting with his father.

The other father asked his son casually.

"Need I say that? He's a lunatic!"

"There's definitely something wrong with him!"

Aquaman pointed to his head, "Is that something a normal person can do?"

"Yes, he's much crazier than you."

Aquaman's father Thomas also nodded, picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it all.

At most, Arthur was just fighting some criminals on the sea, which was crazy enough in Thomas's opinion.

But compared with that countryman, it was simply child's play.

A lunatic?

Rorschach did not comment.

If you don't know his motives, his actions do seem very abnormal.

Everyone is right.

Rorschach naturally didn't care about this kind of thing at all, and he continued to drink in his corner as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, old man, I should go!"

After drinking with his father for a while, Aquaman Arthur patted Thomas on the shoulder and stood up.

"Take me to say hello to Vico."

Thomas shouted without looking back.

"I will!"

Aquaman Arthur put down the wine glass in his hand, wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, and strode away.

Rorschach remained calm on the surface, but his heart was slightly moved.

Has the opportunity finally come?

He continued to drink as if nothing had happened, but his super perception had already locked onto Arthur.

Under Rorschach's gaze, Arthur left the tavern and dived into the sea.

He quickly crossed the entire town at an "unconventional" and exaggerated speed.

He came to a deserted beach.


An old man in a tights and holding a trident was waiting.

It was undoubtedly Vicco.


"Vicco, haha, you haven't come to see me for half a year, right? I saw the mark you left and thought I was seeing it wrong."

Arthur walked to Vicco with a smile, and the two sides greeted each other with great interest.

"There's not much I can teach you, Arthur."

Vicco looked at the "big boy" in front of him with great satisfaction. He could be said to have watched Arthur grow up since he was a child.

"However, I have prepared some new things today, and I think you may be able to use them."

After the two exchanged greetings, they got down to business.

Vicco began to teach Arthur some combat skills of the Atlantis race.

The whole process lasted for more than two hours before it ended.

Arthur and Vico said goodbye to each other and left.


Both of them dived into the sea and disappeared.


It was only at this time that a shadow flashed by, and it was Rorschach who appeared on the beach on a skateboard.


Then Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense, and also dived into the sea, splashing a ball of water.

Rorschach didn't rush to contact Vico, but quietly followed Vico.

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