American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 521: Invasion of the Ocean Empire Atlantis

To be honest.

As for how to start from Vicco and further find the Holy Trident, Rorschach currently does not have too detailed ideas and plans.

The reason is simple.

Rorschach has too little information.

It is far from enough to support Rorschach to make too specific plans.

Whether it is Vicco or Mera, it is just an entrance for Rorschach, nothing more.

But how to get something definite from this entrance will take some time.

At the very least.

Rorschach needs enough information.

Of course.

If Charles is called over, this matter will be much simpler.

The other party only needs to read Vicco's head to know everything.

It can even directly control Vicco to make everything simple.

But Rorschach has no intention of doing so for the time being.

Without Charles, it is just a little troublesome, that's all.

Rorschach will not encounter any difficulties and will immediately return to Krako for help.

He can solve this matter by himself.


That's it.

As these messy thoughts flashed through his mind, Rorschach followed Vico silently at a distance of ten kilometers.

Vico could not possibly notice it at all.

After about six or seven kilometers on the seabed, Vico stopped.

He changed to an "underwater spaceship" unique to Atlantis.

The speed suddenly increased.


A dull sound sounded.

The spaceship immediately left a long trace on the spot and disappeared.


At this moment.

Rorschach's speed also increased, not slower than Vico's spaceship at all, and he still followed closely.

Vico did not notice it.


A magnificent and magnificent underwater city appeared in front of Rorschach.

"Atlantis, finally found!"

Rorschach looked at the huge city full of "exotic style", and couldn't help showing a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

Although it is an underwater city, judging from the various basic facilities, the technological level of Atlantis is much more advanced than that on land.

Whether it can be compared with Krako Rorschach is not known for the time being, but in terms of viewing, Rorschach thinks it is a very good choice to travel here.

But it is a pity.

Rorschach came here to do business this time, not to play.

He quickly put away his thoughts and began to carefully look at this underwater city.

This is a completely closed city.

It is not the kind of closure that ordinary people think of, just surrounded by walls.

It is the kind of 360-degree closure without dead ends, a closed energy sphere, "wrapping" the entire city inside.

This is also understandable.

After all, the seabed is not like the land, where everyone can only move on the ground, and a wall is enough.

The activity space of Atlanteans and other marine creatures is a three-dimensional space beyond the two-dimensional space of the ground space.

Naturally, it must be completely closed.

The only way to enter the fully sealed Atlantis is through several entrances of Atlantis.

Those entrances are still extremely guarded, and all are heavily guarded.

Those troops are not worth mentioning in Rorschach's eyes, and Rorschach can handle them in minutes.

However, Rorschach does not want to alarm Atlantis for the time being, but he needs to plan a little.


That's right!

But soon.

Rorschach's eyes lit up.


At this moment, Rorschach is still standing on a surfboard.

In addition to allowing the user to absorb cosmic energy, the surfboard also has another very important function: passing through walls.

In "Fantastic Four 2", when the Thunderbolt and the Silver Surfer were chasing each other in the city, they were very envious of the Silver Surfer's ability.

Rorschach did not know the specific principle. Hank once briefly mentioned it to Rorschach, which involved some knowledge in the quantum field.

Of course, these are not important.

The important thing is that it is enough to be able to pass through walls.

However, the wall-penetrating skill was really useless to Rorschach, and he could never use it normally.

So he completely forgot about it and never thought about it.

But now.

It came in handy.

There was no nonsense next.

Rorschach first used his perspective eyes to observe the situation on the other side of the wall.

He chose a place with few people.



He immediately stepped on the surfboard and slammed into the wall in front of him.


The moment his body touched the wall, the wall immediately became like liquid.

Layers of "ripples" were created.

Rorschach and his surfboard went into the ripples and disappeared.

The next moment.

Rorschach's eyes blurred, and he got out of the thick wall.

The real Atlantis came into Rorschach's eyes.

The initial invasion of the Ocean Empire was successful!

It was the same old routine. After invading Atlantis, Rorschach immediately used his super perception to cover the entire ocean empire.

In an instant, all kinds of sounds were reflected in Rorschach's ears.

Many secrets of Atlantis were instantly known by Rorschach.

In the next few days, Rorschach began to hide secretly in Atlantis.

Conduct relevant investigations and collect intelligence.

What made him regretful was that the Holy Trident was a legend for most people.

Not to mention knowing its specific location.

Even for Vicco, according to Rorschach's investigation, the other party has not yet found the key that guides the location of the Holy Trident.

This is a bit painful.

Not only that.

Vicco has no intention of looking for the key now.

The reason why Vicco will look for the key in the future is that he wants Arthur to defeat the current King of Atlantis, and he needs to rely on the power of the Holy Trident!

But what about now?

The current king of Atlantis, Aquaman Arthur's younger brother Orm, has not secretly planned to attack the land.

So Vicco and his people have always been honest.

There is no messy mind at all.

This situation is still very unfavorable for Rorschach.

After all, Atlantis itself didn't know the key, and had no intention of looking for it, so he didn't even have the space to operate.

"Wait a minute, the mother box?"

When Rorschach found this clue, his heart suddenly moved.

Yes, this is the opportunity for him to get the Holy Trident!

"That's it!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.


With a thought, he turned in a direction on his skateboard and disappeared quickly.

Relying on his super perception, although he was an intruder, Rorschach's actions from beginning to end did not attract anyone's attention.

He came to an old city site on the edge of Atlantis very smoothly.


That's where the mother box is kept.

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