American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 523 The underwater warrior was terrified: Who is this person?

"You can't take the mother box!"

"I won't allow this to happen!"

Quickly putting away the distracting thoughts in her heart, Mera's face showed an extremely determined look.

She waved her hand violently again.


The surrounding sea water immediately twisted and surged, forming a water dragon.

It swept towards Rorschach fiercely.

The power of the water dragon was actually extraordinary, and Mera's own strength was not weak.

But Rorschach just waved his hand lightly.


Mera's water dragon was broken up by Rorschach in an instant.

It was so easy, effortless.

Mera's face immediately became ugly, and the shock on her face also increased a little.

This person's ability to control water is even more powerful than before!


Mera gritted her teeth, let out a low roar, and planned to use all her strength to deal with Rorschach.



Mera only heard such a dull, weakened sound of breaking through the air.

No, it should be called the sound of breaking water.

At the same time, a splash of water splashed out, and the original Homelander disappeared in an instant.

The speed was so fast that Mera could not react at all.

At the same time.

Mera felt a huge pressure pressing on herself.

Then there was a flash in front of her eyes.

The Homelander actually appeared in front of her!


Mera's heart was full of huge waves, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

In less than a second, he suddenly rushed over a distance of hundreds of meters?

What a joke!

This is in the water, not on land!

Is the resistance of water a joke?

How could anyone do such a thing!

Who is this guy who calls himself the Homelander?


Almost at the same time.

A dull sound sounded.

It was Rorschach who punched Mera directly.

Princess Mera flew backwards like a cannonball.

She flew backwards for several hundred meters and finally hit the thick city wall.

The whole city wall was shaken violently.

Mera could not get up.

Rorschach did not kill Mera. He waved at the mother box on the pillar.


The mother box flew towards Rorschach in the air.

Rorschach took it easily with one hand, so high-spirited.

"Stop, stop!"

"You can't take it away!"

"You don't know what you are doing!"

Mera, who was seriously injured by Rorschach and could not get up, shouted at Rorschach with effort.

But she was no longer able to stop Rorschach.

"Go back and tell your king of Atlantis that if you want to get the mother box back, you can exchange it with the sacred trident!"

Rorschach glanced at Mera lightly and said to the other party calmly.

Mera was stunned for a moment: "The Holy Trident? Is this your purpose?"

She never thought that this countryman would go to such great lengths to make such a fuss, just for the Holy Trident.

For most Atlanteans, the Holy Trident is just a legend.

But Mera is not one of them.

She knows that the Holy Trident really exists.

But it is almost the same as the legend.

"The Holy Trident has been lost for thousands of years, and no one knows where it is!"

"Not many people even know that the Holy Trident exists. There is no Holy Trident in Atlantis. I swear that what I said is true!"

Mera immediately shouted to Rorschach in a deep voice.

She thought Rorschach mistakenly thought that the Holy Trident was in Atlantis, so she immediately explained for Rorschach.

"I know the Holy Trident is not in Atlantis, but I need you to use the power of the entire underwater empire to help me find it."

But Rorschach gave such a surprising answer.

Mera: "..."

The girl was so shocked by Rorschach that she was speechless.

Does this man know what he is talking about?

He is actually threatening the whole Atlantis?

"Madman, you must be a madman!"

After several seconds, Mera stared at Rorschach and murmured.

"Just convey my words."

Rorschach did not say any more nonsense to Mera.

Under Mera's angry and unwilling gaze, he walked out swaggeringly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

But at this moment.

From the entrance of the old city, one after another ocean warships drove in.

They were lined up together and surrounded Rorschach.

"Just leaving like this, doesn't it make us seem too incompetent?"


A voice also sounded slowly.


Mera was immediately shocked when she heard the words.

Sure enough.

The next moment.

Rorschach saw Vicko walking in leisurely from the entrance.

He just glanced at Rorschach, and then quickly came to Princess Mera.

He helped Princess Mera up: "Mera, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Mera shook her head and immediately said to Vico in a deep voice, "Vico, we can't let him take away the mother box."

"Don't worry, he can't take it away."

Vico showed a confident look.

He has brought a total of forty warships. Even if King Orm is here, he will be beaten into a sieve in an instant.

Even if the guy in front of him defeated the escort team led by Mera, his strength was shocking, but he still wouldn't be able to escape.

"Vico, don't be careless, this person is not simple."

Mera warned Vico with a serious face.

Considering Rorschach's shocking super speed, the girl really doesn't have as much confidence as Vico.

"I will."

Vico nodded, but still didn't take Rorschach too seriously.

"Put down the Mother Box in your hand and surrender. This is your only way out."

Vico then set his sights on Rorschach, with a cold light shining inside.

"I hope you can learn a lesson."

Luo Xia shrugged, his expression as calm as a mountain, "Next time, don't underestimate the enemy so much."

underestimate the enemy?

Both Vico and the submarine warriors in the battleship almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Isn't this guy with an oriental face too arrogant?

Forty warships were dispatched just for this kid. How the hell can this be called underestimating the enemy?

This pretense is a bit stiff!

But Rorschach didn't say anything more to Vico's people. He just waved his hand very casually.

Hoo ho ho!

The seabed immediately became turbulent.

Huge waves appeared out of thin air, as if Sun Wukong was using a golden hoop to stir up the sea.


This moment was truly overwhelming.

The forty warships brought by Vico were immediately overturned by the huge waves.

Like a plastic bag flying in the wind!

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