American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 524: The people of our motherland cannot be so powerful!


"How is this possible!"

Viko, who was full of confidence, froze his smile in an instant, and was replaced by a deep shock.

He even let out two exclamations.

It can be seen how shocked he was.

It's not just Viko.

Even Princess Mera, who had seen Rorschach's strength long ago, felt like she was struck by lightning at this moment.

She stood there motionless.

So this is the true strength of the motherland?

Surprisingly, it's so strong that it's unbelievable?

With a wave of his hand, forty warships were destroyed!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Viko and Princess Mera would never believe this.

When Rorschach said Viko underestimated the enemy, Viko thought Rorschach was pretending.

But now, Viko finally realized that Rorschach was just stating a fact.

To deal with such a monster, I'm afraid you have to send out a whole fleet!

With only forty warships, it was indeed a bit of an underestimation of the enemy.

"Whether you can get the mother box back depends on your sincerity."

After saying this to Vicco and Princess Mera, Rorschach did not waste any more time.

He disappeared in a flash on his surfboard.

Vicco and Princess Mera only felt that their eyes were blurred, and they did not catch any trace of Rorschach's departure at all.

They only felt that the other person seemed to evaporate and disappeared in an instant.

The two could not help but secretly gasp.

Such a terrifying speed can be achieved on the seabed?

Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

If these two knew that Rorschach's speed on the seabed was already greatly weakened by the sea water, and Rorschach could be several times faster on the shore, I wonder what they would think.

However, at the moment, the mother box has been stolen, and Vicco and Mera naturally have no time to explore Rorschach's speed.

The two looked at each other, and saw incomparable solemnity and shock in each other's eyes.

If they hadn't seen the empty pillars and the mess on the ground, they wouldn't even have believed that the Mother Box had been stolen.

"Oh no!"

"This is really bad."

After turning around, even someone like Vico couldn't help but start to panic.

That's the Mother Box!

It's related to global safety!

"Quick, go find King Orm!"

"We have to report this to the king!"

Mera called Vico and rushed out in a flash.

Vico did the same.

The two of them opened fire and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"What did you say? The Mother Box was stolen?"

Atlantis, King's Hall.

King Orm looked at Vico and Princess Mera beside him, and his voice rose an octave.

There is no doubt that this is a big deal.

It not only involves Atlantis, but also involves the Amazon and humans.

Even, it involves global safety.

This is not an exaggeration, nor is it alarmist.

After all, if the three mother boxes are combined into one, they will indeed have the power to destroy the world.

How could Orm not take it seriously?

"Who did it?"

Orm stared at Vicco with his eyes fixed, and asked in a deep voice.

"He calls himself the Homelander."

Vicco answered immediately.


Orm's brows suddenly frowned, and he racked his brain to think, but he didn't remember who this person was at all.

"Homelander is undoubtedly a nobleman. He has the ability to control water like me, but he is much stronger than me."

"Even several times stronger than me."

Mera's voice sounded.

She introduced Rorschach to King Orm with a solemn face, and introduced the experience of her fight with Rorschach.

Of course.

Later, Rorschach also reported the destruction of the forty warships brought by Vicco with a wave of his hand.

After listening to it, King Orm was in boundless shock.

"Are you saying that he did it all by himself?"

"He broke through the border troops led by Mera and the rescue troops led by Vicco?"

Om asked in disbelief.

Originally, when Mera said the three words "homelander" to him, he subconsciously thought that this was just the culprit.

The other party led a large army to do this.


Now Mera told him that the other party did this alone?

"Are you sure?"

Om asked again in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, I know this sounds unbelievable and even absurd, but it all happened." Vicco also echoed strongly.

"This is impossible!"

King Orm waved his hand fiercely and said decisively, "He must have used some other means. There can't be such a powerful person in the underwater world!"

Because the strength shown by Rorschach was completely beyond common sense, it was indeed hard to believe for Orm who didn't see the scene with his own eyes.

"Your Majesty..."

"Okay, Mera, I know what you want to say. That Homelander may be able to deceive you, but he can't deceive me!"

Mera wanted to continue explaining, but was interrupted by Orm.

Om's face was full of coldness, and he snorted coldly, "When I find him, I will pierce his body with my trident and let him feel the anger of the King of Atlantis!"

Mera and Vicco looked at each other, and both couldn't help showing a helpless look.

Om didn't believe it at all.

And Om has always been arrogant and arrogant. I'm afraid that no matter how much they say, the other party will not believe it.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the Homelander took away the Mother Box is because he set his sights on the Holy Trident."

"He wants us to exchange the Holy Trident for the Mother Box."

Vicco paused and reported again.

"It's absurd!"

Om was immediately angry, "That guy actually had this idea!"

The Holy Trident was the weapon used by the first king of Atlantis, and it has the ability to command all the races in the sea.

Both the meaning it represents and the power it has are crucial to Om.

It's just that the trident has been lost for thousands of years, and no one knows where it is.

Otherwise, Om would have gone to get the sacred trident by himself, why would he wait for someone else?

That Homelander, isn't he a fool?

He doesn't understand this?


"Search Homelander thoroughly!"

"Find this guy as quickly as possible!"

"I'll let him know what the price of provoking Atlantis is!"

The angry Om immediately issued such an order.

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