American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 525 King of the Ocean Empire? So weak

"No need!"

Just after Orm gave the order.

A cold voice suddenly exploded at the scene.

"Who is it!"

King Orm was shocked.

He turned his head and saw a young man with an oriental face standing behind him.


In an instant.

King Orm's brows were wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

Shock, anger, confusion.

All kinds of emotions surged in his heart at the same time.

This is the King's Palace!

One of the most heavily guarded places in Atlantis, there are many checkpoints and heavy troops outside.

How could this person sneak in silently without being noticed by anyone?

No, it should not be said that it was not noticed by anyone, but that it did not make any noise.

After all, before this person opened his mouth, even he did not notice anything!


Two overlapping exclamations sounded at the same time.

Mera and Vicco were immediately furious, and their eyes were bulging like copper bells in an instant.

Homelander, he appeared again!

How did he get in?

"Homelander? Are you the Homelander?"

Om's eyes were on Rorschach, and he looked him up and down carefully.

Most of the confidence he had before disappeared in an instant.

What replaced it was an incomparable solemnity.

This person is indeed not simple!

"There is a road to heaven, but you don't take it. There is no door to hell, but you break in."

Om sneered immediately afterwards.

He stretched out his hand, took out the trident placed aside, and pointed at Rorschach with great dominance, "You are walking into a trap!"


Before he finished speaking, Om rushed to Rorschach's side.

He stabbed Rorschach fiercely with the trident.


The next moment.

A slight sound of metal and iron rang out.

Orm's trident froze in front of Rorschach.


"This kind of thing... is impossible!"

Orm was extremely shocked and couldn't help but murmur and exclaim.

Because there were two more fingers on his trident.

Rorschach's fingers.

That's right.

Rorschach actually clamped Orm's trident with only two fingers!

Who is Orm?

The current king of Atlantis, the most powerful warrior in Atlantis!

The result.

He couldn't even break through someone's fingers with a full-strength attack?

What a joke!

If he hadn't experienced all this himself, Orm wouldn't have believed it at all.

"I don't believe it!"

"I still don't believe it!"

The shocked Orm let out a low cry like a beast.

He tried his best to pour all his strength into the trident and stabbed forward fiercely.

But it was a pity.

Rorschach's two random fingers formed the most indestructible defense in the world.

Orm used all his strength, but he couldn't penetrate at all.


The next moment.

Another light sound was heard.

It was Rorschach's wrist that was slightly bent, and the trident in Orm's hand was broken in an instant.

"Father's trident, it's actually... broken!"

Orm was stunned.

That was the trident of the previous king of Atlantis, one of the most powerful weapons in the entire Atlantis.

As a result, it was broken by someone with bare hands?

Or only two fingers were used?

"Is his strength... so amazing?"

Mera and Vicco were stunned by Rorschach again.

They only knew that Rorschach's speed was amazing, and his ability to control water was even more amazing.

But they didn't expect that Rorschach's fighting level was also so amazing.

Even Orm was blown into slag.

"I haven't lost yet!"

"Even if I don't have the trident, I haven't lost!"

In the quiet scene, Om's almost crazy roar sounded.

But Om, who had lost the trident, roared and punched Rorschach fiercely.

"Like an ant."

Rorschach punched out casually.

It hit Om directly.


Om immediately flipped over like a cannonball.

He flipped hundreds of meters away and hit the ground hard.

Crack, crack, crack!

A big pit immediately appeared on the ground.

Spider-web-like cracks spread in all directions.


In the ruins, Om opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

His body was instantly churning, as if all his internal organs were smashed by Rorschach's punch.

His eyes were wide open, staring at Rorschach with shock and disbelief.

But he couldn't get up no matter what.

He was crippled.

The great King of Atlantis, Orm, was crippled by Rorschach with one punch!

"Who is it!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, are you okay?"


There was a chaotic sound of footsteps, accompanied by a few exclamations.

It was a large number of Atlantis warriors, rushing in with murderous intent.

They surrounded the scene.

The originally spacious hall suddenly became crowded.

Everyone saw King Om, who was beaten like a grandson.

Everyone was horrified.


"Fire now!"

Om, who was supported by a general, roared immediately.

Chi chi chi!

Chi chi chi!

Energy bombs immediately covered the sky and the earth and shot towards Rorschach.

They were so dense that they blocked the space in front of Rorschach.

But Rorschach just waved his hand lightly, and a layer of telekinetic shield appeared in front of him.

All the energy attacks hit the energy shield.

It didn't affect Rorschach at all.

The next moment.

Rorschach waved his hand again, and the huge telekinetic power was like Shinra Tensei, and it raged out fiercely.

A terrifying wave was also stirred up.

The group of Atlantis warriors who fired at Rorschach mercilessly were swept away at the first moment.

It was simply a crushing defeat.

Orm on the side was completely dumbfounded.

He just stared at Rorschach with his eyes wide open, completely petrified.

Mera and Vicco had told him before that Rorschach had single-handedly broken through the border guards and Vicco's rescue team.

At that time, Orm didn't believe a word of it.

Because there couldn't be such a powerful person in the world.

Unless the first king of Atlantis was resurrected, or holding the sacred trident at the same time.

However, at this moment, Orm was finally shocked to find that everything Mera and Vicco said was true.

The Homelander in front of him was so perverted that he was just joking.

"Who are you!"

Orm's shocking voice sounded immediately.

He stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed, and asked in a deep voice.

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