American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 526: Dispatching a thousand warships? Who are you looking down on?

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"It's important that you have no choice at all!"

Facing the horrified gaze of Om, Rorschach spoke in a faint voice, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

Om was immediately angry.

Too arrogant!

This Homelander is really too arrogant.

Even if the opponent's strength is really strong, strong enough to crush him, Om.

But don't forget, Om is not alone!

As the king of Atlantis, he has a huge ocean empire behind him!

"Homelander, I admit that I am not your opponent, but this is not your capital for arrogance!"

"You can deal with me, but can you deal with my huge submarine fleet!"

Om stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed, and shouted in a low voice.

Rorschach smiled, "Really? That's what you think?"

"Homelander, King Orm is right, you have to know when to stop!"

Vico's voice sounded on the side, and he immediately echoed Orm, "You are making an enemy of the entire ocean empire! No matter how powerful you are, you will lose!"

"You're not going to give up until you reach the Yellow River!"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, and his super perception spread out immediately, and then he knew the situation on the scene clearly, "A fleet outside is about to arrive, and there are about three minutes left."

"Well, I'll wait here for three minutes!"

Om, Vico, and Mera were shocked and angry.

What was shocking was that some of Atlantis' actions could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Homelander.

The other party knew everything about his actions!

What was angry was that even so, this guy still looked like he didn't care at all.

It seemed that the fleet that was coming from Atlantis was a toy that was not worth mentioning.

Did this person look down on Atlantis so much?

"Homelander, you will pay the price for your arrogance and ignorance!"

Om, who was severely stimulated, could not help but snorted coldly.

Rorschach was too lazy to say anything to Om.

He actually walked to the supreme seat in the hall and sat down.

That was really rude.

It seemed that Om was just a pawn, and he was the king of Atlantis.

"How unreasonable!"

Om was so angry that his teeth itched, staring at Rorschach with his eyes, as if he was looking at his father's murderer.

But there was no way, Rorschach's strength was too strong, he was powerless to stop it.

Even if he was unwilling, he could only watch.

"Wait a minute, see if you can still be arrogant!"

Om then thought viciously in his heart.

The same was true for Mera and Vicco on the side.

In addition to waiting for the arrival of the Atlantis fleet, they could not do anything else.

They could only let Rorschach be arrogant in front of them.


The Atlantis fleet came quickly, and did not leave Rorschach too much time to be arrogant.

"Your Majesty!"

An Atlantis general came to Orm majestically, "The first, second, and third guards have assembled, please give orders, Your Majesty!"

When Orm heard this, he finally showed a smug look on his face.

This is good news!

"Homelander, it's not too late for you to surrender now!"

Orm looked at the Homelander who was sitting lazily on the throne with high spirits, and snorted coldly.

"Bold thief, how dare you act wild here?"

"Is that where you sit?"

The Atlantis general took a look and saw that someone was sitting on the king's seat.

He immediately shouted at Rorschach angrily.

But Rorschach ignored the Atlantis general at all, and still sat there as if nothing had happened.

It was just that the super perception spread out and continued to perceive.

Sure enough, it was discovered.

A full thousand ocean warships have gathered outside.

They are so dense that they surround the entire King's Palace.

It can even be said that they are surrounded airtight.

No wonder even Vicco and Mera are confident.

A thousand warships are much larger than forty warships.

"A thousand warships, is that your confidence?"

Rorschach shook his head and smiled indifferently, "You still... underestimate the enemy!"

These words are so similar to what happened in the old city before.

Vicco and Mera's hearts were moved.

Forty warships did underestimate the enemy, but if there were a thousand warships, would they still underestimate the enemy?

No way?

No matter how powerful this countryman is, can he still deal with a thousand warships?

Vicco and Mera subconsciously don't believe this.

But the confident smile on Rorschach's face made them a little uneasy.

Because Rorschach also smiled like that when he faced forty warships.

"Homelander, this is your last chance!"

"Surrender now!"

Om shouted at Rorschach, "I won't say that again!"

"No, this is your last chance."

Rorschach said meaningfully.


After saying this, Rorschach didn't say anything more and flew directly outside the hall.


The Atlantis general saw Rorschach was so arrogant and wanted to leave after being so presumptuous in the hall, so he immediately stood up and tried to stop Rorschach.

But he was stopped by Vicco.

Vicco shook his head fiercely and signaled him to let Rorschach leave.

The general looked at Vicco and then at Om.

He found that even Om had tacitly agreed to do so, so he retreated with full of doubts.

"Vicco, what's going on? Who is he?"

"Also, why did you ask me to assemble the fleet?"

The general glanced at Rorschach's departing back and whispered to Vicco beside him.

"It's hard to explain."

Vicco shook his head, "But I asked you to assemble the troops just to deal with that person."

Vicco pursed his lips and pointed at Rorschach.

"Viko, are you kidding me?"

"Do I need to assemble a fleet to deal with one person?"

The Atlantis general's eyes widened, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

Assembling a fleet, just to deal with one person?

What nonsense is Viko talking about!

But now is not the time to ask questions.

Because Om, Viko, Mera and others all started to walk out with Rorschach.


Everyone came to the outside of the King's Palace.

Looking around, they saw that the space in front of them was completely occupied by densely packed underwater warships.


It brought great shock and oppression to people.

And when Om saw his powerful fleet, his face regained confidence again.

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