American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 598 General Kizaru? Just beat him up!

What exactly is a devil fruit and where does it come from? The anime has never explained it.

But one thing is certain, this thing is not an ordinary thing.

Although it is called a "fruit", it cannot be really regarded as an ordinary fruit. It is more of an edible magical item.

Of course, it doesn't matter what the devil fruit is, and Rorschach doesn't intend to explore it. The important thing is that this thing can make Rorschach stronger!

That's enough.

Although a devil fruit only has 300 origin points, how many devil fruits are there in the entire pirate world?

A little bit adds up to a lot!

This time, the pirate world is really right!

To be honest, this time Rorschach came to the pirate world, more just to try his luck and fulfill his promise to a little girl, that's all.

He didn't have much hope that he could really find an opportunity.

After all, with his current strength, he has no interest in learning domineering, taking devil fruits, etc.

But who would have thought that the devil fruit can also extract energy sources!

Not bad, not bad.

Rorschach's mood suddenly improved.

After scanning the surroundings, Rorschach quickly found the corresponding auction item introduction and knew that the devil fruit in his hand was an animal fruit.

Rorschach did not hesitate at all. He used the system to absorb it completely.

Although Kamala did not specify what fruit she wanted, Rorschach did not want to fool around with an animal fruit. After all, this was not a magical beast.

It was just an ordinary animal fruit.

Rorschach really couldn't give it away.

Naturally, he digested it on the spot.

"I need to get more devil fruits!"

Next, Rorschach's eyes were clear, and his next goal could be said to be very clear.

That is to plunder devil fruits!

So, how can we plunder the most devil fruits with the fastest speed and the most efficiency?

After some thought, Rorschach had a plan.


"The murderer who killed the Celestial Dragon is there!"

"Catch him, quickly, catch him!"


With a loud bang, the door was violently broken open, and a group of navy officers with live ammunition rushed in.

Each of them held the "old-fashioned foreign gun" in their hands, shouting and rushing towards Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't even look at the navy officers, just waved his hand lightly, and the world became quiet.


Rorschach walked out of the auction house calmly as if nothing had happened.

The auction house had long been surrounded by a large number of navy officers, which naturally needless to say, but Rorschach easily solved them.

"It was him, he killed the Celestial Dragons!"

"He killed the Celestial Dragons and fought against the navy, he is a tough guy!"

"But unfortunately, he is going to die soon!"

The onlookers in the distance immediately cast a sympathetic look at Rorschach.

It is indeed not easy to see that this man can easily solve so many navy officers with a flip of his hand.

But the key issue is that the garrison navy in the Sabaody Archipelago is just a decoration!

What is really scary is the admiral of the navy, okay?

Do you really think that it is the navy here that has suppressed all the pirates in the Sabaody Archipelago?

Of course not!

"The admiral of the navy is coming!"

"Oh no, the admiral of the navy!"

Soon, such exclamations rang out from the crowd.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!


Several shells also cut through the sky and bombarded directly in the direction of Rorschach.

Rorschach turned his head to look in the direction where the shells were flying, and saw a guy wearing a yellow striped suit and sunglasses, stepping on a shell and flying towards him.

That's so coquettish!

That's so awesome.

Looking closely again, the coquettish guy stepping on the shell had an amazingly wretched look on his face, and was simply a peerless wretched man.

Without a doubt, it was Admiral Kizaru, one of the three admirals of the navy who was famous throughout the sea.


Several shells fell to the ground and exploded one after another, and Kizaru landed lightly on the ground.

However, he did not rush to catch the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons. Instead, he held a Den Den Mushi in his hand and talked to others leisurely.

"Moshi Moshi, Zhan Taomaru, I'm here."

It turned out that Kizaru was talking to his subordinate Zhan Taomaru.

"Old man, leave the other places to me, and the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons, I'll leave it to you!"

Zhan Taomaru's voice suddenly rang out in the Den Den Mushi.

"What a trouble."

"Why do you have to provoke the Celestial Dragons?"

"Don't let people slack off!"

Kizaru complained a few words and put away the Den Den Mushi, "Forget it, let's get it done quickly, I haven't finished reading the newspaper yet, hey!"

At this point, Admiral Kizaru looked at the onlookers in the distance, "Who of you killed the Celestial Dragons? Come out and surrender, so that everyone can save trouble."


With Admiral Kizaru's words, all the onlookers couldn't help but hit Rorschach.

Well, the murderer was easily identified.

"Are you the one who killed the Celestial Dragon?"

"You really cause trouble for others!"

General Kizaru sighed like this and raised his right foot in the direction of Rorschach.

A blazing light suddenly flashed above it.

And then.


Following Kizaru's casual kick, a blazing golden light suddenly shot towards Rorschach.

He ejaculated on Rorschach all at once.


A surprising thing happened. The imagined incident of Rorschach being kicked over by General Kizaru didn't happen at all.

The madman who killed the Celestial Dragon was just kicked by General Kizaru, and nothing happened!

He was still standing where he was, his face was not red and he was out of breath. Not to mention he was hurt, he didn't even blink his eyebrows.

It was like General Kizaru's blow, just like a breeze blowing on his face.

"Oh, it's so scary."

General Kizaru adjusted his glasses, with a look of extreme surprise on his face.

Many times, Kizaru said this sentence as a mantra-like sigh, but at this moment, Kizaru really spoke from his heart.

This man was able to bear his own kick without any harm, which was indeed terrifying.


At this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

General Kizaru didn't react at all, he felt a huge force hit him.

His whole body suddenly flipped over like a cannonball and hit the ground hard, making a big hole in the ground.

It looks like a mess.


"He actually defeated General Kizaru!"

"It's too scary! That's General Kizaru!"

Suddenly there were exclamations one after another all around.

That's General Kizaru.

He was actually beaten like this?

"What a terrible guy!"

General Kizaru jumped out of the pit, dusted himself off, and exclaimed again.

This time, I was genuinely surprised, and I couldn't even suppress the surprise on my face.

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