American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 599: I can’t bear to watch, Admiral Kizaru was beaten so badly

General Kizaru couldn't help but be surprised. Just now he was kicked away by Rorschach, but he didn't react from the beginning to the end!

His knowledge, color, and domineering energy didn't even catch the opponent's movements!

This kind of thing is simply weird, okay?

If you can't even capture the domineering power of seeing and hearing, then how fucking fast is it?

Not to mention anything else, with the other party's terrifying speed, there would be no problem in crossing the entire sea.

This kind of terrifying speed is not an exaggeration to call it "terrible".

"Really, with such a small salary, is it really okay for me to deal with such a scary guy?"

But General Kizaru was not immune. Amidst this complaint, he immediately crossed his hands on his chest.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The extremely dense light bullets obscured the space and shot towards Rorschach in an overwhelming manner.

But Rorschach still didn't move, letting the attacks fall on him.

"Is this the Admiral's attack?"

"Only to this extent?"

He felt it carefully and then said this sentence lightly.

Looking around, he was still standing calmly, not affected in any way.

It's like the densely packed light bullets have ordinary light effects but no attack power.

"Fake it! It's okay like this!"

"Are you kidding, that was General Kizaru's attack!"

"Resist the admiral's attack with your own body? Kaido wouldn't dare to do that, right?"

The jaws of everyone around were literally dropped.

The previous kick was forgotten, but at this moment, General Kizaru was obviously serious about attacking with such a level of attack.

Could this man still be unscathed?

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

The obscene look on General Kizaru's face completely disappeared, replaced by uncontrollable shock.

The people around me were right. Even Kaido, one of the four emperors, did not dare to take his attack so hard.

What is this guy's body made of?


Immediately afterwards.

Rorschach gently waved his hand to Kizaru.

A terrifying blade of telekinesis formed in front of General Kizaru in an instant, and cut hard at General Kizaru.


General Kizaru's head immediately flew out.

The headless "corpse" also fell directly to the ground.

However, for the natural Kizaru, this kind of injury that would kill ordinary people is nothing at all.

His head quickly turned into extremely blazing photons and reintegrated into his headless body. An intact General Kizaru appeared in front of everyone again.

But when Kizaru got up again, he saw that extremely young face appearing in front of him.

"Tian Cong Yun Sword!"

A golden long sword condensed in General Kizaru's hand, and he struck Luo Xia with one strike.

But Rorschach caught him with his bare hands.

Another punch.


General Kizaru was like a cannonball, flying backwards again.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

In this way, the tragic career of General Kizaru began.

Rorschach was like a sandbag, being beaten from here to there, and from there to here, with no power to fight back, and he was as embarrassed as a dog the whole time.


Everyone in the entire Shampoo Islands who saw this scene was shocked.

How can it be?

Who is the guy who killed the Celestial Dragon?

That was General Kizaru, and he was as weak as a baby in front of this man!


In an inconspicuous corner, Pluto Rayleigh couldn't help but swallowed hard.

It seems that it was not my illusion before.

This guy is actually so powerful that it makes people tremble!

Even the admiral is playing football!

Moreover, he looked relaxed and composed throughout the whole process, without exerting his full strength at all.

When did such a scary guy appear on the sea?

"Old man!"

There were exclamations.

But it was Zhan Momomaru who appeared at the scene with the three pacifists. He was shocked when he saw Kizaru being brutally ravaged.

Then orders were immediately issued to the pacifists.

The three pacifists immediately opened their mouths and fired a series of energy attacks at Rorschach.

"Why don't you use such junk to embarrass yourself?"

A disdainful smile appeared on Rorschach's face and he waved his hand casually.

Boom boom boom!

The three pacifists were immediately hit by a huge force and exploded on the spot, exploding into a ball of broken metal.

He was easily defeated by Rorschach.


Zhan Taowan almost made his eyes pop out.

Are you kidding me?

This is a pacifist!

Just wave your hand and it's all gone?

No wonder this guy can even ravage Mr. Kizaru.

"Don't interfere with Momomaru, this is not a battle you can interfere in!"

Kizaru, who had just been "healed" after being beaten to pieces by Rorschach's punch, immediately shouted in a deep voice at Zhan Momomaru.

The guy in front of me is really terrifying, much more powerful than me!

If he wasn't a natural ability user, and the other party obviously didn't have Haki, I'm afraid Kizaru would have died eight hundred times.

Such a person is not something that a "minion" like Zhan Taomaru can interfere with.

"Are you still okay?"

"Natural ability users are indeed a bit troublesome."

Rorschach also didn't even look at Zhan Taomaru. Such a character was not worthy of his attention.

He just looked at Kizaru who "resurrected from the dead" again with a little helplessness.

Without Haki, it is indeed a bit troublesome to defeat a natural ability user, especially a natural ability user of Kizaru's level.


During the whole process of ravaging Kizaru, Rorschach did not have any experience.

There is a way that may be effective against Kizaru.

As soon as he thought about it, an invisible telekinesis immediately wrapped Kizaru's whole body around, forming a very scary barrier.

Note that it is the kind with no dead angles in 360 degrees, which can be called a sealed nature.

In that telekinetic barrier, even if Kizaru could turn into light, it was impossible for him to escape.

Because that barrier was an energy barrier, not a physical barrier, there was no gap or loophole for Kizaru to get through.

That's it.

Using the airtight barrier to imprison Kizaru, Rorschach suddenly flew into the air, grabbed Kizaru, flew out of the Sabaody Archipelago, and flew above the sea.

"No, he won't..."

Kizaru immediately felt something was wrong.

But the next moment.


Rorschach grabbed Kizaru and plunged into the vast ocean!

Seawater is the natural nemesis of the natural devil fruit!

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