American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 600 Homelander: I want to destroy the Four Emperors!

"Not good!"

Feeling that there was seawater all around him, Kizaru thought to himself that it was not good.

Once a Devil Fruit user like him encountered seawater, most of his abilities would be wasted.

No ability of the Shining Shining Fruit could be used, and he himself would be greatly affected, and might even fall into a coma.

During the whole process, Kizaru tried his best to break free from Rorschach's telekinetic barrier, but it was useless.

The opponent's simple imprisonment of him turned Kizaru into Sun Wukong under the Five Finger Mountain.

He couldn't break free no matter what.

He could only watch himself being thrown into the sea by the opponent.


The surrounding seawater rushed back rapidly.

In just a moment, General Kizaru was taken to the bottom of the sea by Rorschach.

At this moment.

Rorschach put away his telekinetic barrier.

The boundless seawater suddenly surged from all directions.

Admiral Kizaru's body immediately stiffened, and he showed extreme pain, and began to struggle frantically.

But the seastone factors in the seawater were like poison, penetrating everywhere.

Destroying and restraining every cell and muscle of Admiral Kizaru.

Even a navy admiral like him was in great pain.

In addition to the ability of the devil fruit, he also had very powerful physical skills.

But at this moment, Admiral Kizaru could do nothing except stiffen his whole body.


Wasted in an instant!

But at the same time, how could this person be okay?

He could fly, and he had the ability similar to telekinesis, and he was undoubtedly a devil fruit ability user.

But why was he okay?

Admiral Kizaru's heart was full of questions.

But unfortunately.

No one answered this question.

Admiral Kizaru soon fainted under the restraint of the seawater.

I don't know how long it took, but Admiral Kizaru woke up again.

He saw that his people had been "fished" out of the seabed.

But for some reason, an invisible force still wrapped around him.

In that force, there was also a layer of seawater coat sealed!

Except for his head, all parts of Kizaru's body were still covered by seawater.

This made Kizaru completely useless now!

Although his head was not covered by seawater, Kizaru was almost fatally suppressed when his whole body was covered.

The ability of the Shining Fruit could not be used at all.

Unable to escape by elementalization.

He could only be a waste and stay beside Rorschach.

"Wake up, Admiral Kizaru."

A voice sounded beside him, attracting Kizaru's attention.

Kizaru turned his head and found that the young man who easily beat him into a dog was standing aside with a smile.

He looked at himself with a faint sarcasm on his face.

"Oh, what a terrible young man."

Admiral Kizaru shook his head and sighed again, saying his classic saying in Pirates.

But this time he was not pretending, but sighing from the heart.

Even a navy admiral like him was kicked around like a weakling.

Then who else in the whole sea can be a match for this young man?

According to Admiral Kizaru's experience, even the Four Emperors are far inferior to this man.

Even Garp, who was in his peak state back then, was not a match for this man.

No wonder.

No wonder this man is so bold that he dares to kill even the Celestial Dragons. It turns out that his strength is so amazing.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Admiral Kizaru has to admit that it seems that the navy can't do anything to this man at the moment.

Unless the three admirals come out together!

Even if the three admirals come out together, Admiral Kizaru is not sure of taking him down based on the amazing strength shown by this man.

When did such a person appear on the sea?

"Admiral Kizaru, since you're awake, let's talk business."

Rorschach sat down next to Kizaru, as if chatting with an old friend.

"I understand. You killed the Celestial Dragons on purpose. Your purpose was to lure me here?"

Admiral Kizaru stared at Rorschach and understood everything in an instant.

Rorschach: "..."

You are really good at imagining things, playing a monkey.

He killed the Celestial Dragons only because those disgusting creatures provoked him, that's all.

As for catching Kizaru, it was because he suddenly discovered that the devil fruit could be extracted, so he had a sudden impulse.

However, since Kizaru misunderstood it, it didn't seem to be a bad thing, and Rorschach didn't explain anything to Kizaru.

He just said to Kizaru calmly: "Listen, I plan to make a deal with the navy."

"Wait a minute."

Admiral Kizaru interrupted Rorschach, "This kind of thing sounds very troublesome. Can you go find Sakaski? He should be more enthusiastic."

With such a small salary, it is enough for Kizaru to drink tea, read the newspaper, and then punch out.

But it is not enough for Kizaru to deal with such a dangerous person.

"Who told you to come this time?"

Rorschach reached out and patted Admiral Kizaru on the shoulder. Regardless of Kizaru's ugly face, he directly stated his purpose, "Go back and tell Sengoku that I can help him eliminate the Four Emperors."

Even Kizaru, who was lazy, suddenly showed a look of surprise at this moment.

Eliminate the Four Emperors!

Does this young man know what he is talking about?

This is what the Navy and even the World Government have always wanted to do, but they can't do it at all!

That's the Four Emperors!

What does the word "Emperor" represent? Does this young man really understand?

Each of the Four Emperors has strength that is not inferior to the Navy Admiral.

There are also many super pirates under his command who are famous throughout the sea.

Not to mention anything else.

Just the Whitebeard Pirates alone, according to everyone's speculation, dare to attack Marineford!

All the Four Emperors added together, that is an existence that even the Navy and the World Government would tremble!

Eliminate the Four Emperors?

Even the World Government dare not shout such a slogan.

Even though Kizaru had just been beaten to a pulp by Rorschach, he still felt that Rorschach was bragging.

After all, the other party was just one person, and compared to the huge power of the Four Emperors, he was still far behind.

"Although I admit that you are indeed very powerful, more powerful than I have ever seen, but destroying the Four Emperors is a bit unrealistic, isn't it?"

Admiral Kizaru immediately expressed doubts to Rorschach.

"What if I tell you that I only used less than 10% of my strength to defeat you just now?"

Rorschach said this leisurely.

Kizaru: "..."

Hey, hey, hey, this is a bit contemptuous!

You are saying that you can beat a hundred generals by yourself, right?

"I will help you destroy the Four Emperors, but I need you to prepare devil fruits for me, all the devil fruits in the entire sea."

"Go back and tell Sengoku what I said."

"I will visit Marinford in person in three days."

Rorschach also knew that Admiral Kizaru would not believe his words, so he did not explain much, but continued to speak to the other party indifferently.

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