American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 601 Kizaru: He alone is as good as the three admirals of the navy!

Yes, Devil Fruit is Rorschach's true purpose.

He had no enmity with the Four Emperors, so it was naturally impossible for him to eliminate others without any reason.

It's all just business.

Asking the Navy to help search for Devil Fruits in the entire sea is the fastest way Rorschach can think of to harvest Devil Fruits.

After all, the navy is the largest force in the world.

Of course.

Rorschach also knew how much impact what he said had on ordinary people.

The Navy will definitely not believe itself.

So he just asked Kizaru to give him a message, and then went to Malinfando himself in a few days.

"are you serious?"

Kizaru looked at Rorschach with a look that said, "Are you kidding me?" "You won't forget what you did, right? Killed the Celestial Dragon!"

Kill the Celestial Dragons and still want to cooperate with the Navy?

What a joke!

Not to mention the ridiculous collaboration content.

"Does it matter?"

Rorschach shrugged indifferently, "Is it easy for you to cover up this kind of thing? Can't you just introduce a few scapegoats?"

Kizaru: "..."

You really think about the Navy.


Rorschach did not say any more nonsense to Kizaru.

The person suddenly rose up from the ground, flew into the sky and disappeared.

As soon as he left, Kizaru's "Psychic Armor" also disappeared.

The seawater clinging to its body also dispersed automatically.

Kizaru himself immediately returned to normal.

He raised his head and looked at the direction where Rorschach disappeared, lost in thought.

Is it really necessary to introduce a scapegoat?

Regardless of whether what this person said about annihilating the Four Emperors was true or not, it was an indisputable fact that he, Kizaru, could not catch this person.

"What a headache. Why am I in such trouble?"

"Only such a small salary!"

Kizaru rubbed his temples, identified the direction, and began to stretch out his hands.

Swish, swish, swish!

Dazzling photons suddenly condensed in his palm, and a golden mirror suddenly appeared.

When Kizaru shined, a golden refracted light suddenly shone out.

Directly to the auction house in Shampoo Islands.


And then.

The Yellow Ape Man suddenly turned into photons and flashed quickly along the light path.

It reached its destination in the blink of an eye.

Letting the culprit who killed the Celestial Dragons escape was a big deal.

Next, Kizaru will clear out all the pirates in the Shampoo Islands!

We still have no idea how to deal with the mess where the culprit escaped. Kizaru needs to go back and report to Sengoku.

But now, the superficial work must be done enough.

after all.

When the Celestial Dragons die, the world government will definitely pay close attention to it, and the Five Old Stars will also pay close attention to it.

Kizaru must make a big noise.

He has already reached the level of an admiral. Kizaru is usually lazy, but he is not really stupid.

What he should do and what he shouldn't do, Kizaru actually has a clear mind.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Boom boom boom!

Ever since.

The pirates on the Chambord Islands were unlucky and suffered a devastating blow from General Kizaru.

The sounds of bombardments, explosions, energy bombs breaking through the air, and other sounds kept ringing.

Not to mention how lively it is.

"Bulu Bulu Bulu..."

While he was bombing hard, a phone bug rang on his body.

Kizaru had no choice but to answer while firing the flare.

"Moses Moses, I am Kizaru."

"Kizaru, I am Sengoku, how is the situation?"

The phone immediately rang with the deep and dignified voice of the Warring States Marshal.

"Marshal Warring States, the situation is a little bad."

Kizaru scratched his head, not sure how to speak.

The Warring States Marshal at Marine Fando's headquarters suddenly felt something in his heart. Is the situation not good?

What does it mean that things are bad?

Even Kizaru, the admiral of the navy, has come forward. Shouldn't it be certain and everything is under control?

Actually, something is wrong?

"what happened!"

The Warring States Marshal asked in a deep voice.

"The killer of the Celestial Dragon escaped."

Kizaru had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell the Warring States Marshal the news.

"What did you say?"


Zeng Guo's voice suddenly became three points louder, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Kizaru himself takes action, how can people escape?

"Polusalino, you took action personally, how could people run away!"

The Warring States Marshal frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

"The guy who killed the Celestial Dragon is very powerful, far beyond the level of a naval admiral."

"Even if Garp comes, he won't be that person's opponent at all."

"If you want to catch him, even if Kuzan and Sakaski come together, you may not be sure."

Kizaru told the Warring States Period the truth.

Sengoku's first reaction after hearing this was, it's absolutely impossible, Kizaru is talking nonsense!

How could there be such a powerful person on the sea?

Even if the three generals of the navy come out together, they may not be able to win?

This is simply impossible.

But the key question is that the matter is so important that Kizaru can't just talk nonsense to him at this time, right?

Although Kizaru is usually a bit lazy and wretched.

But at the critical moment, Kizaru is still very reliable, okay?

Especially in this situation, the Celestial Dragons have been killed, the World Government and the Five Elders will pay close attention, and Kizaru is even less likely to talk nonsense.


Does that kind of strong man really exist?

"Borsalino, are you telling the truth?"

After pondering for a long time, Marshal Sengoku confirmed with Admiral Kizaru in an extremely solemn tone.

"Absolutely true!"

"Although this is embarrassing, many people should have seen my fight with that guy."

"Sengoku, you have to control the public opinion."

Admiral Kizaru said to Sengoku with a serious face.

"I know."

Marshal Sengoku said this and interrupted the call with Admiral Kizaru.


Not long after, a special Den Den Mushi on Marshal Sengoku's desk also rang.

His brows were suddenly wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

The call from the Five Elders!

The death of the Celestial Dragons also concerned the Five Elders, who had been waiting for a report from Sengoku.

Now that the other party had taken the initiative to call, it was clear that they could not wait any longer.

Marshal Sengoku rubbed his temples and chose to answer the call.

Of course.

Marshal Sengoku did not tell the Five Elders the truth, saying that Admiral Kizaru had not caught anyone, but had dragged him away.

He only said that the arrest was not over yet, and that he would report again after Admiral Kizaru came back.

As a result, there was no doubt that he was severely scolded by the Five Elders.

In front of outsiders, Sengoku was a high-ranking admiral of the navy.

But in the eyes of the World Government and the Five Elders, Sengoku was just a dog.

It was just that he was a little more important than the other dogs.

But in the end, he was still a dog.

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