American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 602: Sengoku Garp's shock: This person is too strong!

After a lot of trouble in the Sabaody Archipelago, leaving behind countless corpses of pirates.

Kizaru just returned to Marinford with Zhan Taomaru and his men.

Sengoku had been waiting anxiously for a long time.

Not only Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, and the other two admirals Aokiji and Akainu were also like this.

There was no way.

The Celestial Dragons were killed, but the culprit escaped.

Such a major event was enough to bring these absolute high-ranking members of the Navy together.


When Kizaru walked into Sengoku's office, one after another of his eyes were all on Kizaru.

It made Kizaru feel very uncomfortable.

Why are you all so serious?

It seems that this time it's really a big deal, and it's not good to continue to slack off.

It's really troublesome.

"Kizaru, you look really embarrassed."

Vice Admiral Garp looked Kizaru up and down, looking like he was watching the fun, "Tsk tsk tsk, there are not many people like you, Kizaru!"

"Kizaru, what happened!"

Akainu's face looked very gloomy, and he stared at Kizaru with his eyes fixed, "Did you let the murderer get away?"

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone, don't make the atmosphere so serious, okay? It's really scary."

Kizaru patted his chest with his hand and said in an exaggerated tone.

Seeing Kizaru like that, Akainu was furious.

This guy, it's okay to slack off at work, but he is still like this at such a critical moment!

They are the navy that upholds justice, how can they make the mistake of letting such a heinous murderer escape!

That is a fatal blow to the prestige of the navy!

"Kizaru, what happened, tell me."

Marshal Sengoku looked equally solemn, staring at Kizaru and asked in a deep voice.

"Like I told you before, Sengoku, that guy is too strong. I am no match for him at all, so he escaped."

"If he didn't want to kill me, I would be dead now."

Kizaru adjusted his glasses and reported to Sengoku again in front of the other two admirals and Garp.

But as soon as this was said, everyone expressed doubts and didn't believe it at all.

"Kizaru, I didn't expect you to make up such a ridiculous excuse to shirk responsibility."

Garp was shocked by Kizaru and looked at Kizaru with a look of admiration.

You are getting better and better at paddling, right?

You are not going to the Sabaody Archipelago to pretend, and then come back to report that you didn't catch him?


It must be like this.

Otherwise, who can escape from Kizaru?

"Kizaru, even if you want to make excuses, please be more careful!"

Akainu became even more angry and began to accuse Kizaru, "It's okay if you are so lazy at ordinary times, but now it concerns the prestige of our entire navy!"

"You guys."

Kizaru was also a little aggrieved, "Is it a face-saving thing to call yourself a loser? So many people in the Sabaody Archipelago have seen it, you can find out if you check it out."


At this time, the door of Sengoku's office was knocked, and a man in a special uniform walked in.

"Marshal Sengoku, this is the projection Den Den Mushi confiscated from Sabaody."

The other party handed several Den Den Mushi to Sengoku, and then left.

Marshal Sengoku didn't say anything nonsense.

He immediately took out the Den Den Mushi and played the images recorded in them.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!


A group of shocking battle images were played in front of several big guys.

Yellow Monkey's miserable appearance after being beaten like a dog was fully revealed in front of everyone.


The big guys in the office were all shocked.


Abused throughout the whole process!

Admiral Yellow Monkey was actually abused throughout the whole process!

They originally thought that Yellow Monkey was making excuses for his failure and did not believe what Yellow Monkey said at all.

But who would have thought that what Yellow Monkey said was true!

He was really beaten like a grandson by that person from beginning to end.


In an instant.

Whether it was Sengoku or Garp, or the other two admirals of the navy, their eyes were all fixed on Rorschach in the image.

They looked at each other and saw the same question in each other's eyes: Who is this person!

"I can't believe there is such a terrifying existence on the sea!"

In the quiet scene, Garp's exclamation broke the deathly silence, "Sengoku, even the Pirate King Roger can't be the opponent of this person, right?"

Not only Roger?

Even if it's Garp, Sengoku, Akainu and Aokiji, no one can be the opponent of this person!

They have been sailing on the sea for a lifetime, and have seen countless storms, but they have never seen such a terrifying person.

"How ridiculous!"

Akainu clenched his fists angrily. For the first time in his life, he felt powerless.

But even so, Akainu was uncompromising, "The justice of the navy cannot be trampled by anyone, not even him!"

Qingzhi didn't say much, but he was thinking in his heart, can the navy really catch that terrible person?

Kizaru was beaten like that, which means that at least three of their generals are needed!

Three generals of the navy went out together, just to capture one person?

How much of a sensation will it cause if word gets out?

not to mention.

Even so.

Qingzhi evaluated the strength shown by the young man in the image and felt that he was not that confident.

"By the way, Sengoku, that guy deliberately killed the Tianlong people just to lure me there."

"He said he wanted to make a deal with the Navy."

In the dull scene, Kizaru's voice sounded again.

It immediately attracted the attention of several big shots including Warring States.

"How ridiculous! A criminal who killed a Celestial Dragon also wants to make a deal with the Navy?"

Akainu immediately snorted.

"What did he tell you?"

Warring States, after pondering for a while, looked at Kizaru and asked in a deep voice.

"He said he could help us eliminate the Four Emperors!"

As soon as Kizaru said these words, several navy backbones at the scene were unable to remain calm.

That would be the destruction of the Four Emperors!

To put it bluntly, if all the four emperors were really wiped out, the pirates in the entire sea would be nothing to worry about.

The navy will truly unify the entire sea and control the entire sea!

The Navy will usher in an era of unprecedented glory!

A glorious era that has not been seen for hundreds of years!

In this era, no one is unmoved and no one can remain calm.

Judging from the opponent's ability to tyrannize Kizaru, killing the Four Emperors is really not just a boast!

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