American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 603: Homelanders invade the Navy Headquarters!

Of course.

It's tempting, but the butt determines the head.

No matter how sweet and delicious the pie Rorschach draws, how tempting it is.

But the other party is the murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons anyway.

How could the Navy rely on such a person to help get rid of the Four Emperors?

They have to have some face, okay!

Neither Sengoku Garp nor the other two admirals have ever seriously considered such a thing.

From the beginning, everyone's goal was very clear, and they must catch the murderer!


The backbones of the Navy began to discuss how to capture the arrogant lunatic.

"Sengoku, this is indeed a bit difficult."

Garp frowned slightly while eating donuts, "That guy can actually fly, which is a bit troublesome."

If he can fly, he will be free from the shackles of the sea.

This means that the Navy cannot block him on a certain island for encirclement and suppression.

The other party can leave at any time if he wants to, and the Navy can't catch up.

After all, the navy can't fly.

"Not only can he fly, he's not a superpower user. Didn't Kizaru say that he's not afraid of seawater at all!"

Aokiji added leisurely.

Ah this!

The big guys didn't know what to say.

Doesn't this mean that the guy can not only fly, but also go into the sea!

The difficulty of arresting him is doubled.

"This doesn't make sense."

Akainu's voice sounded, and his brows furrowed deeply, puzzled, "Since he is not a superpower user, why can he fly?"

Not only can he fly, according to the battle video, the guy's speed and strength are very terrifying.

He can also emit an invisible force field.

In other words, he clearly has superpowers!

A superpower user, but not a devil fruit user?

It doesn't make sense.

So what the hell is that guy?

"No need to bother."

When everyone was in pain, Kizaru spoke up, "He has already said that he will come to Marinford in person in three days."

"That guy is too arrogant!"

Garp exclaimed in amazement.

Openly killing the Celestial Dragons and beating the admiral of the navy like a dog, not only did he not run away, but he also took the initiative to come to the Navy Headquarters to make trouble?

How much does he not take the navy seriously?

"Humph, what an arrogant lunatic!"

Akainu snorted coldly, with murderous intent on his face, "Since he is willing to take the initiative to die, it's really the best!"

"Pass my order, search the entire sea for this person!"

Zhan Guo immediately issued this order, "At the same time, the Navy Headquarters should also make corresponding preparations."

Zhan Guo naturally couldn't believe that the other party would really come to the Navy Headquarters to fall into the trap based on Rorschach's words alone.

The arrest work that should be carried out cannot be stopped.

But considering Rorschach's terrifying strength, the Navy Headquarters naturally had to be on guard.

"Okay, that's it, adjourn!"

After dismissing all the generals, Zhan Guo picked up the relevant evidence and hurried out.

The matter was of great importance, and he needed to go to Mary Geoise to meet the Five Elders in person and report everything.

"When did such a terrible guy appear on the sea?"

"No wonder, even Kizaru escaped!"

No doubt.

When the relevant images were played in front of the Five Elders, they were also deeply shocked.

Even the Five Elders had no confidence in defeating the murderer's terrible strength!

After all, even the Five Elders could not beat the natural Admiral Kizaru into a bear.

I'm afraid.

Only Lord Im had the absolute confidence to defeat that man.

In an instant.

The Five Elders understood why the Navy failed so badly this time.

The anger that the Navy had previously had because they could not catch anyone also dissipated by half.

As for Rorschach's proposal to make a deal with the Navy and eliminate the Four Emperors, etc.

Because the matter was of great importance, Zhan Guo also reported it to the Five Elders.

In this regard.

The attitudes of the Five Elders and the Navy were consistent.

They could not cooperate with a murderer who killed the Celestial Dragons, and they had to catch that person.

"Go down!"

"Your most important task at the moment is to catch that person, at all costs!"

After saying this, the Five Elders waved their hands and sent Zhan Guo away.

Back at the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Guo did just as the Five Elders ordered.

He mobilized the resources that could be mobilized to the greatest extent and arrested Rorschach.

He simply turned the sea upside down.

But it was a pity.

Since the madman disappeared from the Sabaody Archipelago, he was as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not be found.

Even three days later, the deadline that Rorschach mentioned to visit the Navy Headquarters was the same.

"Still no news?"

In Zhan Guo's office, the three admirals and Vice Admiral Garp gathered together again.

Zhan Guo looked at his core confidants with a serious expression and asked.

"I've been exhausted looking for people these days. Zhan Guo, you have to give me a raise."

Kizaru spoke first, still looking lazy.

Seeing that Zhan Guo's face darkened slightly, he immediately added, "But I don't know where that guy is hiding. I haven't gained anything here. What about you?"

Kizaru glanced at the other two admirals.

"I haven't found any clues here either." Aokiji shook his head.

"Hmph, he's hiding deep!"

Akainu snorted in reluctance and anger, "Don't let me find him, otherwise, I'll let him know that the justice of the navy is inviolable!"


Garp took a bite of the donut, "Where did that guy hide?"

Everyone's face was a little heavy.

The longer you drag on finding someone, the more disadvantageous it will be.

Now that he hasn't been found for three days, the hope for the future is even slimmer.


Today is the time that guy said he would visit the headquarters of the navy. Will he really come?

"You don't have to go to such great lengths to find me, right?"

"Didn't I say I would come by myself?"

But at this moment.

Sengoku Garp and several admirals suddenly found that a figure suddenly passed through the wall.

Appeared in front of them.

He spoke to everyone as if nothing had happened.

It was him!

That guy actually came!

Sengoku Garp and the three admirals all changed their expressions.

He knew that the entire navy was trying to catch him, but he still dared to appear in front of them as if nothing had happened.

This guy is really too arrogant!


Sengoku and others have seen the battle video and admit that this guy is very powerful, superior to the admirals of the navy.

But now.

Three admirals of the navy plus him, a marshal and vice admiral Garp, this kind of situation, whoever comes will die, right?

This person doesn't really think that he can handle even this kind of situation, right?

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