American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 606: The Warring States Marshal was also beaten like a dog!


Looking around, a mass of magma on the ground is constantly gathering and surging.

From the two-dimensional liquid on the plane, it slowly extends to the three-dimensional direction.

A group of photons not far away is the same, and they begin to quickly move towards the center and gather.

Crack, crack, crack!

An ice block continues to condense and grow, and gradually a human figure appears.

The three generals are recovering in their own ways.

Zhan Guo quickly glanced and retracted his gaze.


A decision was made.


His mind moved, and the fruit ability was activated.

A golden Buddha, almost fifty meters high, suddenly appeared.

Like a small mountain, it brought great oppression and shock to everyone.

"Marshal Zhan Guo!"

"It's Marshal Zhan Guo, he took action!"

"Marshal Zhan Guo took action personally!"

Low calls were heard again around.

That's the commander in chief of the army!

Usually he only needs to sit in the army, when did even such a commander need to do it personally?

If even the commander-in-chief of the army went to the battlefield to kill the enemy in person, there would be only one situation.

That is, the situation on the battlefield was extremely severe.

It was so bad that it could not be worse.

And now.

There is no doubt that this is the case.

"In the form of a big Buddha?"

Rorschach raised his head, looked up and down, and commented lightly, "It is quite dazzling."

Besides being dazzling?

Sorry, it really did not leave any other deep impression on Rorschach.

There was nothing else worthy of Rorschach's attention.


A dull sound of breaking through the air sounded.

It was the golden Buddha that was as big as a hill, swinging his fist and hitting Rorschach fiercely.

Visually, it was very impactful.

After all, that fist was bigger than Rorschach's.

It was like a meteorite falling.

At the same time.

On that fist, there was also an extremely powerful shock wave.

Rorschach still just waved his hand lightly.

A huge fist of telekinesis hit the golden Buddha fiercely.


Along with this extremely dull sound, the golden Buddha as big as a hill actually shook violently, and then flew backwards.


The scene was even more shocked and shocked.

Even such a huge golden Buddha was easily knocked away, and the visual impact is needless to say.

It was really too shocking.

That was a big Buddha as big as a hill!

Such a huge thing can also be knocked away?

Fortunately, Zhan Guo exited the golden Buddha state in mid-air, but he fell heavily to the ground like a dead dog, not the golden Buddha.


This playground would be directly destroyed, and those spectators would not know how many would be crushed to death.

"Marshal Zhan Guo!"

"Marshal Zhan Guo!"

Several exclamations rang out.

The three admirals who had just completed "rebirth" with the elemental ability immediately saw that their marshals were also bloody.

They were immediately stimulated.

Their boss was beaten up in front of these "henchmen", which was their dereliction of duty.

"How can this be, the justice of the navy, how can you trample on it like this!"

An angry roar came from Akainu's mouth.

This rare iron-blooded admiral in the navy was completely angry, and magma emerged from his body again, intending to attack Rorschach.

But unfortunately, Rorschach did not intend to waste time.

He waved his hand again, and several groups of telekinesis were released at the first time, covering Sengoku Garp and the three navy admirals.

These people were imprisoned at the first time.


The navy at the scene saw.

These five strongest navy men flew into the air under Rorschach's wave!

One by one, they all struggled wildly.

It seemed that pairs of invisible big hands grabbed Sengoku Garp and the three admirals!


Inside the invisible telekinetic barrier, magma was surging wildly on Akainu's body, and he used all his strength to try to break through the invisible restraint.

But, it was useless.

All his struggles were in vain, and they didn't work at all.

Kizaru and Aokiji were in similar situations.

One had already turned into a blazing photon, flashing non-stop inside Rorschach's telekinetic barrier.

The other also kept trying to release his ability, trying to freeze continuously to break the telekinetic barrier.

All of them were in vain.


The next moment.

Sengoku Garp and the three admirals immediately felt that they were flying.

They were imprisoned and carried away by the telekinetic barrier.

The surrounding scenery quickly passed by their eyes, and they only saw a flash.

Then they saw that they appeared on the vast sea.

"Not good!"

Everyone's face changed.

Especially the other few ability users except Garp, how could they not understand what Rorschach was going to do?

Damn, is there really anyone who can do such a thing?

Everyone in the ocean knows that the sea water is the nemesis of the Devil Fruit ability user. All you need to do is knock the ability user into the sea, but who has ever done such a thing?

Is it so easy for the Devil Fruit ability user to be knocked into the sea?

Not to mention the nearly unsolvable natural system.

Its elementalization makes it impossible.


The terrible enemy in front of him made that impossible possible.

The opponent actually completely restrained the elementalization of the natural system ability user.

Before, Kizaru had told several others that he was almost killed, but no one believed it at the time.

They thought Kizaru was exaggerating.

How could a natural system ability user be killed?

Even if he was beaten into a dog or a slag, he would not die.

Until this moment, everyone realized that Admiral Kizaru was not exaggerating.


The next moment.

Water splashed up.

Rorschach led several ability users into the vast ocean and sank into the sea.

Just a few ability users.

Garp, a non-ability user, was thrown into the sea by Rorschach casually and allowed to "play freely".

After all, no matter how strong Garp's physical skills are, he can't walk on water.

Even if there is a short-term air-walking footwork in the Navy's Six Styles, it is only applicable to short distances.

It is useless in the vast sea at this moment.

The other ability users were directly taken by Rorschach into the deep sea.


Just like dealing with Admiral Kizaru, the telekinetic barrier was directly removed.

The endless sea water around them rushed in instantly, and several ability users were immediately disabled.

They were suppressed by the sea water and fainted.

Rorschach also took this opportunity to seal some sea water on several navy backbones through the "telekinetic armor".

Then they were all captured directly.

Of course, Garp was also captured.

The absolute top leaders of the navy were caught by Rorschach in one fell swoop.

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