American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 605: The three generals joined forces? They were all blown up with a wave of their hands!


The two fists collided in the blink of an eye.


The sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded.

On one side, Sengoku and Kizaru, who had just been "resurrected" through elementalization, saw that Garp's wrist suddenly bent at a strange angle.


Iron Fist Garp's fist was interrupted by a punch from that terrible guy!

And then.

There is no doubt that Garp was punched out by Rorschach, and he went to keep company with his two dear generals, Akainu and Aokiji.

"It's Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Even Lieutenant General Garp was shot away!"

"How is this possible?"

Another cry of surprise.

The sailors almost had their eyes popped out one by one, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Forgetting the two admirals, how come Lieutenant General Garp was also beaten out?

Who in the entire navy doesn't know that although the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp is only a lieutenant general, his strength is definitely at the level of a general!

The reason why he has always been a lieutenant general is simply because Lieutenant General Garp himself was unwilling to be promoted.


Duoduo is also a general!

Such a character was actually beaten away by others?

who is it!

Who is it!

"That's unreasonable!"

Akainu looked at Aokiji and Garp who were also beaten out, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

I was about to rush in and deal with the madman.


Two figures suddenly jumped out and appeared on the playground.

But it was Warring States and Kizaru.

However, these two people were no longer beaten out by Rorschach, but were transferred out on their own initiative.

After all, that guy's strength is too strong. In a place like the office, everyone's strength can't be used at all, and it's impossible to control that guy.

I'm afraid that if there is a real fight, not to mention the office, even the entire office building will be reduced to rubble.

"Who is that guy?"

Lieutenant General Garp's shocked voice sounded. He never thought that one day he would be beaten into a dog.

Especially in physical arts.

In a head-to-head confrontation with him!

"I want to know too, that scary guy."

Kizaru also sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"No matter who he is, we can't let him leave Marinefando today!"

Akainu's fist has turned into lava, and it is still surging. The momentum is still very shocking.

Qing Zhi didn't speak, but he was worried in his heart.

Judging from the opponent's ability to ravage them with just one punch, can they really keep each other?


Just at this time.

Sengoku, Garp, and the three generals immediately felt their eyes blurred. They didn't react at all, and they didn't even notice the Haki.

Rorschach had already appeared in front of them like a ghost.

"It seems that the fighting is still not enough!"

After glancing at the faces of several navy backbones, Rorschach shrugged slightly and sighed.

It's like talking about something trivial and insignificant.

"Big fire-breathing!"

Akainu didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately hit Rorschach with a magma fist.

But it didn't hit Rorschach at all. A foot away from Rorschach was directly blocked, as if there was a mass of invisible energy there.

Considering that Rorschach knocked people away with a wave of his hand, the admirals immediately understood that the other party must have used the same method to create an energy barrier there.

That's right.

That is indeed a wall of telepathy.

He defended Akainu's attack easily and happily.

"Admiral? That's all?"

With a relaxed and happy expression on his face, Rorschach couldn't help but sneered.

This made Akainu's face suddenly turn livid and ugly.

There is no reason for this.

This guy is so arrogant!

"Dog bites Guren!"

Akainu roared again, and amidst the gurgling sound of magma, a magma dog head condensed out.

He opened his mouth wide and rushed towards Rorschach, charging and attacking mercilessly.

But it's a pity.

It has not been used in any way.

"Eight-foot Qiongquyu!"

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Kizaru also took action, crossing his hands in front of his chest and firing out densely packed light bullets that obscured the space.

Keep shooting at Rorschach.

"Violent pheasant mouth!"

General Qing Pheasant was not idle either, and also launched his most powerful blow at Luo Xia.

It condensed an ice bird and attacked Rorschach from another direction.

that's all.

The three navy admirals took action together, each launching their own powerful attacks from three different directions.

Go and lay siege to Rorschach.


All were blocked by Rorschach's mental barrier.

Not to mention hurting Rorschach, he couldn't even touch the corner of Rorschach's clothes!

"F-fake, right?"

"What a joke!"

"He is motionless there, and the three generals can't hurt him?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"How can there be such a pervert in the world!"

The surrounding marines felt huge waves in their hearts, and each of them seemed to have been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

I was stunned by the incredible scene in front of me.

What a joke!

Any of the three admirals of the navy, if taken alone, would be the one standing at the top of the entire ocean.

Except for the existence of the level of the Four Emperors, who can be their opponent?

But now.

Three people joined forces, and they couldn't break the enemy's defense?

Who dares to believe this!

Not to mention these navy, even Sengoku and Garp were also shocked and speechless.


This is just the beginning.

The next moment.

But Rorschach waved his hand casually.

"Not good!"

The faces of the three admirals all changed wildly, and at that moment they had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

Boom boom boom!

Sure enough.

At that moment, an extremely huge force covered the whole body of the three admirals, shrinking and squeezing them fiercely.

The three admirals of the navy were instantly exploded into slag in the eyes of everyone.

That's right, exploded into slag.

It's not an exaggeration, but an objective description.

The three admirals of the navy exploded, leaving no trace of their bodies, only debris on the ground.

Of course.

The three admirals of the navy are all natural ability users, so it is not easy for them to die.

But they are all slag.

Even if they are "resurrected" again, it will still take some time.

And the navy around them were all petrified, shocked beyond words, their brains were about to explode.

Just waved his hand, and the three admirals exploded at the same time?

This kind of thing is impossible no matter how you think about it, right?


That's right, it must be an illusion just now!


Even Sengoku and Garp began to swallow their saliva in shock.

It was as if they were struck by lightning.

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