American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 608: The Battle of the Top with the Participation of the Homelanders

Navy headquarters.

In a new office.

Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, and the three admirals of the navy gathered together again.

In addition to these absolute backbones of the navy, there was another person sitting lazily at the conference table.


This made the atmosphere in the office seem very strange and awkward.

After all, just half an hour ago, these backbones of the navy were beaten into a dog by that young guy!

Now, they have to sit together as if nothing happened?

Even if they are thick-skinned, it is a bit embarrassing.

But anyway, this is the order of the Five Elders.

Even if they are reluctant, what else can they do?


The corners of his mouth twitched, and he adjusted his mentality. Marshal Sengoku said in a deep voice, "Let's talk about eliminating the Four Emperors."

"It's very simple, find someone, and then kill him, isn't it?"

Rorschach shrugged indifferently, as if the Four Emperors were just insignificant weaklings in his mouth.

Of course.

Judging from the performance of Rorschach in sweeping away several navy backbones before, the other party does have the capital to be so arrogant.

"Is this your plan?"

Zhan Guo was speechless.

This plan is indeed very good, but there is one thing that is the same as not saying it.

"If that's the case, I have an idea."

Zhan Guo pushed his glasses, "Perhaps, we can choose Whitebeard as the first target, and the specific time is ten days later."


Ten days later?

Rorschach couldn't help but glance at Zhan Guo.

Isn't that the day of the public execution of Fire Fist Ace?

Zhan Guo is going to kill the Four Emperors in public in front of the whole sea?

In this way, the prestige of the navy will reach an unprecedented peak.

But this kind of thing is irrelevant to Rorschach.

He will get rid of the Four Emperors, who comes first and who comes later.

Zhan Guo suggested killing Whitebeard first, and Rorschach will certainly have no problem.

As for ten days later?


Isn't it just ten days' wait? It's not too long. Rorschach can wait.

Anyway, the world of pirates is also a more interesting world.

Rorschach took advantage of this time to travel around in this world, which is also a very pleasant thing.

"Then it's settled."

Rorschach stood up, "I will come in ten days."


After saying this to Sengoku, Rorschach flew away on the surfboard.

He didn't even go through the door, but just went through the wall.

Sengoku and his friends were stunned.

Homelander, this guy, has too many abilities, right?

Flying, invisible force field, super speed, eye laser, and now, there is another wall-penetrating ability?

How did he, a non-devil fruit ability user, have so many abilities?

Homelander is the most powerful and strangest person they have ever seen in their lifetime of traveling across the sea.

Of course, he is also the one who brought the greatest crisis and shame to their navy.

But anyway.

With the intervention of the Five Elder Stars, the matter came to an end.

Then Sengoku and his men regained their spirits and prepared for the public execution of Ace ten days later.

This was definitely the most important action of the Navy since the destruction of the Rocks Pirates and the extermination of the Pirate King Roger.

No one in the entire Navy dared to relax.

Including Marshal Sengoku and the three admirals of the Navy, all of them devoted themselves to the relevant preparations.

The navy drawn from various branches had already been on full alert, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea also came to Marinford one after another.

At the same time, the eyes of the entire sea were all focused on Marinford.

Whether it was the pirates, the World Government, or the ordinary residents, they all paid close attention to this "unprecedented war".

Everyone understood that if Whitebeard really appeared, this battle would directly change the pattern of the entire world.

No one was not paying attention.

In this atmosphere.

The entire Navy felt a great pressure.

The same is true for Marshal Warring States.

Because under this level of attention, if the navy fails, it will be a fatal blow to the prestige of the navy.

However, thinking about that perverted figure, Warring States' heart is much more stable.

If that person is there, even Whitebeard can't make any waves.


Warring States looked at the time. The public execution was about to begin. Why didn't that guy show up yet?

"Marshal Warring States, it's almost time. Everyone is waiting for you."

The secretary knocked on the door and began to remind Marshal Warring States.

Warring States also calmed down, stood up, and walked out of the office.

When Warring States came to the execution platform, 100,000 navy had already been in place.

Looking around, it was dark and full of heads.

Even if they did nothing, such a huge number alone gave people a great sense of oppression.

In addition.

Yellow Monkey, Akainu and Aokiji, the three admirals of the navy, also sat on the high platform in a very impressive manner.

Or domineering and iron-blooded, or lazy and lazy, or silent and cold.

Although his expressions are different, just sitting there gives people a feeling of being a stabilizing force.

Of course.

Vice Admiral Garp, the hero of the navy, has also arrived.

But Garp's face is very ugly.

He even gave Sengoku a big face.

Although Ace has no blood relationship with Garp, in Garp's heart, he is like a grandson!

What's more, that was Roger's entrustment to Garp back then!

From beginning to end, Garp was against Sengoku's public execution of Ace.

But there is no way.

Who said Garp is a navy?

"Garp, you have to remember that you are a navy! Remember your position!"

Seeing Garp's cannibalistic eyes, Sengoku couldn't help but remind him in a deep voice.

Of course, Garp knows his position.

Otherwise, he would have rescued Ace long ago.

Withdrawing his eyes from Garp, Sengoku looked forward again.

However, there were several other guys of different heights standing under the platform.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea have also arrived!

Sengoku felt relieved.

There was no problem with the deployment of the navy.

Even if Homelander did not show up, they could deal with Whitebeard according to their own plan.

However, they were not sure about getting rid of Whitebeard.

In any case, that guy also had the powerful power to destroy the world.


While sorting out these things, Marshal Sengoku immediately felt his eyes blurred.

At the same time, a strong airflow blew towards him.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw that a familiar figure had appeared.



One by one, his eyes fell on Rorschach involuntarily.

Those navy members who had never seen Rorschach were all very surprised.

Who is this guy? How could he appear beside Marshal Sengoku in such an occasion?

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