American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 609: Homelander takes action and kills Whitebeard instantly

Not only the marines, but also the King Shichibukai couldn't help but look at Luo Xia one more time.

Judging from the posture of that guy, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person.

Otherwise, why would he appear directly next to Warring States at such a time?

His status in the army is probably at the level of three generals and Lieutenant General Garp.

Even if it's not as good, it shouldn't be much different.

But here's the problem, they have never seen this person.

However, the seven warriors under the king only took one more look, that's all, and didn't pay too much attention.

With their status, ordinary people would not take them lightly.

"Warring States, is it almost time? When can we start?"

It wasn't until Luo Xia spoke to Sengoku in a completely equal tone that Wang Shichibukai really noticed this person again.

Warring States Period?

This man actually called Warring States by his first name?

That's the Admiral of the Navy!

Looking at the entire Navy, who would directly address the marshal by his first name?

"It's time to start."

But Warring States didn't take Luo Xia's attitude to heart at all, and just responded to the other party calmly.

And then.

It’s almost the same as in the anime.

Sengoku first exposed Ace's true identity in front of all the news media.

There was a huge uproar in the entire sea.

At the same time, the Warring States Period also put the entire navy on high alert for every move in the surrounding sea.

To "welcome" the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But what makes Warring States strange is that the execution is about to begin, and Whitebeard doesn't even show up!

They found no movement on the surface.

This surprised Warring States.

Has Whitebeard decided to give up on Ace?

Isn't this in line with Whitebeard's character?

Boom boom boom!



Just as the Warring States Period was thinking about this issue, the calm sea in front of the execution platform suddenly began to explode with huge waves!

One pirate ship after another just emerged from the bottom of the sea!

"Whitebeard! It's Whitebeard!"

"Whitebeard and the others are coming!"

"First Division Captain Phoenix Marco, Third Division Captain Diamond Jozi, Fifth Division Captain Foil Bista...these captains are here too!"

"The entire Whitebeard Pirates are here!"

A moment.

The scene immediately boiled, and the atmosphere was instantly pushed to a climax.

The major news media went crazy and reported feverishly.

The huge lineup of the Whitebeard Pirates was broadcast to the entire sea through its own channels.

The navy felt great pressure one by one.

The Whitebeard Pirates are here!

"Dad, no!"

"Don't come!"

Ace, who was on the execution platform, cried out in pain and self-blame.

He knew that his father would definitely come to save him, which was exactly what Ace didn't want to see.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates are very powerful, they are far from being able to defeat the Navy Headquarters.

This is the Navy Headquarters!

"Ace, we're here!"

"Ace, wait for us!"

The captains and members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted to Ace with great enthusiasm.


"my son!"

"Dad is here!"

The white beard standing proudly on the bow of the ship has a long look and an equally long voice.

There is incomparable perseverance on his face!

He naturally knew what this action meant, but how could Whitebeard give up his son?



Whitebeard raised his fist and punched the sea in front of him.

Accompanied by the sound of breaking glass, a terrifying shock wave suddenly shook the sky and rippled away.


The boundless waves were actually hit!

Even as high as hundreds of meters!

The huge wave started, followed by the turbulent sea water, and it just rolled towards the navy.

Looking at that momentum, it was enough to swamp the entire Navy at the Navy Headquarters.

"Is this, is this Whitebeard?"

"What a terrible power!"

A moment.

Shocked and exclamations could not help but erupt from the scene, and countless ordinary marines were frightened to the point of peeing.

The name of the Four Emperor Whitebeard is known to every navy.

But there weren't many marines who had seen Whitebeard take action with their own eyes.

It can even be said that there are very few.

After all, Seabeard is a person from the previous era. In his own words, he is a "remnant of the old era."

It's long past time for Whitebeard to travel all over the world and rely on the power of the Shock Fruit to make a name for himself.

Nowadays, Whitebeard rarely takes action.

Therefore, the navy knows that the Four Emperors are powerful, but not many have a clear idea of ​​how powerful the Four Emperors are.

Until this moment.

All the sailors just saw it with their own eyes.

Everyone was immediately stimulated and stunned.

Is this the power of the Four Emperors?

Isn't it too scary?

Fortunately, the navy is not just for free.

Seeing that the navy was about to be swamped by a huge wave.

General Qing Pheasant suddenly flew into the air and used his frozen fruit ability.

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click!

The huge waves were frozen instantly!

Not only the huge waves, but the entire sea area was frozen.

The crisis of the navy being submerged was easily resolved by Admiral Aokiji.

This greatly inspired the navy.

So the admirals of the navy are so powerful!

It is also so exaggerated!

"My sons!"

Standing on the bow, Whitebeard's voice was like a bell, and he pointed forward with the Kusugawa in his hand, "Let's take Ace home!"

"Take Ace home!"


Several captains led the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates and began to rush up and rushed out.

The navy was the same.

For a while.

The navy headquarters was full of people, shouting and killing, it was so lively.

The war on the top began to break out!

"I am only responsible for getting rid of Whitebeard, and I don't care about the other minions."

Rorschach stepped forward and turned his head to say to Warring States casually.

"You just need to deal with Whitebeard."

Zhan Guo had no objection to this.

This was actually what Zhan Guo wanted. He couldn't let Rorschach do everything alone.

Wouldn't that make the navy look useless?


Then Marshal Zhan Guo heard a sonic boom, and Rorschach beside him disappeared.

The next moment.

He appeared in front of Whitebeard like a ghost.

Just floating in the air, looking straight at Whitebeard.

"You shouldn't have come."

After Rorschach sighed leisurely, he didn't say any more nonsense.

He waved his hand gently and punched Whitebeard.


With Rorschach's punch.

Whitebeard's seven-meter-tall body was hit hard, shook violently, and fell over.


He lay on the ground motionless.

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