American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 610 Whitebeard is dead, killed by one punch!


The whole of Marinford suddenly became quiet.

No, it could even be said to be deadly silence.

Everyone stared at Rorschach with eyes wide open, staring at him in disbelief.

Who on earth was that young man, who knocked down Whitebeard with just one punch?

What a joke!

That was Whitebeard!

One of the Four Emperors who terrorized the entire sea, Whitebeard!

His Tremor-Tremor Fruit was so overbearing that it possessed the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. Even the Navy Marshal Sengoku called him "the strongest man in the world."

Such a person was undoubtedly the one standing at the top of the entire sea.

Now, he was knocked down by a single punch?

How could such a thing be possible!

Wait a minute!

Everyone in Marinford was shocked again. Whether it was the navy or the pirates, they all found something very wrong.

Why did Whitebeard lie on the ground after being knocked down, and didn't get up at all?

Could it be that he was beaten to death by a single punch?


This kind of thing is too absurd!

No one dared to believe this absurd idea in their hearts.

But Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, three admirals of the navy, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, etc., used their observation Haki to sense it at the first time.

Whitebeard is dead!


All these bigwigs subconsciously took a breath of cold air, even Marshal Sengoku who had seen Rorschach.

They were all severely stimulated.

There was a storm in their hearts, and they couldn't believe their perceptions, wondering if they had sensed it wrong.

Whitebeard, he was dead?

He was beaten to death by a punch!

This is fake!

That's Whitebeard!


In an instant, the eyes of the Seven Warlords of the Sea once again hit Rorschach.

This time, no one could remain calm.

"Who on earth is this guy!"

Hawkeye Mihawk's hawk-like eyes were extremely sharp, and he hit Rorschach hard.

At this time, he subconsciously used his observation Haki to sense Rorschach's biological aura, and immediately changed his face like Pluto Rayleigh at the beginning.


"How is this possible!"

Hawkeye Mihawk was sweating all over his head, and he cried out in surprise.

Subconsciously turning his head to take a look, he saw that Doflamingo, Empress Hancock, and other Shichibukai who also had observation Haki, were trembling like him.

The face was pale, and even the body was shaking slightly, and the facial features were slightly distorted.

Falling into great shock.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"Why are you so scared!"

On the contrary, Gekko Moria, who did not have observation Haki, was a little confused and confused.

What happened to the other people?

Even if that person knocked down Whitebeard with one punch, there was no need to be so scared, right?



The scene was dead silent for a moment, and then several pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates rushed over in shock.

They checked Whitebeard's vital signs at the first time.

Then, boom, the brain exploded directly.

"Dad, dead!"

"Dad is dead!"

The other party was shocked and lost his voice in disbelief.

"What! Whitebeard is dead!"

"How is it possible, Whitebeard was killed by a punch!"

"Killed Whitebeard with one punch? I can't believe it!"

"This, this must be a joke, that's Whitebeard!"

The whole Marinford seemed to be thrown into a bomb, no, a nuclear bomb, and it exploded all of a sudden.

Countless shocked exclamations and horrified voices rang out one after another.

Everyone was stunned by the extremely shocking news, as if struck by lightning, and they dared not believe this unbelievable scene anyway.

Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, was killed by a single punch?

This is so outrageous, even a story wouldn't dare to be made up like this, right?


"You killed Dad!"

"I'll kill you!"

With a loud shout, with a fierce murderous intent, Diamond Joz rushed towards Rorschach like a small mountain.

His entire body was covered with dazzling diamonds, revealing only half of his face, half of which was a face with red eyes and full of murderous intent!

Dad is dead!

He wanted to cut the beast that killed Dad into pieces!

Rorschach originally planned to "retire after success" after killing Whitebeard, and become a "hands-off boss", and had no intention of attacking other members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, even Whitebeard was a scum in front of him, and the others were even more scum among scum, so he didn't even have the interest to take action.

But, someone took the initiative to come to his door to seek death, what else could Rorschach do?

He just waved his hand lightly, and a huge mental force suddenly enveloped Diamond Joz.

Then, he shrank and squeezed with force.


Diamond Joz exploded directly!

It exploded into a pile of shiny debris, and then the debris quickly turned into a pile of rotten meat, deader than dead.

Diamond is indestructible?

It's just an illusion.

The premise of diamond being indestructible is that it has not encountered a truly powerful force.

Once it encounters a truly powerful force, diamond will have to kneel.


The sound of swallowing saliva rang out again and again at the scene.

Everyone around was so numbed that their scalps tingled and their brains exploded.

Diamond Joz exploded just by shaking it in the air?

What about diamond being the hardest substance in the world?

What about Diamond Joz being the person with the strongest defense?

Just so easily, killed in seconds?

It must be fake!

It must be fake!

How could such a thing be possible!

In the waters near Marinford, the Red Hair Pirates are leisurely heading towards Marinford.

The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy will completely change the pattern of the entire sea, which is something Red Hair does not want to see.

So Red Hair decided to come to mediate, after all, his face fruit has always been successful.

Even if it's the navy, they have to give him face, right?

"Hope, it's not too late?"

While watching the "live broadcast" of Marinford projected by the projector Den Den Mushi, Red Hair prayed in his heart.



But suddenly.

Red Hair saw a young man knock Whitebeard to the ground with one punch.

This made the entire Red Hair Pirates stunned and caught off guard.

"Boss, who is that guy? Knock down Whitebeard with one punch?"

Jesus Bu almost popped his eyes out and exclaimed in disbelief.

Knock down Whitebeard with one punch, no one in the whole ocean can do it!

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