But neither Jesus Bu nor Red Hair would have thought that it was just the beginning.


"Dad is dead!"

Then they saw the Whitebeard Pirates crying on Whitebeard's body.


Even Red Hair couldn't help but tremble violently.

Whitebeard, he's dead?

Killed by a punch?

This is absolutely impossible!

But whether Red Hair believes it or not, this matter cannot be changed.

Marinford is still in great shock.


A roar sounded.

Phoenix Marco suddenly transformed into a gorgeous Phoenix and flew to Diamond Joz.

No, it flew to the debris of Diamond Joz.

Seeing that Diamond Joz died so tragically, there was not even a complete body left.

Phoenix Marco couldn't help but tremble all over.

First it was Dad, then Joz, that guy, he really deserved to die!


The huge anger and murderous intent made even a steady person like Phoenix Marco lose his calm and reason.

He rushed towards Rorschach with great anger, and the whole person suddenly turned into a blue flame bird.

Very cool, flying towards Rorschach.

"Phoenix Marco?"

Rorschach saw the cool bird flying towards him, and his heart was moved.

What if this fruit was taken for Kamala?

In Rorschach's eyes, this fruit is actually very good.

In fact, at the beginning, Rorschach planned to get a natural fruit for Kamala.

After all, the most powerful and powerful fruit in the world of pirates, except for a few mythical beast fruits, is the natural fruit.

And the natural fruit can also be elementalized, which is almost unsolvable in the world of Marvel.

But how to say it.

The natural fruit is now almost owned by someone.

Rorschach can't say that just because he wants to get a fruit for Kamala, he will kill a natural ability user for no reason.

In this case.

Since the Phoenix Marco has come to the door, it is also good to harvest Marco's fruit.

For Kamala, it is also enough.

Even the natural fruit must be used with the observation Haki, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

If it cannot be elementalized in advance, it means that the natural ability user will also be injured.

Some moves that require the cooperation of observation Haki cannot be performed.

After comparing them back and forth, the Phoenix Fruit is actually not bad.

"Forget it."

"The Phoenix Fruit should be considered as a backup."

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

When those thoughts flashed through his mind, the Phoenix Marco had already rushed to Rorschach.

Rorschach just stretched out his hand lightly, and the invisible telekinetic hand imprisoned Marco in an instant.

Marco began to struggle frantically in Rorschach's hand.

But there is no doubt that he could not break free at all.

Like a little lamb, it was so weakly suspended in front of Rorschach, so pale and powerless.


Rorschach's body shook, and he disappeared on the spot.


Just the next moment, Rorschach's figure reappeared.

But at this time, the Phoenix Marco in his hand was no longer the Phoenix Marco.

It was the dead bird Marco.

That's right.

Marco was also killed by Rorschach.

"Captain Marco is dead too!"

"How is it possible! Phoenix Marco is unkillable!"

"Why was Marco killed too!"

Everyone at the scene was severely stimulated again, all sweating and swallowing saliva.

Phoenix Marco is naturally not the strongest person in the Whitebeard Pirates, but he must be the most difficult person to kill.

He can even be called an unkillable person.

His mythical beast Phoenix fruit can make him immune to any damage!

How could such a person die?

How did that terrible young man do it?

No one understands this.

Only Marshal Sengoku and the three admirals of the navy who have been beaten by Rorschach know clearly.

Rorschach must have thrown Marco into the water, restricted his fruit ability, and then killed him!

In front of this person, no fruit ability is useful.

Even the natural system, even the immortal phoenix!

This person is simply the nemesis of the devil fruit ability!


Just like throwing a dead dog, the body of the phoenix was thrown to the ground casually.

Rorschach's eyes were light, sweeping over the people of Marinford, and gently saying a word.

"No one can touch the fruit of the phoenix Marco, that's what I like."

"Whoever moves, will die!"

After saying this lightly, Rorschach shook his body and turned back again.

He appeared on the high platform with a swagger and stood next to Marshal Sengoku with a bang.

"Whitebeard is dead, follow me and kill him!"

"Destroy the Whitebeard Pirates, kill!"

The next moment, the deafening shouts of killing rang out.

The momentum of the navy officers reached its peak in an instant.

They rushed towards the Whitebeard Pirates with high spirits.

What about the Whitebeard Pirates?

It was completely the opposite.

Although they were prepared to die from the beginning.

But before the war even started, Whitebeard and the two captains were killed by Thunder, which was a fatal blow to them.

The momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates fell to a low point all of a sudden.

Not to mention, their combat power was also greatly weakened.

So there was basically no doubt about the next battle.

The Whitebeard Pirates were defeated by the Navy and suffered heavy casualties.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Halfway through the war, screams suddenly came from the sky.

The Navy subconsciously looked up and saw a group of people falling from the sky.

They were surprised.

What the hell is this appearance?

How did they get to the sky?

There is no doubt.

Those unexpected guys were Luffy, Jinbei, the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, and others who escaped from Impel Down.

This group of people also fought a war with the navy with their own purposes.


Luffy roared and rushed forward, vowing to save Ace.

Crocodile went straight to find Whitebeard's trace.

This time, Crocodile came to Marinford with a very clear purpose, which was Whitebeard.

But after a search, Crocodile did not find Whitebeard, but found Whitebeard's body.

Crocodile was stunned.

"Whitebeard, he is dead?"

Looking at Whitebeard's cold body.

Crocodile seemed to be struck by lightning, and he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

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