American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 613 The next step is to kill Kaido!

Of course.

Compared with Whitebeard, Kaido's physical quality is much stronger.

At least in terms of defense and resistance to blows.

Looking at the current pirate world, there is really no one who can kill Kaido.

Even if he saw Rorschach kill Whitebeard with one punch, Kaido didn't think Rorschach could really kill him.

After all, he has been looking for death for so long, and even went to the Navy Headquarters so many times and was executed so many times.

No one has ever been able to kill him.

Not even that countryman!

But no matter what, Rorschach actually killed Whitebeard, who was at the same level as himself, with one punch.

It still caused a great shock to Kaido.

"Lord Kaido, do you think the Navy will attack the other Four Emperors next?"

King, one of the Three Disasters, pondered and spoke at this time.

Under normal circumstances, King would naturally not make such a speculation, but if the Navy really has a trump card that can easily kill the Four Emperors, then the situation is another story.

"You think too much, Jin?"

Quinn, who is also one of the Three Disasters, said disapprovingly, "Will the Navy have such courage?"

They are talking about the Four Emperors Pirates!

Even the Navy dare not act rashly against such a huge monster.

"Lord Kaido, what should we do next?"

Jack looked at Kaido and asked in a deep voice.

"The pattern of the sea will change completely next!"

Kaido shook his head and sighed.

What the Beasts Pirates have to do is very simple, that is, to get more in this change!

Although Kaido is deeply afraid of the motherland, he is not afraid.

He is not as fragile as Whitebeard.

The same conversation also happened with the Big Mom Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates.

In an instant, the remaining three Four Emperors all attached great importance to Rorschach.

As for whether the Navy will take action against the other Four Emperors next, several Four Emperors feel that the possibility is not too great.

After all, the Four Emperors are one of the important forces to maintain the order of the sea!

That's right.

Although the Four Emperors are pirates, it is precisely because of the presence of the Four Emperors' pirate groups that the sea has become much calmer.

If all the Four Emperors are eliminated, the sea will also fall into chaos.

Unless the Navy still has a strong enough trump card to calm the entire sea after the death of the Four Emperors!

However, what the other Four Emperors would never have thought of was that no matter how much they analyzed, they could not analyze that the Five Elders had already intervened in this matter.

The decision-making power is no longer in the hands of the Navy.


Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku, Garp, and the three admirals of the Navy gathered in the office again.

Of course, Rorschach was also there.

Unlike the oppressive and severe situation faced by those pirates, the atmosphere of the Navy Headquarters at this moment was exciting.

Everyone's eyes were shining.

The Navy destroyed the Whitebeard Pirates, which was an unprecedented victory!

It was a milestone victory, enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

There is no need to think about the follow-up for now. This alone is enough to make people excited.

Of course.

Several absolute high-ranking officers of the Navy were relatively calm and restrained.

Especially when there was a suffocating guy sitting next to them.

"As agreed, I have eliminated Whitebeard."

Rorschach's voice sounded first, breaking the silence in the office.

Under the gaze of several absolute high-ranking officers of the Navy, Rorschach spoke slowly, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

"Next, I will eliminate Kaido, Big Mom and Red Hair one after another, but as usual, I will not touch the pirate groups under their command."

"You should make corresponding preparations."

Several high-ranking officers of the Navy looked solemn. Is the big move of the motherland about to begin?

Is the glorious era of the Navy coming!

If the Navy can really uproot the Four Emperors, the prestige of the Navy will reach an unprecedented level.

The Navy will rise to a new historical height in the hands of these people.

This is something that every high-ranking officer of the Navy, including Sengoku, is "heart-pounding".

Not to mention.

This matter was ordered by the Five Elders, so there is no doubt about it.

"Kuzan, Sakaski, Borsalino!"

Marshal Sengoku turned his eyes to the three admirals and ordered them, "You three should be ready at any time to cooperate with the actions of the motherland."

The Four Emperors-level pirate group is not a small pirate, and it has tens of thousands of people under its command.

In addition to the Four Emperors themselves, there are also many big pirates with bounties of several hundred million.

Those big pirates are also difficult to deal with.

The general navy can't handle it at all.

The three admirals must go out in person to suppress it.

"I've been ready for a long time."

Akainu was the first to speak, and he couldn't wait, "Motherland, when are we going to act, let those bastards see the justice of the navy!"

The person who was most determined to oppose "cooperation" with Rorschach at the beginning was Akainu.

But after confirming the cooperation with Rorschach, Akainu was also the most cooperative.

"I'm ready anytime."

Rorschach said casually, "You guys prepare first. When you are ready, notify me. I will take the lead in getting rid of Kaido. That's it."


After saying this, Rorschach didn't say anything more.

He stepped on the surfboard and left the office directly.

Although Akainu wanted to follow Rorschach and kill Kaido, the guy who repeatedly provoked the navy.

But there was no way.

The navy had just experienced a war. Although it won, there were also many casualties.

The deployment and arrangement of manpower cannot be solved by just talking.

Even a vigorous admiral like Akainu personally coordinated it, and it took seven days before he reassembled a team of 20,000 people.

"Homelander, it's time to start!"

It was not until this time that Akainu, who couldn't wait any longer, took out the Den Den Mushi and contacted Rorschach.

"I know!"

Rorschach, who was "on vacation" on an island, responded lightly and put away the Den Den Mushi.


He soared into the sky on a surfboard and flew directly towards Wano Country.

With Rorschach's current speed, he could travel across the world in the blink of an eye.

Going to Wano Country wouldn't take any time at all.

He arrived in a flash.

This is not an exaggeration, but an objective description.


Almost as soon as he finished talking to Akainu, Rorschach appeared in Wano Country.

To be precise, he appeared outside Kaido's mansion.

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