American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 614: Azure Dragon turns into Kaido? One punch sends him flying dozens of miles away!

"Stop, who are you?"

"How did you get in!"

As soon as he landed, several pirates from the Kaido Pirates immediately shouted at Rorschach.

Luo Xia didn't say anything, just turned his head and glanced at the other party indifferently.

Just that look.


Several pirates were shocked, as if they had been struck by lightning, and their expressions suddenly changed.

He became extremely pale, like a terminally ill patient who was about to die.

"Ancestor, native of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

The two people let out low exclamations, and even their voices began to tremble involuntarily.

They are not Kaido, nor are they the Three Disasters, they are just ordinary pirates under Kaido.

For them, Rorschach punched Whitebeard to death, which was a shock from the bottom of their hearts.

"Everyone stand down!"

A thick and deep voice sounded at this time.

When the trembling pirates in front of Luo Xia heard this, they all hurriedly moved away as if they had received an amnesty.

He made way for Kaido who came out of the mansion.

Immediately afterwards.

A man who was seven meters tall, like a hill, and with boundless oppression, appeared slowly with three disasters and six sons.


There is no doubt that it is Kaido, one of the four emperors.

With Kaido's ability, Rorschach has already arrived on his territory, how could he not notice it?

"A native of the motherland?"

Kaido strode up to Rorshach with a look of coldness on his face, "Are you really here?"

"You're not surprised." Luo Xia's face was completely indifferent, without any emotion.


Kaido laughed, with a touch of anger and disdain in his laughter, "The Navy has such a big appetite! I really want to know why someone like you would become a lackey of the Navy? You are not Navy guy, right?"

Although Rorschach killed Whitebeard on Malinvando.

But with Kaido's eyesight, he could tell with just one glance that the person in front of him was not a marine at all.

On the contrary, it is more of a cooperative relationship with the navy like the King's Shichibukai.

"It's useless to talk more. After I finish killing you, I still have to go back to eat."

Rorschach said these words lightly, then suddenly swayed and punched Kaido.


At that moment, Kaido suddenly felt suffocated, as if someone was holding his throat.

He couldn't breathe at all.


Without even reacting, a heavy blow hit Kaido with an unstoppable force.

Kaido flew backwards like a cannonball and suddenly hit the ground.

Click, click, click!

The ground suddenly shook violently, and a large pit of several hundred meters was immediately smashed out.


Half of the mansion behind Kaido collapsed in the shock, burying the large crater Kaido had created underneath.

"Lord Kaido!"

"Lord Kaido!"

Several exclamations suddenly sounded.

The three disasters, six sons and other Kaido backbones couldn't help but exclaimed, and they were all shocked.

Lord Kaido was actually blown away by this man's punch?

What the hell, he was worthy of killing the man with white beard with one punch!

But, is Master Kaido okay?


Lord Kaido will be fine. Lord Kaido is not a sick person like Whitebeard.



next moment.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The ruins in that area suddenly exploded outwards, and rubble and debris splashed out around, as if there was a "stone rain".

Then everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a huge behemoth over a hundred meters suddenly rose into the sky.

Just hovering and standing proudly in the void, with indescribable domineering and mighty power.

Just looking at it can bring great oppression to people.


That's right, that's a green dragon!


A deafening roar broke out from Qinglong's mouth, and he roared to the sky.

It was as if there was a thunder in the plains.

So shocking.

Anyone can hear the anger and murderous intent in the green dragon's roar.

But what everyone doesn't know is that at this moment, Qinglong is not only angry and murderous, but also filled with boundless shock and fear.

The opponent's punch just now almost killed him!

If it weren't for the amazing defensive power, Kaido would have been dead without a doubt!

Any other Yonko would not be able to survive the opponent's fist.

At this moment Kaido finally understood why this man could kill Whitebeard with one punch.

It turned out that Baibeard was not in bad health at all, he was sick, and his old injury had recurred.

Those are other people's speculations.

The real reason is that the people of the motherland are too outrageous!

It was so unbelievable that even if he was one of the Four Emperors, he still felt extremely frightened!


next moment.

Qinglong suddenly opened his mouth and blew out a huge stream of hot breath towards Luo Xia.

In an instant, a raging flame burst out, so fierce and dazzling.

The temperature at the scene soared in an instant, and the scene seemed to have turned into a furnace.

The huge airflow made it even more difficult to breathe and brought great oppression to people.

Even a mountain could be directly evaporated and collapsed under the impact of Kaido's heat breath.


Such a terrible attack, which hit Rorschach directly, did not affect him at all.

The opponent still stood there calmly, standing in the heat breath flow, with a calm face.

Not to mention being hurt by the heat breath, even the rhythm of his breathing did not change, and his eyebrows did not blink.

It was as if Kaido's terrible heat breath was like a breeze in front of him.



Rorschach shook his body, and a sonic boom sounded immediately. Rorschach flew in front of Qinglong like a cannonball.

He punched Qinglong again with a fierce punch.

And this time.

Rorschach added a little more force to his fist.


Everyone immediately saw that the Azure Dragon in the sky, which had brought great pressure to everyone, shook violently and flew backwards.

It flew backwards for dozens of kilometers, and then fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

It was motionless.

There was no more movement.


The scene suddenly became quiet.

It was dead silent.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes, looking at it in disbelief, and couldn't believe it at all.

Was Lord Kaido, who had already turned into a Azure Dragon, also knocked away by a punch?

Or was he knocked away for dozens of kilometers?

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