American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 615 Another of the Four Emperors was killed by Homelander!


After a brief silence, the sound of swallowing saliva began to be heard.

The Three Calamities and Six Sons, as well as other trusted members of Kaido, all swallowed saliva crazily.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

It was just like a joke.

How terrible the Azure Dragon Kaido was, they, Kaido's trusted generals, knew best.

It's no exaggeration to call him the strongest creature in the world.

Surprisingly, he was also knocked away by a punch?

Who on earth is this countryman?

In a moment.

The Three Calamities and Six Sons and others looked at Rorschach again, and their eyes were filled with endless fear and horror.

What kind of devil is this person!

It's so fucking terrifying!


Rorschach didn't care how shocked the Three Calamities and Six Sons were.

After knocking Kaido away with a punch, he stepped on the surfboard and flew away.


It was not until Rorschach's figure completely disappeared that the people of Kaido's pirate group at the scene felt relieved.

It seemed as if a big stone on their chest had been taken down.

God has mercy on them. Rorschach's simple battle just now really put too much pressure on them.

"Quick, Lord Kaido!"

"Lord Kaido!"

Soon, the Three Disasters and Six Sons and others also reacted.

They immediately began to use their own physical skills and rushed towards the direction where Kaido fell at the fastest speed.

Lord Kaido had been beaten away for such a long time without any movement, and the terrible enemy also flew away directly, which made the Three Disasters and Six Sons and others have a bad premonition in their hearts. .

And sure enough.

Of course, when they found Kaido dozens of kilometers away, they were all struck by lightning.

"Lord Kaido!"

"Lord Kaido... is dead!"


Unbelievable exclamations rang out.

But Kaido was lying quietly on the ground, he had already retreated from the Azure Dragon state and returned to his human form.

His body was covered in blood, and there was a large dent in his chest, as if it had been hammered to pieces.

He was motionless, and there was no breath anymore.


Lord Kaido was beaten to death by Homelander with two punches!

How could this be possible!

This is simply impossible!

The Three Calamities and Six Sons were all dumbfounded.

"Lord Kaido is dead?"

"What, Lord Kaido was killed by Homelander!"

And soon.

This horrifying news spread throughout Wano Country and the entire Beasts Pirates.

The Three Calamities and Six Sons, the absolute top leaders of the Beasts Pirates, gathered the pirates together at the first time to discuss how to deal with Kaido's murder.

Some people vowed to get rid of Homelander and take revenge on Kaido.

Some people thought that Homelander was too strong, that was completely seeking death, and was ruining Lord Kaido's foundation.

The entire pirate group was arguing.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

However, when the discussion was intense, a large piece of magma suddenly fell from the sky and covered the entire Wano Country.

"Oh no, Admiral Akainu is here!"

"It's that bastard Akainu!"

"The navy is going to catch us all in one fell swoop!"

The entire Beasts Pirates were all shocked, and they didn't care about their motherland or anything else. They started to meet the enemy as soon as possible.

The entire Wano Country began to turmoil.

The fierce battle lasted for almost three days and three nights. Admiral Akainu took the lead and personally launched the most intense attack on those pirates.

After leaving behind the bodies of nearly half of the navy, Wano Country had been slaughtered and blood flowed like a river.

This epic battle has finally ended.

Admiral Akainu looked like he had just taken a bath in blood, and his whole body was covered with blood.

But at his feet, there were piles of corpses.

None of the top leaders, including the Three Calamities and the Six Sons, escaped. All of them were killed.

Except for a few insignificant small fish and shrimps that escaped, the Beasts Pirates, like the Whitebeard Pirates, were basically wiped out.

When the news came out, the whole sea was boiling again.

"Big news, big news, after the Whitebeard Pirates, the Beasts Pirates were also wiped out by the Navy!"

"The Navy's ambition is obvious, their goal is to get rid of the Four Emperors!"

"The Navy not only has this ambition, but also has the strength to do so!"

"After Whitebeard was killed by the Homelander with one punch, Kaido was also killed by the Homelander with two punches!"

"With the Homelander in the Navy, getting rid of the Four Emperors is not a problem at all!"

"Now there are only Big Mom and Red Hair left in the Four Emperors Pirates, who will the Navy attack next?"


The whole sea was in boundless shock, and everyone seemed to be bombed by a heavy bomb.

The mind was shocked, and the shock came from the soul!

The Four Emperors Pirates have been the super pirates entrenched in the entire ocean for many years, and even the navy dare not easily provoke them.

Especially the Beasts Pirates, whose record is even more brilliant.

Its leader Kaido even went to the Navy Headquarters to provoke many times, and he was executed so many times but could not be killed, which simply made the Navy lose face.

But who would have thought that this time is different, and the situation will change.

The navy is so strong now that it even killed Kaido!

After two of the four emperors were killed in succession, the entire sea began to fall into a state of panic.

Those pirates were all trembling, and I don’t know how much they have restrained.

There are even many pirate groups that are so scared that they don’t even dare to go out to sea.

Even the four emperors were killed by the navy, how dare these little grasshoppers jump around?

Not only that.

Now the movement on the sea is very obvious, and the navy is clearly going to attack the four emperors.

Everyone is also paying attention to the only two emperors left among the four emperors to see if they will be killed by the navy one after another like the other four emperors.

If even the other two emperors are killed, then the pattern of the sea will really change completely.

"The next target of the motherland should be me and Red Hair, right?"

On Cake Island, Big Mom's face can be said to be extremely solemn, and so many backbones around her are the same.

Everyone's face was extremely solemn, and the atmosphere at the scene was so depressing that it made people breathless.

Whitebeard and Kaido were easily killed by the Homelander, and Big Mom didn't think she could stop the Homelander.

But, even so, could their pirate group still run away with their tails between their legs?

Big Mom didn't have the face to do such a thing.

Fight to the death!

There was almost no hesitation, and the entire pirate group made such a decision.

So what about Red Hair?

What Big Mom didn't know was that the Red Hair had already appeared in Marinford and in the office of the Five Elders.

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