American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 616: Big Mom dies, the Red Hair Pirates tremble: The Homelanders are coming

In a magnificent and majestic office.

All five rulers who symbolize the highest power in the world are present.

When the world does not know the existence of Im, the status of the Five Old Stars can be imagined.

That's not at all one person being inferior to ten thousand people, but directly being superior to ten thousand people.

In front of everyone, Wu Laoxing is aloof and unsmiling.

But this moment.

When facing the big pirate with red hair, Wu Laoxing actually showed a gentle smile on his face.

If others saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock.

The supreme leader of the world government, representing the existence of the order of the sea.

How could he be so polite to a thief like the Four Emperors who provoked the order of the sea?

Just ridiculous.


The red hair and the five old stars were sitting at the same table!

"Shanks, have you been having a hard time lately?"

The bald five-old star spoke first, as if he were chatting with old friends.


Shanks was convinced and sighed deeply, "With the people of the motherland around, all the pirates can't sleep well."

"The people of the motherland just killed Whitebeard and Kaido. This is also reasonable."

Another five-old star with a big beard was doing the interface on one side.

"So, what do you mean?"

Shanks' seemingly lazy eyes swept over the five old stars, "Let the people of the motherland be so chaotic and kill all the four emperors?"

Now there is no doubt that the Navy will attack the Four Emperors and send people from the motherland to kill them.

Anyone who is not a fool can understand it.

"If we were really like this, we wouldn't have asked you to come here."

The five old stars wearing hats said meaningfully.

"Stop beating around the bush, just tell us what you mean."

Shanks asked directly.

"The next target of the motherland will be Charlotte Lingling, and the last target will be you."

"When the people of the motherland kill Charlotte Lingling, this matter will end there, and he will die in your hands."

The bald five-star told Shanks his plan.

Shanks couldn't help but glance at the five old stars, his eyes flickering, "The navy can't have such courage. Sure enough, you are controlling everything behind this."

The fact is now obvious that the Five Old Stars are using the people of the motherland to eliminate the Four Emperors.

In other words, eliminate the other three Yonko.

Because his red hair is unusual, he cannot be regarded as an ordinary pirate.

It is impossible for Wulaoxing to attack red hair.

"Don't you think there are too many 'emperors' in the sea?"

The blond five-old star did not deny this, "The situation on the sea needs to change. You are the only 'emperor' that is enough."

"Is it too late for me to object now?"

Shanks couldn't help but show a hint of sarcasm.

Looking at the entire sea, he was the only one who dared to speak to Wulaoxing with such an attitude.

"Shanks, believe us, this is the best situation, both for the pirates and the navy."

The bald five-old star nodded solemnly.

Shanks naturally understood that he had no choice in this matter.

So he also accepted Wulaoxing's arrangement.

"How are you going to get rid of the people of the motherland? I cannot be the opponent of the people of the motherland."

After pondering for a moment, he stared at Wulaoxing and asked.

"You don't have to worry about that."

The bald five-old star smiled meaningfully.

Shanks understood immediately: "Are you going to use that power?"

As the ruler of the world, if the Five Old Stars do not have a force powerful enough to overpower the world, how can they hold their position securely?

Not to mention the Tianlong people in the ruling class, all of them are such scum.

So why can Wulaoxing make the navy obedient like a dog?

Just based on the identity and blood of the Tianlong people?

This is obviously impossible.

The truth is.

The Five Old Stars control a terrifying power that is so huge that even the navy is afraid of it, and is far inferior to even the three generals of the navy!

The Five Old Stars rarely use that power, and not many people even know about it in the navy.

But Shanks has a special status and is one of the few insiders.

So when he saw the attitude of the five old stars, Shanks immediately understood the other party's plan.

"The people of the motherland are too strong. Only by doing this can we get rid of him."

The bald five-old star did not deny this.

"What choice do I have?"

Shanks spread his hands.

"Big Mom, one of the four emperors, was also killed by the people of the motherland!"

"After Whitebeard and Kaido, Big Mom is also dead!"

"Do the people of the motherland really want to get rid of all the four emperors?"

"There is only one red-hair left among the four emperors. Can the red-hair escape the clutches of the motherland?"

Almost as expected.

After Rorschach killed Kaido, he went to Cake Island and killed Big Mom as well.

After the news came out.

There was no doubt that the entire sea was boiling again, and was in an extremely shocking state.

The four emperors.

High and unshakable, four mountains tower over the heads of all pirates.

Now, within a month, three people were killed one after another!

The murderer is the same person!

Who the hell is that Homelander? Isn't his strength too strong?

Killing the Four Emperors is just like killing a chicken!

But since all the Four Emperors have been killed, only Red Hair is left.

Then there is no doubt that the eyes of the whole sea are all on Red Hair.

As the last of the Four Emperors, can Red Hair stop Homelander?

Not only the whole sea, but also the people of the Red Hair Pirates are the same.

"Boss, why don't you look worried at all? This time it's really different!"

Inside the Red Hair base.

Vice Captain Ben Beckman's face was extremely solemn, and there was unspeakable worry between his eyebrows.

Looking around, the other crew members of the Red Hair Pirates were the same.

The whole scene was filled with an extremely depressing atmosphere, making everyone breathless.

And this is completely different from the atmosphere of the Red Hair Pirates.

The Red Hair Pirates have always been relaxed, leisurely, and stress-free.

The captain and crew are just like a group of friends who gather together to travel.

The serious and depressing situation like now is extremely rare.

Everything is because of that name.


"Yes, boss, the video of Homelander killing the other four emperors has been leaked. That person is so powerful!"

Jesus Bu was also very anxious.

Killed instantly!

Judging from those videos, Homelander really killed the four emperors in an instant, which is too scary.

Red Hair can never be the opponent of that kind of person.

Even if their entire pirate group is tied up and joined forces, they can never be the opponent of Homelander.

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