American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 617 Only ancient weapons can be used to fight against our countrymen!

"Stay calm, I know what's going on!"

"The Homelander is not a threat."

Faced with the worried crew members, Red Hair remained calm.

The crew members also knew their captain's temperament very well. Their captain was not a pretentious person and did not have the slightest captain's airs.

If the other party was really worried or afraid, they would not pretend for fear of losing face in front of their subordinates.

Red Hair would definitely admit his fear or worry frankly.

And now that Red Hair acted so calmly.

It can indeed be said that the other party has the confidence to deal with the Homelander.

What is this confidence?

Jesus Bu and other crew members of the Red Hair Pirates knew the answer in the afternoon.

Because there were ten masked people exuding a strong aura who came to the Red Hair Pirates secretly.

The people of the Red Hair Pirates had never seen those people, or even heard of them.

But some people used the observation Haki to sense that each of those people was as strong as the Four Emperors!


All the crew members of the Red Hair Pirates could not help but gasp.

Ten Four Emperors-level masters?

What a joke!

Where did the captain find so many masters!

So there are so many strong men on the sea?

They actually never knew!

"Captain, who are they?"

Someone from the Red Hair Pirates quietly asked the Red Hair about the identities of those mysterious strong men.

But this time, Red Hair kept everyone in the dark.

"It is not convenient for me to reveal their identities, and you should not ask too much."

"You only need to know that they are very powerful and we cannot afford to provoke them."

"The motherland will deal with them."

"This battle is no longer our battle."

Even Red Hair said so, so the Red Hair Pirates naturally did not ask more questions.

Everyone is not stupid.

Although Red Hair has never revealed anything, as a member of the Red Hair Pirates, with such a close relationship, everyone can more or less sense that Red Hair's background is very unusual.

It seems that there is some connection with the Five Elders.

But this matter is so sensitive, Red Hair also tried his best to conceal it, so naturally no one would ask about it.

This time is also the case.

Although everyone has various speculations in their hearts, since Red Hair does not want to reveal it, no one asks more.

Anyway, everyone absolutely trusts Red Hair.


Red Hair placed the ten Four Emperors sent by the Five Elders in a special place on the island.

No one is allowed to disturb them.

The people of their pirate group are completely isolated from them.

Then, everyone did what they should do, as if the ten Four Emperors had never appeared.

Waiting for the arrival of the motherland.

Just like this, almost seven days later.


A figure suddenly appeared in Red Hair's base.

Then the whole scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's heart seemed to be pressed down by a mountain, and even breathing was not smooth.

They subconsciously looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

Homelander, here you are!

"Homelander, you shouldn't have come!"

Red Hair was much calmer about this. He slowly stood up and shook his head and sighed at Rorschach.

"Shanks, I am getting more and more curious now. What is your background?"

Rorschach's face showed a look of surprise, and he looked at Red Hair curiously and asked.

Nothing else.

The moment Rorschach arrived on this island, he noticed the other ten strong men.

Ten of them are completely four emperor-level strong men!

It has to be said that Red Hair's background is really incurable. He actually prepared such a hand for Rorschach.

Even Rorschach was shocked.

He never knew that there were so many emperor-level strong men on the sea!

But so many strong men of this level have always been top-secret, and have never revealed a bit.

This kind of thing is very intriguing.

"I know that it is not your intention to get rid of the Four Emperors."

Red Hair shook his head again, sighing, "Killing you is also not my intention. I don't want to get involved in these things."

"So, sorry."


Red Hair had just finished speaking when several figures flashed by.

The ten Four Emperors appeared in front of Rorschach like ghosts.

"It seems that you are here to kill me."

Rorschach's face showed curiosity again, and he made his own speculation, "You are not Red Hair's people, and you can't be Navy's people, so there is only one possibility."

"You are from the World Government!"

"You are from the Five Elders!"

Rorschach almost guessed the identities of these people in front of him with just a little analysis.

This is not difficult.

When there are only three admirals in the Navy, what kind of organization can have such a battle in front of them, even the big guys can guess it.

"You talk too much!"

"Prepare for death!"

The Four Emperors did not waste words with Rorschach.

Accompanied by a cold snort from one of them, ten people rushed towards Luo Xia.


Luo Xia shook his body, and a sonic boom was immediately triggered at the scene.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several dull collision sounds rang out in succession.

Moreover, because they sounded at the same time, the sounds were almost connected.

If you don't listen carefully, it seems that there is only one sound.

And with this sound, the ten four emperor-level strongmen who rushed towards Luo Xia shook their bodies, and then flew backwards together.

The whole island was shaken violently, as if there was an earthquake.

And then.

There was nothing else.

The ten four emperor-level strongmen just lay on the ground motionless, and all of them were dead.


The red-haired person who acted as a bystander couldn't help but screamed in surprise, and almost popped his eyes out.

He couldn't believe his eyes.


Ten four emperor-level strongmen were also killed instantly!

That's ten Four Emperors.

How strong is the Homelander?

How is this possible!

In addition to being shocked, Red Hair also had a deep worry in his heart.

The Five Elders probably never expected that this Homelander would be so strong, right?

If the Homelander attacks Marijoa in anger, can the Five Elders really stop him?

Could it be...

that Marijoa's ancient weapons are needed?

Red Hair couldn't imagine that he would need to use the power of ancient weapons to deal with an individual.

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