American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 618: Homelanders attack the holy land of Marijoa

"Red hair?"

After noticing the red-haired man's movement, Rorschach turned his curious eyes to the red-haired man.

"It seems that you are really a Celestial Dragon, right?"

Rorschach asked what he was thinking in a very gossipy manner.

In his previous life, the identity of the red-haired person aroused heated discussion and speculation among netizens.

But that Oda guy never revealed it clearly.

Many netizens discussed it over and over again, but naturally there was no result from the discussion.

But look at it now?

The five old stars actually united with the red hair to act together!

What the hell.

This relationship is really extraordinary.

Luo Xia didn't believe it when he said that the red-haired man was not a Celestial Dragon.

"It does not matter."

The red-haired man shook his head, his eyes fixed on Luo Xia, "The important thing is, will you give up easily?"

If the people of the motherland do not give up, then the Five Old Stars may be eliminated like the Four Emperors.

At that time, the entire sea will really be in complete chaos.

"of course not."

Sure enough, Luo Xia gave a very positive answer, which was a decisive one, "No one can survive without taking action against me, not even the Five Old Stars!"

The corners of the red-haired man's mouth couldn't help but move.

After pondering for a moment, he finally spoke to Luo Xia: "Can you please take it for my sake..."

"Do you really think your face fruit ability will be useful to me?"

Rorschach couldn't help but laugh and interrupted the redhead directly, "The reason why you are not dead is because you didn't plan to take action against me!"


After saying these words, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and soared into the sky on his surfboard.

The red-haired man looked at the direction in which Rorschach was flying away. After being stunned for a while, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "It's messed up. The sea is now in complete chaos!"

There is no doubt that the people of the motherland will mark Marie Gioia!

Not to mention anything else, this alone is enough to cause an uproar in the entire sea.

Marie Gioia is a holy place!

When has the authority of the Celestial Dragon been so challenged?

Even before the people of the motherland, who dared to kill the Tianlong people?

Once this hole is opened, it will be a wake-up call for everyone.

The Celestial Dragons are not aloof and untouchable.

The Celestial Dragons are not so sacrosanct!

This point alone is extremely fatal to the rule of the Tianlong people.

Maybe after a while, besides that guy Long, there will be several other revolutionary forces on the sea.

Of course, that's from a long-term perspective.

And if you look at it from the front, Wulaoxing may not be the opponent of the motherland!

If not, he might be killed by the people of the motherland!

Naturally, the red-haired man would not just watch this happen, he wanted to do something.

But I was so anxious that I found with great pain that I couldn't do anything.

In other words, the only thing that can be done is to use the phone bug to alert the five old stars.


As usual, several Five Old Stars all gathered in the extremely spacious hall.

But at this time, the atmosphere was slightly more depressing than usual.

The five old stars didn't say much, as if they were waiting for some result.

Especially the bald swordsman Go Laoxing who holds the first-generation Ghost in his hand.

He was pacing slightly in front of his desk, as if he was impatient to wait.

"I don't know why, but I always feel uneasy."

After pacing around for a few times, Swordsman Wulaoxing stopped and made a decision, "I'll go and see for myself."

"Take it easy."

The short, fat Wulaoxing became much calmer and comforted the swordsman Wulaoxing, "Don't you think that the people of the motherland can really make a comeback?"

Yes, they recognized that the people of the motherland were very powerful, so they sent out ten "arbiters" to take action!

No matter how powerful the people of the motherland are, they can only suffer from hatred.

After all, the adjudicators are really powerful, each one of them is more powerful than the Yonko!

If the ten adjudicators add up, there will be no problem.

Not to mention, the ten judges also mastered a very powerful and terrifying sword array.

The power of the sword array was extremely powerful, and it was not simply the superposition of the strengths of the ten adjudicators.

But it is equivalent to the strength of twenty adjudicators.

In such a battle, why should the people of the motherland win?

"Logically speaking, that should be the case."

Swordsman Wu Laoxing pushed up his glasses and frowned slightly, "But the feeling in my heart is always lingering in my heart and cannot go away."

For someone whose strength reaches his level, it can't be explained by simple and crude reasons like "overthinking".

Especially because of the domineering nature he has seen and heard, and the vague perception of something, that is also possible.

"How about this."

After the bearded five-old star pondered for a while, he made a decision, "Let's contact the red hair and ask about the situation."

Why not contact the adjudicator directly?

Because the judge may be fighting with the people of the motherland and may not have time to answer the call.

"Bulu Bulu Bulu..."

But before he could contact the redhead, a phone bug on his desk rang.

The expressions on the faces of several Five Old Stars became a little uncertain.

Because that phone bug was the special phone bug that communicated with the red hair.

Red Hair actually contacted them at this time?

This is an unusual move.

Although Red Hair has a close relationship with them, under normal circumstances, Red Hair never takes the initiative to contact the Five Elders.

This time, it is obviously an important matter!

Considering the sensitive period now.

The Five Elders can guess that the actions of the Judges will not be so smooth.


Red Hair will not contact them.

In an instant, the faces of several Five Elders began to become ugly, and each of them had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the office also began to become a little depressing.


However, before they could answer the Den Den Mushi, several Five Elders felt that their eyes were blurred, and then their faces changed directly.

Because in front of them, a person suddenly appeared like a ghost.


Homelander actually appeared in front of them!

Several Five Elders really couldn't keep calm. Why did Homelander come to Marijoa?

Did the Judge fail?

Ten judges failed!

And in such a short time?

How could this be possible!

What a joke!

The Five Elders were all shocked and could no longer remain calm. They all turned pale.

"Homelander, why are you here?"

However, the Swordsman Five Elders quickly adjusted their emotions and spoke to Rorschach pretending to be ignorant.

"It's very simple."

Rorschach shrugged, "I'll take you on your way."

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