American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 619: Homelanders massacre the Five Elders!


The faces of several Five Elders changed again.

The words of the Homelander clearly explained a fact: the Judge had failed!

The conspiracy of the Five Elders had also been exposed!

Damn, did the Homelander have such an ability to turn the tables?

They underestimated the Homelander after all!

In this case, there is nothing to hide.

"Send us on the road?"

The Swordsman Five Elders stopped pretending to be stupid and couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Homelander, you underestimate us too much!"

The Five Elders are not just for show!

Their strength is also far superior to that of the Four Emperors.


But before the Swordsman Five Elders finished speaking, the sound of a sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood rang out.

A stream of extremely hot blood also spurted out from the neck of the Swordsman Five Elders, like a fountain.

Because the head of the Swordsman Five Elders flew directly into the air!


I'm going to die just like that?

The consciousness of the swordsman Wu Elder Star was not completely cut off. His head flying in the air saw his headless body and was completely shocked.

The Homelander just waved his hand lightly, that's all.

He was beheaded?

What the hell!

His strength far surpassed that of the Four Emperors, but he was so vulnerable in front of the Homelander?

He was killed before he could even react?


The next moment.

The head of the swordsman Wu Elder Star fell to the ground like a ball and rolled.



The other four Five Elder Stars were even more shocked, and they almost popped their eyes out.

The Homelander killed the Five Elder Stars!

This man actually killed the Five Elder Stars!

How dare he!

The Five Elder Stars!

They are the most powerful and the most prestigious people in the entire sea.

No matter who saw them, they had to kneel down and salute obediently, and dared not breathe in front of them.

Even a figure of the level of Admiral Sengoku was a dog in front of the Five Elders.

To put it bluntly, the Five Elders were the sky of the entire sea.

But now.

Someone actually waved a butcher knife at the sky?

If the Five Elders had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not dare to believe it anyway.


Rorschach killed the swordsman Five Elders, and it was just the beginning.


At that moment, a sonic boom sounded immediately.

The remaining Five Elders felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the countrymen in front of them disappeared without a trace.

Even the Observation Haki of the Five Elders could not capture anything at all!

There was no other reason, Rorschach's speed was too fast, so fast that even the Observation Haki could not capture it.

"Not good!"

The remaining Five Elders subconsciously flashed such a thought in their minds.


Boom boom boom!

Several terrifying forces that were so huge that even the Five Elders could not bear them at all, smashed hard on the other Five Elders.

The Five Elders did not even have time to react, and they all exploded, being hammered into slag by the huge force.

One by one, they died miserably.

Just like that, it was only a short moment.

These five people who had a god-like status in the pirate world were completely wiped out from this world by Rorschach.


He clapped his hands lightly, as if he had done something insignificant.

Rorschach did not even look at the corpses on the ground.

He just turned his head slowly and looked at one of the walls.

His eyes were dim: "You are really able to keep your composure."

Behind the direction of that wall, there were countless walls.

A man with "Samsara Eyes" was "staring" at Rorschach expressionlessly.


Without a doubt, it was Lord Im, the true ruler of the world, whom the Five Elders had to kneel down to see.


When Rorschach looked over, Im slowly stood up, and his body suddenly shook, and he disappeared.

But almost at the same time.

Im's figure appeared directly beside Rorschach.

He glanced at the bodies of the Five Elders on the ground, and then retracted his gaze.

There was no change in his face.

"You shouldn't have killed them."

Im's expression was still indifferent, as if he was talking to Rorschach about something insignificant.

"I won't just kill them."

Rorschach shrugged, still so lightly, "If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, I will kill you and all the Celestial Dragons in Mary Geoise."

"Are you threatening me?"

A sharp light flashed in Im's eyes.


Rorschach nodded with a serious face and admitted it directly.

Originally, Rorschach thought that Im would be furious, but Im didn't.

It turns out that people of Im's level are not so easy to get angry.

Even the sharpness in his eyes disappeared completely.

"Tell me, Homelander, the real reason why you need the devil fruit."

Im just looked at Rorschach expressionlessly and asked.

"It seems you made a mistake, Im!"

Rorschach called out Im's name.

Imna's face, which had always been calm, finally showed a look of surprise.

This person actually knows his identity!

In addition to Wu Laoxing, there are other people who know his identity!

Who is this person in front of me!

Im never knew why a strong man of this level appeared on the sea.

It was as if this person had never existed before and now suddenly appeared.

But at the same time, this person actually knew his identity!

Who is this person?

Rorschach, however, didn't pay any attention to Im's expression, and just continued to speak to him calmly.

"The dog you raised offended me, so I will put their blame on you."

"I'm not here to chat with you, I'm here to settle accounts with you. You only have two choices now."

"First, prepare what the Five Old Stars promised me. Second, I will kill you and kill all the Tianlong people."

"You should know that the strength you have shown so far is not enough for me to compromise like this."

Im's expression returned to calm again.


Luo Xia swayed again and disappeared.

Only a sonic boom was left.


At that same moment, Yi Mu, who was opposite him, finally couldn't keep calm, and his expression changed wildly.

But before he could even react, Im's body was violently shaken.

The person was knocked away by a huge force.


The sound of bones breaking sounded at the same time.

The Yimu people flew out like cannonballs, smashing a hole in the entire hall.

It flew upside down for dozens of kilometers before falling hard to the ground.

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