American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 620 Even ancient weapons can’t do anything to our countrymen!


After smashing a huge hole in the ground, Im opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood.


At this moment, Im couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

How could the people of the motherland be so powerful?

So powerful that you can kill yourself instantly?

Damn it, if he hadn't personally experienced Rorschach's thunder blow, Im wouldn't believe it at all.

He was actually seriously injured with just one punch.

To know.

Im's strength is much stronger than that of the Five Old Stars!

If the Yonko are regarded as a combat unit, Im's strength is equivalent to ten Yonko!

This level of strength was actually beaten into a dog by the people of the motherland.


He just managed to jump out of the pit.

Immediately he saw the man from the motherland who had knocked him away standing on the edge of the pit.

Just looking at myself properly.

A pair of eyes filled with endless contempt.

It seemed like he was looking at a weak scumbag and a clown.

"So what about my current strength? Is it enough?"

Under Im's shocked and angry gaze, Rorschach spoke softly and raised his eyebrows.

"I never dared to imagine that someone like you actually existed on the sea, a strong person like you that makes people feel trembling."

Im stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and by this time he had regained his composure.

"I recognize your strength, and you are the first person I truly recognize."

"But people of the motherland, you underestimate the Holy Land too much!"

Not only that, Im also regained some confidence.

He just flipped his hands.

I found a "stone" that looked a bit rough, but gave people a sense of depth and distance.

The stone was also carved with some lines that outsiders couldn't understand at all, and it even had some faint light.

Even a blind person can tell at a glance that that thing is definitely not a simple thing.

"This is?"

Rorschach's attention was drawn, and so was his curiosity.

What is that stone that can actually give Im such great confidence?


A slight sound of objects breaking was heard.

But it was Im who grasped the "stone" hard with his hand, and some of the thorns on it immediately pierced Im's palm.

The blood in Im's palm was immediately poured onto the "stone".


The stone that was originally just shining slightly suddenly glowed with a dazzling scarlet light.

There is even more terrifying energy brewing above!


next moment.

The whole Mariejoia seemed to be shaking.

Along with the power of turbulence in the world, the entire Mariejoia was lit up!

That’s right, it’s lit!

However, one after another huge "gullies" appeared out of thin air, and each ravine was flashing with a dazzling scarlet light.

If someone were standing in front of Mary Joa, they wouldn't be able to tell anything.

But if you fly in the air and look down at Mariejoia.

You will find that those "gullies" form a complex and difficult to understand pattern.

Crack, crackle!

Hoo ho ho!

It was also at that moment.

The entire Mariejoia suddenly began to thunder and lightning, accompanied by a terrifying hurricane.

"Thunder and lightning, violent wind? King of Heaven?"

Luo Xia had a vague guess.

In the previous life, many netizens were discussing that the king of the three ancient weapons was Mary Joa.

Now it seems that this is probably the case.

No wonder.

One second, Im was doubtful about life, but the next second, he immediately became confident.

turn out to be.

Is it actually the "combat power ceiling" in the pirate world, one of the three ancient weapons?

"That's right, it's the King of Heaven!"

Im didn't deny it, his face was filled with endless cruelty, "It's been nearly a thousand years, and you are the first person to see the King of Heaven again!"

This is truly a king!

Rorschach suddenly understood, and at the same time he was still unspeakably surprised, "So the King of Heaven is actually Marie Joa?"

So this is why Mariegio is called a holy place?

"The King of Heaven is hidden in Mary Joa, yes, Mary Joa is the King of Heaven, and the King of Heaven is Marie Joa!"

Im's voice became more sonorous and powerful, "It is your honor to die under the King of Heaven."

"Are you too confident?"

Rorschach laughed.

Before he finished speaking, his body swayed and turned into a stream of light again, rushing towards Im.

Before the opponent could react, Im was blown away again.

Not only that.

This time Rorschach added a bit of strength, which would be enough to beat Im to death according to common sense.


This time, Im was not even injured, let alone beaten.

Because of the power of the King of Heaven, Im was protected.


The ground shook violently, and Im smashed a big hole into the ground again.

He then jumped back out unscathed.

However, he did not step forward to attack Rorschach. He just stood there and looked at Rorschach coldly, that's all.

Crack, crackle!

But it was also in that moment.

Dense and exaggerated thunder and lightning began to erupt in the entire sky above Mariejoia.

Each of those lightning bolts was several kilometers long.

It flashed with supreme thunder power, as if it could tear apart space and the world.

Enel's ultimate move, Thunder, was completely a younger brother in front of the lightning in front of him. No, it should be the younger brother of the younger brother.

It was not good enough to look at at all.

Even if the three admirals and the four emperors came, they would be horrified.

There was no other reason.

The lightning was too terrible.


Along with the terrifying lightning, there was also an equally terrifying and shocking super hurricane.

A hurricane that could easily blow a mountain into slag.

If it weren't for Marijoa being protected by the special power of the king, the whole Marijoa would have been blown away at this moment.

In front of this extremely terrifying power, even if the Four Emperors-level pirate group came, they would have to kneel down obediently.

I'm afraid that except for the Four Emperors themselves and people with special skills such as Phoenix Marco, everyone will be killed instantly.

Even the Four Emperors themselves don't know how long they can hold out.

Worthy of being an ancient weapon!

It's really powerful!

Of course, it's for the world of One Piece.

But in front of Rorschach.

It did leave a very deep impression on Rorschach, but it was not enough for Rorschach to really take it seriously.


With a thought, the huge telekinetic barrier appeared in front of him again.

It blocked all the terrible lightning and hurricanes outside.

It was like forming a vacuum zone.

For a while.

But the whole Marijoa was full of wind and lightning, but Rorschach still stood there calmly.

It has to be said that this scene is still very visually impactful.


"Even the king can't do anything to him?"

Im on the side screamed out again, not daring to believe his eyes.

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