"So strong!"

Arthur Curry, the n-generation god, because Atlanna was strengthened by the sea god Poseidon, he can be regarded as having one-quarter of the blood of Olympus and one-quarter of the blood of Atlantis. , and Atlanna loves her youngest son, and also helped Curry get a set of magical equipment and artifacts, and his combat power is also quite good.

However, he fought this weird robot to no avail.

Here Curry became the person in charge of combat, but Clark looked solemn and worried, as if he didn't dare to step forward, and became the person in charge of drama.

Jasmine specifically told her that if she showed her abilities outside, she should be cautious and not reveal that she had overcome the weakness of Kryptonite to a great extent.

Kryptonite is originally Clark's weakness. If there is not enough Ripple Qigong to counter it, Clark will still be greatly affected. Although there are other defenses, the situation is not clear, just in case.

[This weird robot seems to be... studying? 】

The more Curry fought, the stranger and more awkward he became. After fighting for a long time, he discovered that the robot with a green glow on its chest looked like a very talented novice fighter.

At the beginning, it was still relying on a strong body, here it is a powerful body and functions to fight.

As he fought, he was able to continuously learn and analyze the opponent's fighting mode and adjust it in the battle city! ?

Not to mention land, Atlantis didn’t even have this kind of technology!

"Wang Defa!?"

Curry was exposed to a flaw by a strange robot, and then was thrown away. He couldn't help but exclaimed - I was actually tricked by a robot?

"Clark, be careful!"


Just when Clark was trying to calm down and was about to fight with the strange robot, suddenly three batarangs accurately pierced the gaps in the robot's joints, making three beep beep sounds, followed by a strong explosion!

"Batgirl Darts of Justice!" Following a rather sweet shout, two figures came over.

Justice League, Batgirl and Wonder Girl are here!

"Want to run!?"

This time it was the magical girl. The mantra lasso suddenly wrapped around the robot's ankle and gave it a hard tug!

The robot staggered immediately, but fell down. Green flames erupted from its hands and feet, and it took off quickly, taking the magical girl's feet off the ground. The magical girl had no choice but to shake and loosen the noose.

"Don't even think about running away!"


But the Bat Girl, who was extremely courageous and even a bit rough and tactless, actually wanted to use the Bat Claw Launcher to catch the robot.

I'm going to fly away with you alone, and you'll be waiting for all kinds of indescribable things.

Clark hurriedly grabbed Bat Girl, Curry made a flying cross, but the robot dodged it, and everyone could only let it wander away, swaggering across a long green flame in the night sky...


A spacious and bright room, a wall of LCD monitors, a row of desks, several computer operators, and many other complex electronic instruments.

"...How about it, everyone, this is still a trial concept model. With such performance, do you think it is worth the money?"

One is not shaved, but has a bright bald head with pure skin color. The other is very arrogant, proud of his talents, but also a bit cynical. His expression is deep and restrained. It is a very complicated combination. I think it is a combination of two. A young man who kneaded a wolf, a fox, and a poisonous snake together.

Pointing at the display screen, which looked like a first-person view of the flight status, he asked confidently to several soldiers who were wearing at least the uniforms of majors, and one was a general.

The officers did not speak rashly, but exchanged a few winks before the general nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "The effect is not bad, but, Mr. Luther, you promised more and better than this."

"Yes, yes, yes, with full support of funds and resources." The bald man named Luther was still confident.

"Well, you can enter the next stage of research and development with confidence. We hope to get further results demonstrated as soon as possible."

"No problem. Then, I won't delay you all in transferring money to your account. Please do it as soon as possible... Oh, let's go, I won't give it away." The bald man made a sign of please.

The officers, including the general, seemed accustomed to it and ignored the intermittent twitching of Luther's bald head and turned around and left.

Amazon Tower.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I think I'd rather have seafood ramen tonight. Little Curry has been talking about this lately, and I want to eat it too."

During the video call, Batman used his usual voice changer, asked questions without any intonation, and Jasmine also made her usual teasing.

Then Batman's customary silence.

"It's boring. I can confirm that the little bald man has come into contact with some alien civilization, and the source of the kryptonite will be explained."

"Can you determine what kind of civilization it is and what level of technology it has?"

"You still don't know that little bald head, wilted and damaged, irritating and laughable, and arrogant without limits... We won't mention this. We haven't mentioned the intelligence. Everything has become his own thing. The documents have been deciphered. I’ll send it to you, you can study it yourself, and then quickly find trouble with that little bald head.”

"...I will watch."

"...a sinister man who hangs himself upside down and hangs up on my phone. I will tie you up upside down one day."

Abandoned scrapyard in Brooklyn.

A group of friends analyzed the situation encountered by Clark and Curry very seriously.

I haven't analyzed the reason why.

After all, they were just a group of half-grown children, gathered together for a bit of fun, and they were squatted in the grass, got into a fight for no reason, and even ran away.

There are not many clues, many sources of information and connections, so we can only start from ourselves.

I just decided to be more vigilant recently, try not to act alone, and contact a few highly mobile people in a timely manner if there is a situation. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support it, that's all.

They can only defend passively. The friends are all feeling aggrieved and holding back their energy. Next time they meet, they will definitely look good to the other party.

"Mom, why do other people have kryptonite?" After returning home, Clark finally asked what he had been holding back for a long time.

"Idiot son, the wreckage of Krypton is right there. Who can take this thing that has no owner? The universe is so big, no one is allowed to care about it? Kryptonite itself is a very special energy crystal." Jasmine spread her hands. .

"You mean..."

"That's right, but don't make any noise first. Play the long game and catch the big fish. Don't expose your situation until the end. But if the situation is urgent, you can also act urgently. The safety of your little girlfriend comes first."

"That's right." Clark nodded hurriedly, nothing else mattered, his wife was the most important thing.

It was just a few days of nervousness. The friends, especially Bat Girl, who was always thinking about the small theater, were almost nervous, but everything was calm.

As if that was really a prank joke?

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