American Comics: The Invincible Wheel of Fortune

Chapter 757 13. Raid, divide and attack


After many days of calm, many friends in the Young Justice League have relaxed their vigilance.

Then suddenly, unexpectedly, the mysterious strange robot appeared again.

Batgirl Barbara and Bumblebee Karen are on their way home at night.

Across the street from the burrito shop, Jessica was promoting and protesting to "advocate vegetarianism and don't kill animals."

Hal Jordan picks up girls on the school football field.

Clark on a date with Lois in the park.

Curry and his dad were fishing at night at the beach.

Zatanna rehearsing for the last time for the next day's magic show.

Vera agreed to the challenge of the magical girl, but she had to help go shopping and pick up things. She took the magical girl for a nice shopping trip and was about to go home.

Each person corresponds to a strange robot.

In addition to Lois, there were three robots surrounding Clark.

He made it clear that he wanted to use Louise as a threat to force Clark to surrender and surrender.

At night, in a deserted place, Louise has no other companions, the signal is blocked, and there is no way to contact her.

The timing is quite good.

And Clark had to finally release the restrictions on himself.

It suddenly broke out and entangled three robots, letting Louise run away first. Louise was still worried and refused to leave, but Clark asked her to call for support quickly, and then she hurried away.

Clark also used the ripple breathing method to burst out huge life energy, hoping that it could be carried away by the three robots in one wave.

However, he was still shocked. The strange robot was not only able to compete with himself who was affected by kryptonite, which was about half of his ultimate strength, but also learned heat rays and freeze breath.

Moreover, Clark was still on the robot and saw Curry's fighting style, which was extremely explosive but also had a sense of smoothness.

But what was even more surprising was yet to come.

Although Clark was one against three, he was not losing at all, but he had no way to defeat the enemy for the time being. When they were in a stalemate, he discovered that the kryptonite on the robot's chest was emitting a green beam of light!

This kryptonite, which is suspected to be an energy source, can emit energy beam attacks, which does not surprise Clark.

What surprised Clark was that the green light pillar actually shaped into a cage and locked him up!

This is clearly what Green Lantern does!

That's not all yet. Next, there is a huge, vivid palm made of green energy!

Jessica, Hal, Zatanna... Clark frowned secretly, knowing that his friends had also been attacked by robots.


Suddenly, there was a muffled explosion, and two large green flames exploded in the air in the distance. Judging from the direction, it turned out to be a commercial street.

The strong green light makes the hazy night sky in the city look like a green sun in the sky for an instant.

Clark's eyes froze for a moment, he took a deep breath, and a whirlwind suddenly appeared around him!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The clearly audible sound of the violent beating of the heart came from Clark's chest, his muscles bulged, and his whole body swelled!

In Clark's own ears, there was the sound of blood flowing rapidly like turbulent waves. His whole body felt like a fully loaded giant crossbow, in an instant!


There was a deep depression in the ground, and Clark's figure disappeared instantly!


Clark's figure reappeared, and he was already in front of a robot. He raised his palm like a knife, and there was no obstruction. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, he penetrated deeply into the robot's chest and smashed the kryptonite energy source!

boom! boom! boom!

Then the air was stepped out by Clark, and a series of strong sonic booms burst out!

In an instant the second robot was destroyed!

Follow the last third one!

" strong."

After green flames exploded in mid-air, Louise ran away and happened to encounter the magical girl Cassandra flying with the Hermes Feather Boots, and was taken to find Clark.

Then Clark suddenly disappeared, and then in an instant, three Clark figures appeared at the same time, grabbing the green energy source on his chest.

"Clark! Are you okay!?"

Seeing Clark kneeling on one knee, breathing heavily, Louise wanted to run over, but was grabbed by the magical girl. She didn't know why, but she still asked Clark loudly if he was okay.

"Clark, come here quickly, it's going to explode again!"

"Soul bomb!"

The magical girl reminded.

Clark yelled angrily!

But there was indeed something wrong with the robot. The green light that went out in its eyes turned on again and suddenly flew towards Louise and the magical girl!

Hearing the magical girl say that he would explode again, Clark ignored the sore muscles all over his body and took a deep breath again, his muscles all over his body bulged!

"Clark, get together!"

Clark's figure disappeared again, and the magical girl also shouted!

Both of them have been trained strictly by Diana, and they have a tacit understanding of fighting. Clark once again burst out with extreme power, trapped the three robots together, and lassoed them with the mantra!

In the blink of an eye, the robot was already flying high with the combined efforts of Clark and Wonder Girl!

Boom boom boom!


When Clark rushed in front of Louise, his legs were already a little weak, but he was still firm. He used his slightly green but already extremely solid steel body to block Louise from the debris when the robot exploded.

"Clark! Are you okay!"

"'s okay."

"……That's good!"

Louise had Clark's sweat dripping on her face and smelled the strong male scent that made her a little intoxicated. Her face couldn't help but turn red, but she still shouted with concern.

There is no way, Louise is an ordinary person, but also has a sonic boom, an explosion, and tinnitus.

"Cassandra, you are with my sister, right? Are you both okay?"

"It's okay, we are in the commercial street, so Vera took action immediately." The magical girl said, with a slightly unnatural look on her face. She was amazed, but also slightly annoyed and embarrassed. She was also reminded of Vera's magical ability. Vera's hateful attitude during the challenge.

"Huh... let's go check on the others quickly. The signal here is blocked." Clark used the method that Aaron taught him, a simple physical limit explosion method. It consumed too much for a while, and he just mixed it up. breathe.

"No, it's okay. I took it to the stronghold. Let's go there too."

"Sister! That's great."

Vera appeared suddenly, still looking calm.

Clark finally breathed a sigh of relief and truly relaxed.

The four people disappeared suddenly.

For a long time, there was no customary late siren, but the sound of helicopter propellers, coming from far to near.

The young man got off the helicopter, biting his fingernails, and his shiny bald head still shone brightly even under the streetlight and moonlight.

"Interesting, it's so interesting... hum, hum, hum..."

The bald head looked three parts interested, three parts eager, three parts angry, and had an indescribable look mixed together.

Distorted laughter.

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